
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JULY 24th. 1943 re per we INIUS PERSONAL we think 01 WATER FACTORY THE PASSING OF ANOTHER OLD RESIDENT IN TOND AND LOVING MEMORY The news of the almost told, the United Fruit Com COSTA RICA SODA sudden death of Mr. John pany in many responsible of or dear beloved Husband and Father Barley, another citizen of positions, and was held in ALEXANDER GOULBOURNE pioneering status, who had high esteem by his princi Fábrica de Hielo y earned great esteem, was pals. The burial of his who departed this life on July 241h. 1913 rather alarming, and gave mains was effected the day Dear is the grave where our husband and father lies; Refrescos that Swet is the memory which never fade; sions from all sides. The after Blossoms may wither leaves fade and die; Lynch had Major If others forget him, never will we.
Limón end of his earthly career formed the funeral ceremoWe often sit and think of him and hope took place last Sunday ny in the Hall of the Salva: We ll meet in that sweet Bye and Bye FLORIDA ICE AND night, the 18th. instant, af tion Army. The number of ter a very brief illness. mourners and sympathizers WIDOW, SON AND OTHER RELATIVES FARM Mr. Barley was a nati who attended was very reve of Duncans in the parish presentative.
LA FLORIS of Rrelawny, Jamaica, and The deceased is survived had resided in this Republic by his widow, ten sons and DRESSMAKER AND MILLINER MADERAS for a very long number of daughters, ten grandchilTHE 1943 NEW CREATION. SPECIALIZES FABRICA DE HIELO years. He served, are dren and other relatives. IN NEATNESS mong his sons is Mr. Ernest MERITERADE Barley of the Merchandize Keeping abreast the latest models and up to date me Department of the Costa Ri thods of fittings for Ladies and Children. Minute at tention also given the making of Men Shirts and HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA Banana Company and other wears.
LIMON CITY Musical Fame. We extend bereaved to all the PRĪCES TO MEET THE SITUATIEN Special Attention and Price for Families.
ones our profound cordolen (Near Cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson)
Cool Comfortable Rooms with Bath Miss Vinetta Gordon Jamaica Town THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
ce. May the soul of the deCANTINE WELL ASSORTED parted citizen rest in Peace, HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION RALLY ON OUSTANDING PERSONAGES OF ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor JAMAICA the Quite an oration of history view of the careers of JEHOVAH WIT.
By last Tuesday: regular is said to be in the making in owners in educational, politi Viene de sa Pág. DIEZ) enthusiasm in so much that passenger train cur Rally cal, re igious and other sphe very connection with the Acts 12 12 17. These are the dur Spanish brethren want Wright. left us for the Capi ge in their city Church good citizen Mrs. Jessie the Methodists propose to sta res. The representatives havė, all impe. ling forces that gets to call off one of these Call tal where she proposes, on we are told, a ready started Jehovah Witnessez brings. To Action Assemblies the evening of Tuesday the the campaign and a lively pa preaching from door to door. inèdiately. Just im understand, to spend her 3rd. August proximo, based ca has been set. Is is hoped Prov. 27:11.
their satistaction, their joy. room. We wish her a very personalities we learn that the ones.
short vacation from the school on some of the outstanding the name of Marcus Garvey 27:11.
the Island will be chosen In fulfillment of Do you know that Rev.
three pleasant time.
Chap. 9, these symbols haSpanish brethren, separately names selected are self evil We wish the entertainment We now come to reality, like) specially implored our assis dent of a thrilling contest, inl will be a complete success.
Locost, Joel 1:4 5, destroying tance in many different pla the traditions of men reli ces in the interior? The fields Our popular Miss Naomi gion by the sword of Don say you need a hair cut. say you need a Di.
the are ripe. Laborers are few. Taylor o fthe Railway Compa xon Hair c:ut, from Dixon Barber Shop West of the Spirit Christianity the Let every Comčany set asi: ny local Telephone Exchande ati evening for special ge has also gone to the incity Market.
testimony of Jesus Christ Kingdom of thanks unto the Lord for His terior for a brief rest and a theit in the night it has guidance, help and mercies. change. She is expected back CAFE HOLNESS Come 29 years ago.
Did religion look insignifi tomorrow. We hope she has Coruer 2nd Avenue ard 7th Street can believe our report? Psa. cant at the presence of the a satisfying trip.
directly in front the Football Ground 2:1 Isa. 53:1 Christian Brethren? Yes, reli Let every home in these gion is a fraud built on the This New Eating and Refreshing Spot places take note of our latest tradition of men. ChristianiYea, rejoice before God.
thrilling message: Fighting ty is the is now at the Public Service truth of God For Liberty On The Home, word as expounded by Jelet them rejoice before God Home COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD Front. and a bound book en sus. Gal.
Yea let them exceedingly 1:19 14, Math.
AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREti tled The New World. Get 15:1 The clash of these rejoice. Psa. 68:1 ME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
it and heed it we beseech you two great forces is on.
Recount the joys and the dear friends. Let God arise, let His ene blessings of the Call T8 Action Assembly of Jeho Tram Lines and on fot. Sa ches. The Most High poured Let brethren everywhere in this iland be couraged mies be scattered. Let them) vah Witnesses which greaturday the 19th our locality us out good things and sothar when it was considered that bore Him. As smöte is dri tły satisfied their anticipa.
rance, By local train, by spe ne was reserved for the last our Assembly was a mixed ven away so drive them tion, staged for June 19, 20 y cial coach they overflowed, Now from tankful heartre 21. Folks begin to arrive group, Black and White; lan away. As wax melteth befo from the 17th, taking their packing out transportation can say, God has comforted guages Spanish and English re the fue só let the wick facitities to Siquirres. Sun His people and thanks be to hop fro the fartaest and our intermittant talk or end ed perish before the presen of the country. On the 18th day 20th; ibrong reaches abo God who give us the victory topic in both languages. ter ce of the Lord. But let the Saour Lord and other arrivals froin every si ve 350. Manifold were he bles throug Christ.
minating with such joy and righteous be glad, let them sings received from the infor, viour de; Main Line; Branch Line; mation contained the spee And now to our Goodwil friends of Siquirres who whe Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota d! dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark ot the bock re so kind as to lodge our de su recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: brethren, please accept not Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro Thin hill must be paid at our office before only our many thanks but de los primeros 10 días de cada mes the 10th of the month nal regards.
add to it cur warmest perso this be rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, u step which de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
To the editor of this publi cation we also render much thanks for space.
among the Who a me not COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON JEHOVAH WITNESSES Siquirres, Costa Rica.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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