
or ies. His brother death co ADDRESS DELIVERED AT curred only two years ago HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA On the occasion of the funds From page opens as aflower and soon af LIMON CITY ral, on Monday afternoon, the Gonė, ah, yes, before to meet ter its petals fall and decay, so cortege was headed by a band The dear ones they had loved doth man flourish only for a Special Attention and Price for Families.
Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath of musicians, his former footo sweet.
time, and, like the blossome of THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
ball comrades and a concours And may their souls rest in tree, fall, rot and vanish away CANTINE WELL ASSORTED se of mourners and sympathipeace The world is full of great tra HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION zers. Catechist Daysley perforPerfect Peace.
gedies, and the special one med the ceremony at the St.
that finds its way across the ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor Mark Church, the choir chan It is written by a great au threshold of ever yhome is Miting the dirges in tribute to thor that the lives of great Deatm. Sometimes it comes. the departed who was associa men should be made mindful a blessing giving freodata YOUNG AND ESTEEMED LIFE PASSES ted with the Church. The Rev.
of, but while they had not to long illness and pain, though Cognizant as we are of the when their so nNorman pas Holmes, of the Methodist been great as many others, yet it always leave heartaches ang fact that death comes, not as sed into Eternity on the mor Circuit, attended the ceremony they can be remembered and loss.
an accident but as the fulfil ning of the 26th. instant, af and aocompanied the Catechist their memory should last as May the dark clouds of element of a diyne law, yet being ter a short illness of eight in the procession. He was exthe fleeting days, pass on om swiftly disappear and the yie to grief and sorrow on days while a patient in the 13 tended the ministerial courte They, too, can be numbered joys of blessings the blossoms the death of a loved recal hospital. He had wuly re sy to conclude the service at among the world maliy mar of prosperity abound and abi iative friend. So it turned one month ag) from the grave.
tyrs, de within your walls, and your There is novoice or sent baskets and storchouses be ri was with Mr. and Mrs. Sarthe Panama Canal, after com.
muel Lawrence their children pleting his work agreement The writer can testily that, mont with which you can ex ehly and abundantly filled.
at numerous gympathizers with the American authori as a scholar, Norman had ear press the dabt you owe, the In conclusion, les: you for ned distinction in his studies love you beau, for all theseget, bear these solemn injunc and general conduct. The de degd; but while you do mourt tions always in your minds parted twenty two old citizen and inasmuch as all these ex NOTICE is survived by his parents; his pressions conveyed to you can leaves have their time to fall widow, Mrs. Jestina Lawrenont restore them, be comforted And flowers to wither ee, and a brother. both in for it is written. Blessed are At the north winds breath, By this medium beg to notify the Community in general that am not recponsible for any account contracted the Republic of Panama; two they that mourn for they shall And stars to set, but ah, by my wite Hyacinth Jackson Walker sisters here and several other be comforted. Be ye also assuThou hast all Seasons for relatives. To all the bereaved sed as you will gaze on the bus thine own Pierpont Walker. ones we extend our deepest in the morning which later Oh, Death.
condolence. May his soul find rest perpetual CAFE HOL NESS Thorpe and Levi Calvin, disCorner 2nd. Avenue ard 7th. Street played great harmony. The JUNT CANTONAL DE ABASTOS directly in frorit the Football Ground.
Misses Felicia Peterkin, Tiny This New Eating and Refreshing Sent Wilson and Leonora Dawson, proved their proficiency in BOLETIN OFICIAL DE PRECIOS is now at the Public Service dialogue fame. The Misses Junio 10 de 1943.
in Excelsior. The two dialogues, DollsHospital and Sto Posta con hueso. 70 libra len Child by several young Post: corriente 00 eters, were eloquently given.
Don say you need a haircul. say you need a Di.
Lomos y lomitos, PRECIO LIBRE.
xon Hair cut, from Dixon Barber Shop West of the Perseverance brings successs city Market was the master piece of Mas Litte MANTEQUILLA ter Rodolph Brown 00 libra Jim by Miss Leonora Maxwell was.
CARDON: rehensive letter Por cada saco con latas de treating on Our district of Zent came, Dunn, who worthily filled the importance of education galones cada una 00 in fort a graceful time on the the assignment. Mis Myrtle) and the incumbent responsaevening of the 19th. instant, Foster ably delivered the re bilities of parents and guar LECHE: when man illuminant Young citation of welcome. The pro dians to sce to its acquirement Peoplels Concert was presen gramme consisted of dialo by their children, was sub Por botella que expenda directed in the St. John Church, gue, duets, recitations, solos mitted by Mrs Keates. Miss tamente el PRODUCTOR 35 kindly assigned through the and trios. Every item com Iris Williams presided with Por botella que expenda el pulgood offices of Mr. and Mrs. mended marked admiration much effectiveness at the orpero en su establecimiento 40 Keates. The programme was and attention, but it behoves gan. In a trio arrangement, Por botella que se expenda a efficiently prepared by Mrs. Is to apologize for specially Home Sweet Home domicilio. 40 Alberta Sawyers and splendi mentioning the followig: rendered by the Misses Joyce dly rendered by the pupils of The drcam of day a solo, WhiehornCynthia Thorbour her school.
which brought out the rich ne and Carmen Williams.
ABEL ROBLES, With the use of eloquent volume of Miss Cynthia Thor The entertainment was Presidente Junta Cant. Abastos.
language, Mr. Robert Sawyers bourne voice. The duet My marked success.
introduced the Chairman, Mr. Secret. by Masters Regina! Special Correspondent MRS. THOS. LYNCH to HOME AGAIN Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark of the bock Isoto de su recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: It is very pleasing for us Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro This hill must be paid at our office before to report that Mrs. Lynch of the 10th of the month the city salvation Army com.
de los primeros 10 días de cada mes kon mand is home again, after Be so goou as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, u step which pasing several weeks of illnes pista de tener que cortar su servicio Wo would much regret to take.
in San José. Her resumption of her Religions and other ac.
tivities among us is highly welcomed.
We wsih her an early resto ration of her good Health. YOUNG PEOPLE CONCERT AT ZENTA very appealing and compwas COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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