
SATURDAY, JULY 24th. 1943LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE PLAN PARA EL SORTEO EXTRAORDINARIOWED AT GERMANIA DEL DE AGOSTO DE 1943 VALOR EN PREMIOS: 491. 480. 00 COLONES Clarke was joined in wed NEW HARLEM 99 79 Inauguration of Women Life Problem Club MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER ECONOMY. Everything in maSHOP On the evening of Satur chinery made or repaired, from day the 17th, instant the a in to a Crane. See us. We Located in front former Emisión de 26. 000 billetes numerados del 1001 al 27. 000 Baptist Church at Germania carry an assortment of Beds, a razón de 30. 00 cada uno, divididos en vigésimos Motive Power Club in 3rd.
a 50 el vigésimo was graced with an attracti Springs and other useful things Avenue is the new parlour of at all times. Building No. 89 ve and impressive scene, the only Oriental Barber Shop North Fifth Avenue. in this city. All sanitary when Miss Agatha Louise THOMPSON, Proprietor.
arrangements. Barber with BAR AND years of practice in all classes lock to Mr. Thomas Theodo RESTAURANT. The Best drinks of the Hair Cutting Art. trial premio mayor de 150. 000. 00 150. 000. 00 re Thompson in the presen prepared by Crawford and will convince the most 40. 000. 00 40. 000. 00 fastidious.
Grant, Genuine native and for20 1000. 00 ce of an appreciable con 20. 000. 00 eign liquor stocked Our CusiLIONEL MONDOLL 20 300. 00.
10. 000. 00 pany. At the left of the Bri ne service the most up to date.
100 200. 00.
20. 000. 00 de was Mrs. Frank Tully CRAWFORD AND GRANT, 108 100. 00 10. 800. 00 and at the right of the Proprietors.
CABINET AND UNDERTAK 10 Aproximaciones al primer premio (5 anteING SHOP. Specializes in mala riores y posteriores) de C400. 00 cada una 000. 00 Groom, Mr. Joseph Fran cis, the Deacon of the THE RESETTER WITH IM bg and repairing furniture and 10 Aproximaciones al segundo premio (5 antePROVEMENTS. clean up to every other branch of woodriores y posteriores de 200 cada una 000. 00 Church. With marked SO tate Barber Parlour Centrally work. Coffins always stocked.
90 Aproximaciones por las tres primeras cilemnity, the Rev. For located on Commerce Avenue See us before going elsewhere.
fras del 19 premio de 60. 00 cada una. 940. 00. de, Pastor of the Church, almost opposite Teatro Arras Pricus moderate. 4th. Street, 999 Aproximaciones por las dos primeras cifras to ty. Pleasant, reliab. e courteous Antrance Gamez administered the matrimo Pervice. THOMAS PARCHMENT Yard.
Lumber del segundo premio de 60, 00 cada una. 59. 940. 00 SYDNEY BECKFORD, nial Rite.
25 Terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del Isair Specialist.
premio mayor de 200. 00 cada una. 000. 00 The Bride, who is known, 234 Terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del generally, as Miss Gatha, to the Church at Germauia Thompson all that li premio mayor de 100. 00 cada una. 23. 400. 00 is very much loved by both and prove a blessing to the fe can hold of happiness, su 2340 Terminaciones a la última cifra del premio the young and old of Germa community. On behalf of ccess and pleasure.
mayor de 60. 00 cada una.
140. 400. 00 nia and the nearby distriets all, we wish Mr. and Mrs. Germania Newsman 3967 premios Valor 491. 480. 00 a just recognition of her winsome ways and friendly GAMEZ LUMBER YARD disposition in addition 4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops her willingness to always Apparently, the founders them to maintain as the ba.
lend a helping hand whene of the Women Life Pro sis from which all the hig FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE yer and wherever needed. blem Club belong to that her powers of character Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to With respect to as fraternity of thinkers who and service must proceed, GAMEZ LUMBER YARD we so amicably call him, believe in the significance and that intimate connec we believe that not only in of a NAME. as we have tion between the women of 11 We never have a dissatisfied Customer this distrist, but almost learned, through the me the Club and the Church, PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET throughout the Atlantic Zodium of the preamble of and outside as well, must ne he is known and estee the Association, at its ad be resolved to be of the as ITALY SEAT OF GOVT: TRANSFERRED med, both for his distineti vent in the St. Mark spiring mind to embrace the ve qualities in the Sartorial Church on the afternoon of work of Christ. The social TO VERONA art and his splendid charac Wednesday of the week in features of the Inauguration ter. We are sure that when course. Believing in the sanc were charmingly observed Advices coming by way, ferred to the city of Vero the glad news of his marriatification of all human en during the later evening of Berne state that thena, located a short distance ge, through the medium of deavours; submissively, the hours in the Hall of the Pa seat of the government of from the Alps.
this Journal, reaches his members of the Club effec rish. The appetizingly pre Italy is aboat to be trans The fear of an Allied in brethren the Mechannics ted their supplications to pared banquet table occuvasion in the south of Ita the Grand United Odd. Fel Ged for His Blessing, Guida pied a central position and ly has so increased in conselows, the Bethlehemites nce and Wisdom through setted with toothsome dain English Tweeds Sergs, quence of the imminent of and Free Cardeners, they the priestly office of the ties and refreshing bevera can still be har at saster in Sici y that the Ger will hai) him and his Bride Roverand Evans, ges for its decoration.
Reasonable Prices at mans are reported to be fe with great rejoicing. Rector of the Church. The Mrs. Daysley befittingly JACK ORANE Sucs. verishly constructing addiWe hope and trust that soul. stirring service began delivered the opening oraTHE PEOPLE HOUSE tional lines of defence a his marriage will the with the singing of the illustion and in turn introduced, Limon cross the north of Italy.
be the means of affording trious hymn Children of Mr. Jos. Thomas to pre him that right hand brace the heavenly King. The side over the festival. The scripture lesson, read by other specially invited mathe Rector, was taken from le guests were Messrs. Wm the Epistle, of Paul, the AMc Creath, James and Ja postle, to the Ephesians, mes Messam. The entenain treating upon the installa ing items were highly inteltion of the complete armour lectual Those who contribu of a Christian and a Com Ited were the gentleman alir PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR mendation to be strong in eady named and Mr Jos.
the Lord and in the power Brotherton, treasurer of of His might. The Rector the Club, Mesdames Ruth solemnly administered the Evans. Clara Lawrenceceremony of Installation on Teresa Henry. Matilda Mrs. Adassa Daysley, Presi Wade, Emilia Cranstan, dent Mrs. Maryan Brot Ruth Escoe, Maryan Brotherton, Vice President. herton, Messnam (song. Miss Margaret Dawkins, Se Leticia Gray (reading. Dia cretary Miss Edith Blake, na Gayle, Doris Gray, song, Chaplain and Miss Rachael Heron (address and Barnes, Tyler. Then follo song) Hilda Davis, Miss wed the acceptance, at the Margaret Dawkins and Hiss altar, of the general mem Edith Blake (song. Mrs.
bership of the club in Chris Daysley also rendered tian fellowship, and under song. The happy event ter REMEMBER the banner of the Church. minated at ten o clock, and The discourse of the Reve undoubtedly all the partici rend Father Evans was ef pants took home with them WE PAY THE BEST PRICES fected on the principles of the rich fragrance of the the Club and the effort celebration.
which it is necessary for Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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