
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE THE APPEAL ON BEHALF OF MEN OF ROYAL NAVY AND MERCHANT MARINE sea When a friend is carried to his grave, we at once find excuses fir every weakness and palliations for every fault; we recollect a thousand endearments which hitherto glided off our minds without impression as also a Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 thousand favours unrepaid, numercus duties unperfor AR VIN med, and wish, vainly wish, for his return; not so much LIMON, JULY 24th 1943 NO 383 that we may receive as that we may bestow happ ness and reward that kindness which we once never unders: tood.
ONDITIONS ON THE FIGHTING FRONTS ROME HAS BEEN each day passes, the In the central zone, they BOMBED a of the enemy forces have broken through the different war zones principal Nazi defences in Neither the me more and more pre the exterior of Orel, after governing arious.
cutting all the railway lines authorities nor the public The larger and more impor lead ng from the locality. of Italy seem to have serio: The development of the present age has provided ant part of the Island of Si The Soviets have also made ously regarded the joint ulthe means whereby world wide happenings are y dly Lily has fallen under the advances in the Bel gorod timatum addressed to them brought before our eyes, rendering us, at times, impulsicontrol of the Allied Com sector, where the Nazis we by President Roosevelt and ve, as we gaze on the pictoral views. Among the graspmand. The capture of the re forced to abandon the Premier Churchill, in which sland capital, Palermo, chief lines of defence. The they were advised that they ing scenes, we note the life of the mariner who faces the storms, the tempestuous billows and the monsters of the said to be imminent. offensive in the South has held their destiny in their eep perils which are today greatly increased by the The capture of the impor also been extended and it is own hands, as the only way activities of the enemy under water craft.
20h cant position of Enna so thought the Russians plan of saving their country and The men of the Royal Navy and Merchant Marilisorganized the enemy to reach the of themselves from the mighty ne are combatting these dangers in order to carry out system of defence in the zóv and completely sur striking forces of the Uni the duties demanded of them and to maintain free comenter of the Island that round the German forces lo ted Nations was by getting munications with the various territories of the United heir forces were compelled cated in the Donetz and rid of Mussolini and his Nations for the supplying of the essentials of the war and o flee toward Messina. Caucasian regions.
chief henchmen. As con the feeding of their peoples.
The Germans are said to Deu to the effectiveness sequence of this attitude, The plea for an overwhelming financial support have concentrated their ac of the 10 Allied aero naval! the long delayed aerial ativities in the Catania sec blockade, it to King George Fund for the sailors of the Navy and is tack on Rome, the Eterna!
expected Merchant Marine of the British Commonwealth of Naor, where they still offer that only a very small part City, was effected in plain tions is most deserving. In fact, those who truly apprecia tubborn resistance to the of the enemy troops with daylight, last Monday the te freedom justice and civilization cannot fail to realize forces of General Montgome be able to evacuate Sicily, 19th. instant, during a spa the indomitable courage of the men for whom the Fund fy. In other sectors the Ita. while advices from Rome ce of two and a half hours.
has been promulgated. The Fund merits the fullest supliars are reported surren declare that the Italian The attack was conduc port, not only of Britishers, but of every anti: totalitarian lering en masse, while ma ports having been so badly ted by squadrons of bom who is cognizant of the fact that all those terrors which ing a general retirement. damaged by the aerial at bers of the Mediterranean The Russians have an ali tacks there is hardly Command. Numerous objec: Nazidom has employed against other free peoples are alany so designed for us. We have every reason to believe it ied their big offensive on possibility of re inforce tives of great military impor is not the distance which separates our Continent from our fronts, and the figh ments being sent to main tance including factories, Europe that has freed us from greater perils than the ng is said to have assumed tain the defence in Sicily. railway stations, concentra: torpedoing of a single ship, but the daring Sea Powere in tion camps and other edifiintensity unparalleled later advice reports the cap of the Britons and their Allies. It should not be forgothroughout the period of ture of Palermo by the Al ces were heavily damaged.
It has been officially stated ten that the real aim of the Axis Combine is world do war.
lied troops.
that the pilots in charge of mination, to obtain which the control of the seas is neethe attack had been special ded and this they have not been able to wrench from Ту instructed to abstain our Navy and Merchant Marine.
JOSEFINA DRESSMAKING PARLOUR from effecting any damaga We urge a wholehearted support to King George to the Papal State or reliFund for the sailors of the Royal Navy and Merchant LIMON gious or cultural Mar ne. As mentioned in the memorandum of the monu ments; unfortunately Charge Affaires published in our last Saturday issue a Beside the Universal Barber Shop bomb exploded some three donations can be sent direct to the British Legation in (J. BROTHERTON)
hundred yards off the fa San José. We believe the Consulate in this city will, for Ladies Dresses, Children Dresses and other med Bacilica of San Juan convenience, be willing to accept contributions for remiNovelties made according to The Latest Styles. de Letran and produced settance to the Capital.
rious damage to the edilice, which appertains to the Va tican.
ABACA PLANTINGS TO BE LARGELY An officical report from EXTENDED Rome places the victims at VENTA DE MERCADERIAS 717 persons killed and.
We are in tre receipt of will necessitate the employ 660 injured.
he information that the Cos ment of an aditionai number DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR With a view of saving Ro Rica Banana Company ha of workers and place me from further bombings, Apartado 362 e decided to extend their appreciable amount of cach the information has been baca plantations The new in regular circulation to the released that His Holiness LIMON lantings will, it is stated, benefit of the entire comthe Pope has solicited the over an erea almost as ex munity; while the establishremoval of all instalations ansive as that now under ment of the Industry on so of military value so the ca ITALIANS PLEAD FOR PEACE ultivation.
vast a scale must eventually pital can be declared an This is certainly grati provide a splendid aid to By way of Madrid we have out the country in an effort open city.
ying, as the extra activities our economic resuscitation, the information that the Ita si secure Peace. One of the Meantime, the Governor lian public have been hold largest demonstrations took The vote of the people is the law of the land of the City has arranged to ing a series of meetings in place in the Plaza de Venecia the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service, give effective assistance to the principal cities through when the Fascists ieaders we West of the city Market, all who wish to leave.
re asked to initiate the question of Peace and also that Robe be declared an open ci IN THE PACIFIC WAR ZONE fy.
Melbourne reports the North American troops Aadress all your EngPara todos sus trabajos Allied air units effected the repelled an enemy counter Rather significanily, we no ineering Requirements ro de Ingeniería dirijase a most devastating attack of attack in the vicinity of Mun te the report that Musso ini, the war in the southwest da and inflicting serious los having suffered a serious Pacific on Wednesday last, ses.
break down of his health, his BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 when they discharged 133 Three hundred Japs we medicos have ordered his re SAN JOSE tons of explosives over Jare killed in an attack they tirement to a place of rest or Charges Reasonable. Precios Módions Danese positions in New initiated south west of Sa else they fear the gravest re Georgia.
lamaua, New Guinea sults.
BROWNE ABRAHAMS an. and NOTICE R. ROIG Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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