
bible study and healed. st. cussion. John 3:1 21. Again called forth even greater in whitendoubteu baste Ferdi Me Ral and others associaCAMPO PAGADO washing His hands in reliSEEKS JIAND OF LADY IN MARRIAGE there religion, not compromising because RESPECTABLE, HEALTHY, WEALTHY, He was a guest. He was the CHRISTIAN WIDOWER re primarily as a witness to PAST BUT NOT FORGOTTEN the kingdom and He tried wishes to marry a Lady: one who must be a devoted to help the household, rather Christian and intelligent, be eable to take personal care of the domestic duties of her home and do sewBurning in the hearts of reputation. Math. 9:10 13. than induge in meat. Luke ing for herself and such men wear as may be con all servants and fighters fo These service records are for 11:37 54. Luke 10 38 42. At sistent for her to make. Her age is to be within thirty the New World is the memo our example.
Bethany, Martha received Je five and forty five years. One with little means ry and inspiration of the Repeatedly the report is to sus into her house; her sister preferred.
joyous Kingdom activity of the effect that He went in Mary also whó humbly recei Please communicate to Eastwood our past Assembly. Over 350 to a house and crowds assem ved Jesu words realized the Farm, Cuba, Zent Line brethren and friends assembl bled and He gave them King real importance of Jesus vi ed, the which has never dom testimony. Mark 3:19 20. sit and became more interes been before in this place. Jesus was also visited by ted than Martha who asked Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the Behold; View the rising ti blind men at a home. Math. for Mary assistance in get pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon de; Be thrilled; Visualize, if 9:28. At various homes He ting meals ready for Him. Je. West of the city Market, not present 200 brethren tak instructed His disciples priva sus told Martha (Note the ing part in the house to hou tely with fuller information importance of these remarks RIVERSIDE ORCHESTRA SPREADS JOY se witness, bearing testimo concerning things already today. Martha, Martha, ny to the Theocratic King preached to others. Jesus thou art careful and troubled Tuning in for the Inaugur, Hall (Blue. the Crooner.
dom as the only hope of man did not keep to these apos about many things, but oneral Dance, which presented these merry Boys played kind, surpassing any pre tles only or in any little pri thing is needful and Mary the personnel of the Eagle with marked harmony. The vious assen bly of the Lord vate circle. He departed then, has chosen that good part Aces Friendly Club to our scene was colourful and people in Costa Rica. Look: ce for more field actovity.
which shall not be taken, sporting fraternity in the the merriment was enhancr Watch these human creatures Math: 13 36:58 Mark 7:17. away from her. Luke 10:38 St. Mark Parish Hall, lasted when the popular Mu by God grace and command 28. 10 10.
42. At another home Jesus Saturday night, the Riversi no trumpeter arrived aud following Jesus in action, One night at a house He was anointed with costly cont de Orehestra dispersed augmented the previously going from house to house, ment, head and feet. John much joy. The combination named musicians.
was quietly visited under co 12:1 9, Math 26:6 13.
Jesus, going into the house ver of darkness by a Phara consists of Mr. Ernest Bar Every freature of the ce.
of Simon and Andrew wit Ja see ramed Nicodemus with ley, Zaccheus deep interest in saxophonist; Asie lebration was 1, and mes and John a to ke Trumpeter. Brown, first Trumpeter; Mi Messrs. George Babb, Mark 1:29 34. Math. 8:14. Lu by a Gentile woman (Syro terest from Him (Jesus)
ge 4:83 Going to another pri Phoenician. Jesus healed her which was expressed by no Brown (Longford. and ted with the Club, marit vate home to preach on a daughter. Math.
Sinclair, 15:21 28. tifying Zaccheus that guitarists; the following.
He week day, people gathered Mark 7:24 would be with Him at his ho Gumbs, Drummer, and There are men who Time but mellows as it ever onward goes; and there resulted a neigh He accepts an invitation, me later for bible instrucborhood There are hearts that carry fragrance as the fragrance of the rose; meeting Thick contacted a sinner woman tions. Let us be sure to pass crowds caused the opening of who wept and wiped There are greetings that are warmer for the showy, frosted head; His no one especially showing in There are memories we shall treasure even till memory has fled; a hole in the top of the hou feet with her hair. Luke terest in a way you do not se to let a sick, paralized 7:34 50. At another home He expect (peculiar. There are those who are like sunbeams as they go their daily round man down. This happens so uses a little child, illustrat They are worthy of remembrance, for but seldom are they foun Specially notice at this ti metimes to Jehoavh Witne ing a speech to His disciples. me the parable of the pounds So we write this tributo in humility as those who love their sses; crowds gather to hear Math. 18:1 10. Mark. 9:33 37. or Kingdom interests was gi (owm them. Mat. 7. Mark At another Pharasee home ven. Luke 19:1 10 Jesus sends Math. 10:1 14. Luke 9:4. Lu Paul in house to 2:1 Jesus did not pass by to which he was a guest at His disciples to homes and ci hc ke 10: 8.
fiell action for service sa the houses of those of poor meal He was criticized for not ties preaching the Kingdom. Be ye imitators of me e as am of Christ. 10 11:1 Thes: Acts: 20:20 21. Acts: 2:46.
5:42. Thus the evidence direct and circumstan proves that the house to se and back call method instructing the commor ple in the gospel o fthe IN LIMON dom is the Christike God ordained way for KEROSENE bot. C0. 50 STARCH.
1b. 50 who desire to serve and Undiluted, free burning White as snow Why pay as high as 60 ship God in spirit and per pound elsewhere.
truth today. John 23 24.
ISLAND PALM SOAP 60 Sold elsewhere as high as 00 BLACK BEANS. lb. 40 Guaranteed soft and fresh Jesus recognized and esta.
TOILET PAPER roll 80 Why pay 0. 45 and 50 elsewhere.
blished ehte right of His faith Not rationed. any amount you wantSAPOLIO 00 ful imitators to approach high quality Why pay 25 elsewhere. the doort of the people fith W3 EXE out any license from any SWEET OIL.
worldly authorities and with. lb. 50 Will not give you a sick stomach like many Only 115 pounds left other cheap oils.
out any previous invitation from the householders and WIRE SPONGES. 25 CORN STARCH.
pk. 20 to knock at the door to cal: Keep pots and pans clean at low cost Why pay. 25 for stale starch elsewhere those inside to hear the King dom message. Rey: 3:20. Je POLIFLOR WAX tin. 4. 50 KLIM NIDO sus showed that it is up to The best for the floor and furniture.
POWDERED MILK. tin. 25 the householder to accept or Well known products at low prices not. If he acceuts, he sups a We offer you not only lower prices, but the Lord table by means o.
also correct weight, courtesy and fresh the message Jehovah Witne guaranteed merchandise.
sses brings. Christ left us ar LA PROVEEDORA LIMON example that we should foi low His steps. Pet. 2:21 (Pasa a la Pág. OCHO LA PROVEEDOR LEADS WITH LOW PRICES, HIGH QUA LITY AND LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT KER Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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