
P. BOX 99 Cditor: JOS. THOMAS (EAR VIII LIMON, JULY 31st. 1943 Curiosity is a permanent characteristic of a vigorous intellect. Ev ry advance in know. edge opens new prospects and produces new incitements to further pre gress. Conquests kindle ambition; while the gratifica Sion of one desire encourages another, and discoveries raise expectations.
NO 384 are the zone.
THE DOWNFALL OF BENITO MUSSOLINI THE WAR IN SICILY EMANCIPATION DAY Benito Mussolini, who as tive than to restig. The RUSSIA AND rime Minister, Dictator King accepted his resignaIt might not, perhaps, be out of our regular nd Chief of the Fascist, tion, assumed command ELSEWHERE course of action, to recall our youthful associa: arty, dominated the af the forces and designated tion with the anniversaries of Emancipation airs of Italy during a pe Marshal Pietro Badoglio his iod of twenty one The Allied years, successor in the office of Pri Forces on each first day of the month of August, We as fallen, has disappeared me Minister.
continuing their successful did not, however, comprehend its significance; rom the world political! The newly installed Cabi advances in Sicily, despite the merriment, the hearing of the songs of reicture, which he so badly net, in their first meeting, the resistance they meet in aturated with the blood of decreed the total dessolution the various sectors. In the demption and the old folk lore, were our greaten, women and children of the Fascist Party and re. onrthern zone, the North est delight. In fact, during those earlier years the pursuit of his greed pealed the law which consti mericans have captured a of school life, for some reason, our educators. power.
tuted it a State Organiza number of additional posi did not sufficiently instruct us on our racial Mussolini influence and tions affiliated with Fascism tions of great importance at history; though great was the punishment if jularity had been on the have also been dissolved. a cost of hesvy casualties to cline for some time, and Though not confirmed it the nemy. The Canadian one memory failed to retain the history con3. climax came last Sun is strongly asserted in infor forces have also made sig nected with the lives of such personalities as lay when, at ameeting of med circles that peace nego nificant gains in their sector. Napoleón, Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellinghe. Fascist Council, nine tiations are underway. Mar of the operations. The aeton. Mary Queen of Scots, The Edwards, the een of the twenty six mem shal Badoglio is also said to rial attacks continue to seHenrys, Longfellow, Burns, Scott, Smithfield, vers present refused to ap be endeavouring to secure verely castigate enemy moprove his plan, formulated the retirement of the Ger vements, and destroy their and the rest. Since advancing in age, learning by Hitler, for the defence of man forces from Italy and motorized vehicles. The pri and wisdom, we have discovered it was a very taly against an Allied inva. the dissolution of the mili soners captured now total grievous omission to have with held such vasion, and voted a resolution tary alliance between the 75. 000.
luable instruction from those directly interesthat His Majesty King Victwo nations.
The desperate efforts of ed in same. We believe that, whether as mastor Manuel be requested All Italy is stated to have Germans to assume command of the na jubilantly welcomed the prevent ters or servants, there would have been greater their position at Orel being demonstrations of achievements and dignity, tion armed forces. The Dic change and thenew Premier completely surrounded by tator had no other alterne has been heartly received.
the Soviets and the constant nobler characters and loftier aspirations, had arrival of additional tanks the people known the many amazing facts asITALY ON BORDER OF REVOLUTION and troops have given a te sociated with their race. Every nation or race, The anti Fascist manifesce aggregating around five rrible aspect to the conflict fully informed regarding their past, is natutations, which started short and a half million men, inclu being waged in this rally stimulated to lay a great foundation for ly after the announcement ding the one million located The Russian troops are atthe rearing of a future worthy of their past.
of Musolini fall, have as in occupied territories. It is tacking from the north and The writer is of the opinion that this year sumed such vast proportions generally thought he wold the south with the view of in the principal citjes of be forced to abandon Gree occupying the territory anniversary should not be regarded as only a which connects Orel Italy that it is feared an acce, Yugoeslavia, and Rumawith Memorial but be utilized by all peoples of tual revolution may dove nia.
Bryanksk. The Germans are colour as a great Spring Board. preparatory lop.
Marshal Badoglio has or being steadily forced to gito sharing equally in the letter and spirit of Sanguinary encounters ha dered the release of four ve way before the intense of ve taken place in various lo thousand policital prisoners, fensive of the Russians, the expected Universal Emancipation.
calities and a number of all of whom are strongly or Germany important ba There is reason to believe the Reform Bill high ranking Fascists have posed to Fascism.
se of Hamburg has been the of the year 1833 which resulted in the emancibeen killed. local authori The sitiuation in Rome is object of intense bombardties have had to detain lar said to be rather doubtful ments sinde last Saturday. pation of the slaves in the British Colonies, was somewhat limited in its sphere through ge numbers of those who as there are those who cla Last night attack is descri actively associated mour for peace while others bed as the most effective du the insufficiency of economie liberation and with Musolini and his par are still disposed for the ring the period of the war, other social aspects. Tomorrow brings he ty, in order to maintain or carrying on of the war.
more than 2, 300 tons 105th. anniversary since eight hundred thouder.
Mussolini bombs were launched agawhereabouts inst it.
sand human beings Should Italy. capitulate is still unknown by the pureceived their freedom Hitler position would it is blic. It was at first stated he from shattle slavery. It is hoped that in the North American planes al claimed be extremely pre had been taken prisoner by new Magna Charta which is to govern the uni.
parious as he would be re Officers of the Italian army, ssel in central Germany duso attacked the city of Ka verse after the war has been won and peace quired to defend a front then, later, that he had re ring the daylight hours of secured by our democracies, all mankind, both of not less than nine thou ached Berlin. Teh latest pla Wednesday last. An airpla the emancipators and the emancipated, will sand kilometros with a for ces him in Spain.
ne factory was among indeed be free from fetters, from hardships and The vote of the people is the law of the land and objectives destroyed. The at wants and the fear of future wars.
the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service tacking force lost twentyWest of the city Market, three machines and the ene We anxiously await this approaching great my over sixty. Zecburg and emancipation.
other points in Holland and France were also subjected NOTICE to violent attacks.
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Ladies Dresses, Children Dresses and other SAN JOSE THE PEOPLE HOUSE Novelties made according to The Latest Styles.
Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos Limon were of the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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