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The men who will put the MOUNT GREAT The Germans boast that Some currency has been giAllied armies back the their line of defense for the ven to the opinion that there The has attracted beaches of the Continentare OFFENSIVE impregnable Fortress of Eu is a profound difference bet recruits from all parts of ihe the Naval Commandos. They rope is now 125 miles longer ween the German and Halian world, but few have been have been training for months The Royal Air Force to day than the Great Wall of Chima. varieties of fascism. in hat. more enthusiastic in their at sea and shore to land their has been built up into the If this propaganda could he Italian fascism is milder, even work than the pilots from cargoes of armed men in a few greatest single fighting air accepted at its face value it humane, less at variance with Sierra Leone. Among the first seconds, on shores where any service in existence la wouid betray a curiously 3! 1b the general Christian culture men from Sierra Leone to be such attempt would have been lanced Air Force capable of dued mentality in the conquejor Europe. Differences there accepted for flying duties in deemed impossible two years sure defence and shattering at rors of the Maginot Line. Per certainly are, but not this one. the Royal Air Force ago.
tack, haps it helps to lift the flag The Germans are past mas: Leading Aircraftsmen Ben DaThey serve in landing craft year ago the Prime Mi ging spirit of the German peo ters both as organising their vies and Johnson, both ranging in size from lumber nister announced that we had ple. More probably it is inten own massacres, and at incit counted upon to know that the ing tank carriers down to fine reached air parity with Ger ed to produce the same effect ing others to do their dirty of whom recently began their fast boats which will dart to inany. We have been drawing as the firecrakers set off by work for them. The Italians, training in Britain. Cadet Da shore like arrows to rush in ahead of the enemy produc ancient Chinese armies to scare on the other hand, are noted vies was educated at Prince fantry into battle.
tion figures and steadily win the enemy. Certainly the Ger for their lack of system, which of Wales School at Freetown, On a quayside in Britain.
ning for ourselves a position man General Staff can he gives their attemp to dena and later became an appren seamen can be seen wearing of numerical air superiority in counted upon to know that the tionalise the population in Yal tice to Government Broad the Combined Operations shoul quality, right from the Batie only line of defense which can goslavia an almost idiot qua casting Station. He travelled der flash of eagle, anchor, and of Britain days, the F. hope to halt an invasion is lity of cruelty. Theirs is a from his home in Freetown to tommy gun, putting finishing have always maintained the line of German soldiers cruelty of nervousness, rather become a Wireless Mechanicouches to guns, oiling win, lead mustered to meet the shoek. than a calculated cruelty, like in the So skilled has ches, and testing gear, and In September the output of No Chinese Wall illusion can that of the Germans, he proved in his work that he stokers adjusting their en weight of aircraft rose by 18 save Germany. Too many na But it is cruelty just the has been recommended for an gies, like mechanics fussing per cent. over the August tions in this war have suc same. They are not gentle advanced course in the Ser over their cars before he gures. That ment, as Mr. Her cumbed to similar illusions In rulers.
vice. After completing his Ini start of a peace time Grand hert Morrison, Home Secreta large measure France fell be There is an additional agotial Training Wing successful Prix race.
wy, stated in his recent Car! cause of her Maginot Line il ny for Yugoslavs, in the Italy and after flying in actual Nearly all the officers in diff speech, that nearly six lusion. The Mannerheim Line lian oppression. The Italians comba: duty, he was reclassi these craft belong to the Royal tons of aircraft were producillusion betrayed Finlani. are Catholics, endeavouring to fied as air bomber under Naval Volunteer Reserve. They ed in September for every five, England realized the emptiness crush whole Catholic districts training. His duties are to act feel they are founding a new tons forthcoming in August. of her long cherished Channel. part of Slovenia, part of as the pilot assistant, bomb. branch of the service, which, And the figures for both illusion when the Luftwaife Croatia, Dalmatia.
map read and operate a gun. when she war ends, they will months were higher than any began dropping bombs on Ion For the devout Catholics oj be able to hand over to reguachieved since war begali.
don. fleet of German boals these districts, the senseless These from Siecralar officers, with its own techFighter Command in Great thoroughly smashed our own persecutions, reprisals, and Leone have proved to be fine nique worked out. Beaching is Britain is now many times as Atlantic Ocean illusion. The bloody massacres of innocent airmen. After going through a skilled art and must be powerful as it was in 1910. Germans themselves have lost persons, perpetrated by fellow extensive intelligence and me learned. If it is not properly thousaud aircraft sorties some illusions since the Rus Catholics, must the dical tests, they enlisted 18 carried out, the ships will be were sent out over Dieppe, sians overran their invincibie break up of their entire spi pilots under training At dif come mere stranded wrecks fighter sweeps 500 strong 1034 hedgehog positions and the ritual world, and a shattering ferent stages of their training, Many of these officers have cver France British turned the Mareth of their most closely held be they were sent to Scotland, the already seen action, although Line in Tunisia. Any German liefs.
Midlands and South Fighter Command is in the East not all in landing craft. Sevan. Its equipment is still general who stills places liis This summer, in a le. England veral have been in the light faith in fortifications is the world best. By day the to the Papal Secreiacoastal forces which raid enelatest version of the Spitfire for retirement ry, which in authenticated my convoys on the Dutch sind reigns supreme. By night the In all history no fortress has form has only just reached us, BRITAIN PREPARES Beligan coasts. Most of the deadly Beaufighter not only ever been stronger than ils the Bishop of the Dalmatian ratings have volunteered for waits for the enemy bumisers aefending army. No ar Island of Krk3, Monsignor INVASION this service.
my was able to defend but goes out and destroys length of the Chinese Wailed in the name of Catholicism the Srebrenitch, solemnly protestthem.
In addition to the numerous one of the most stupendously against the un Christian acts SAYINGS TREMENDOUS STRIKING useless structures ever che FORCE erect of the Italian occupation au landing barges used by Bomber Command, has the ed. No army would be able to thorities, and gave a long and Allied armies in the invasion man a wall 125 miles longe disgusting list acts of vi of Sicily, thousands of simiar Let us brace and prepare most powerful striking force at its command that exists in not exist. The Germans have lians.
provided it existed. It does lence against innocent civi craft, many of a new and ourselves for the days which highly secret type, stand rea lie ahead. Victory will bring us the world to day. Hundreds of built a system of defenses The Italian authorities ter dy in United Kingdom ports even greater world great four motor bombers, Stir!
respon ings, Halifaxes and Lancasters along their exposed coasts, in rorise by wholesale intern facing the continent, awaiting sibilities and we must not be genously disposed thunder from the coasts a found unequal to a task in the linked ments, and then, for those who their opportunity to effect of England after dark bearing it is not contiuous except for rent their rage to interior strong points. But take to the forests to escape, similar operation, but on much discharge of which we shall many tons of the world big the waters which the Allies people who remain. Instead point. The troops with on the old huger scale, at some other draw on the storehouse of our their experience and tradition.
gest bombs to Germany.
control. It can be breached in lof seeking out those full war equipment are Nor is this all. In the responcon His Majesty The King.
de many places and may besible in the forest. they turn centrated in the neighborhood The Prime Minister place Haviland Mosquito day bomb breached in many places at against the innocent citizens of their embarkation port, and in history is secure. So long ber ever built and one of the Steel, concrete and fire are net of Krk.
left behind, writes the Bishop recent manoeuvres in Eng, as men speak of courage, in land have shown that the 55 dark days, they will speak of fastest aeroplanes in the world pleasant to face and no doubt The Krk, appeal men with their gear in each him. And as long as our Eng.
in any categorí. Their speed, the loss of life among the in ing to the Pope to intervene, barge can be landed in suine lish speech is on the lips of combined with long range and vaders will be But a formidable bomb load makes tes: The German Nazis al nine seconds, whilst the tank. men, his words will be spok the Mosquito probably the will decide where and under profess pagan and materialistic ger period for unloading he.
will have the initiative. They so commit such acts, but they carrying craf: require no 19. en. Sir Norman Birkett, most useful tactical aircraft what conditions the Axis must ideas, whereas both the Ita whole landing operation is pro Victory tests the moral ever built fight. The only dependable de lian people and army is accom tected by escorting ships, quality of a natior very search of the Aslantic and from Ice German Army.
Operating from both sides fense the Axis will have is nepanied everywhere by a large amongst which are battie. ingly. Then, as now, there land, Coastal Command of the number of Catholic priests and launches able to approach clese must be no relaxation. We inshore with a is keeping a constant fire power shall have vast responsibilities In India, in Ceylan and in military chaplains and this is patrol over convoys the whole dozens of outlying stations che a most serious circunstance, equal to that of a medium des and obligations. We shall need way across. Its toll of enemy world over the new and great which is persuading the destroyer. Smoke screens are cast resoluteness and self discipthat perate Croatian people to cover the troops whilst they line if we are to meet them.
submarines rises steadily. The ly expanded Royal Air Force the Holy Father permits all gain their first bridge heads The Archbishop of Canterbury.
air escort is the thing which is playing its part. boat Let us determine now that commanders dread the above and similar bruta on shore. These expeditionary Since war began the Royal the in the new world after the most. More than fifty million Air Force has shot down in lities, and has neither the will forces are organised on miles has been flown by Coas combat more than ten thounor the power to prevent same plan as the commandos, war our colonial empire will tal Comand since war degan sand the thousands of men concern have a place of which we can condemn them.
enemy aircraft, and ed in the operations working be proud, and that the 60 OVERSEA TRIUMPHS damaged thousands more. The be hard. Yet in the single et together in compact groups. millions people for whom we Oversea the is no RAF has its ail up, the RAF tonomous Air Force we have the barge crews themselves are responsible will share with less active. in fact eighty per is offensively minded Side, by a weapon whose edge is sha are also trained to take part us the peace and prosperity cent of total British armament side with its Allies it is sweep per, more deadly than it ever in the land fighting, after their which will be our goal production is sent out of this ing forward on the long flight was. And it is aimed at the job of navigation has been Mr. Oliver Stanley. Secretary island these days.
to victory. The task may still heart of the enemy.
completed for the Colonies.
riveter, Once.
OL Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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