
SATURDAY, JULY 31st. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA TAG Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuis and Copra 101 aWe ADDRESS DELIVERED AT TIME OF MEMORIAL RADIO PROGRAMME FOR VICTIMS OF TORPEDOED SAN PABLO Giving due regard to the enthusiastic aclamaHO tion accorded the Programme, we are confiPAY THE BEST PRICES FOR TO dent our much esteemed readers will welcome the publication of the Address which W9S, delivered by an old fellow citizen, Mr.
AL Minott THE ADDRESS The suddeness of the deaths Bereaved relatives, friends and the panie stricken situaand sympathizers of the 23 tortion can never be adequately 30 pedoed victims on the fateful described. But as you have li rod night of July. nd. 1942, on ved through a year since so board the S: San Pablo. great a disaster, you will, by o by an enemy submarine, whidegrees, during the New Year le unloading cargo alongside that is started, accomplish suc DET the pier in Port Limon: Costa cessful careers, conquering all Rica, consisting of West In obstacles that may be set REMEMBER dians, Costa Ricans and one Around about, and which might 91 merican: tend to mar your progress.
We, as sympathizers also, Through this programme, by WE PAY THE BEST PRICES hve rrnged to pyour most whiih means you will be able UOVIMO fitting tribute, on this occa to participate in the Memorial, Bab sion on the anniversary, our heartfelt sympathy is ex rantee of life; the span of li MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS to the memory of the depar tended to you, and as there DE fe is but a short time. As the CLASSIC ted, and to cheer you who sus are also kindreds and friends Psalmist wrote WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND so teach us ECONOMY. Everything in maTHE ORIENTAL BARBER tained this great loss, through resident here, it is confidently number our days that we may chinery made or repaired, from SHOP Located in front former YOU the wicked and savage slay felt you will be much encoura a in to a Crane. See us.
Motive Power Club in 3rd.
ing by a crew of murderous as ged to bear through your great Every dawning day opens carry an assortment of Beds, Avenue is the new parlour of sassins.
apply our hearts unto wisdom. Springs and other useful things the only Oriental Barber Shop Building No. 89 Never, in the history of the It was not pleasant to be with its own eventualities; Un at all times.
North Fifth Avenue.
in this city. All sanitary good and peaceful Republic, hold your sorrowing faces at eventful and eventful OccurC. THOMPSON, Proprietor.
arrangements. Barber with had there been such a casualty the time, neither is it easy for ences; the hidden things of li years of practice in all classes NEW HARLEM BAR AND of the Hair Cutting Art. trial It will never be forgotten. As you to forget the past relation fe, you cannot anticipate. That RESTAURANT. The Best drinks will convince the most those of you who gazed, mo ships. whether in business was their last July, begun and prepared by Crawford and fastidious.
mentarily, on the mutilated social or home life; but as the ended on Earth. It was cer Grant, Genuine native and for LIONEL MONDOLL bodies whose life blond had days go by, will strengthen tain they planned for an unk eign liquors stocked Our CusiProprietor been spilled in the sea, increa yourselves with the Fatherly nown future, even while at ne service the most up to date.
CRAWFORD AND GRANT. CABINET AND UNDERTAK sed horror was brought to Care of the Creator, who is labours. But, alas: Proprietors ING SHOP. Specializes in mal your eyes. It was a spectable Confidence. and is ever will how sad, their tomorrow never ing and repairing furniture and unbearable to behold. Much so ing to help and succour. came. They had no chance to FRESCARIA every other branch of woodrrow is felt, among the many Each day of one life, man, see the glorious sun beaming work Coffins always stocked, who had been so well familiar woman or child, he or she, pre in their bright faces, for after 25 Miles. The Abaca Center Prices moderate.
MAYO See as before going elsewhere.
4th. Street, with the unfortunate victims. aches his or her own funeral the shining Moon and brilliant Bresh and pure Frescos of all entrance Gamez Lumber We felt, as you did, when sermon. Time marches swiftly were to meet this terribly ca kinds prepared to meet cold or Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, the shocking news was herald along carrying with it a day stars would take its place, they warm Season. Meals. Sand Manager.
ed to us, not thinking that a march nearer home. The cold, lamity.
wiches and other Eats cooked with rich flavour. Here the THE RESETTER WITH IM.
calamity of its kind woad ever rigid hand of deaths is sure to PROVEMENTS. clean up to Earth to Earth and Dust to housewives can buy fruits have overtaken those shores. strike us all. There is no gua Dust; these were alomst the fall sort also a large variety of Aate Barber Parlour Centrally located on Commerce Avenuo last words calmly uttered a vegetables from Cartago.
almost opposite Teatro Arras.
their funeral Rites, leaving WATSON HAPPY GO ty Pleasant, reliable courteous them covered as a mass of LUCKY WILL ALWAYS Hervice. THOMAS PARCHMENT BROWNE ABRAHAMS SATISFY YOUR TASTE Lair Specialist.
slain humanity. The twigs that composed the wreaths, which VENTA DE MERCADERIAS were strewn on the graves to with the loss of hundreds or were not able toplay throug.
their memory, have all withe souls, consisting of members hout, as it was most likely DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR red long ago, and the flowers of the crew and a compliment they could not before they met crumbled to Apartado 362 dust But while all lof first, second and third class their fatal doom, you will find those conditions had been so, Passengers, comprising men, the words true as they read LIMON you can still bear with great women and children. Several in the second verse: 3:28 Christian fortitude, and rejoi milionaires were among them.
itto ce that they suffered no ling One of the stories given of the Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down, ply overcome by the horrible Band played while the ship Davkness be over us, my res GLADLY WELCOMED deed. Many tragic occurren was going down What did the a stone ces have hitherto existed, Band play? In the midst of the Colonel Herbert Hodgson, arrival; and in addition to his which some of you have seen confusion during those peril They were wanderers for Teritorial Commander of the other multifarious activities and others heard of, and which ous and panic stricken mom they were in mid ocean: it was Salvation Army for Central he has been presenting ste bring the recollection of this ents, while they stood on the cold and davk at mid night and America and the West Indies, rioptical lectures. He is slated unfortunate circumstances. deck awaiting their awful after Their rest, instead of a with headquarters at Kings to conduct the service in the An account was given some doom, which faced them sol stone was the sands beneath ton Jamaica, is in Costa Rica. local Hall tomorrow night, thirty years ago, while some approachingly, those faithful the ocean The distinguished Salvation Sunday, August 1st, when it were yet unborn, of the sad men keeping to their posts at But while it is considered ist has come, it is understood, is anticipated one of Major sinking of the great ship Ti such a crucial time and befo that there is this great loss, on a tour of inspection and Lynch overwhelming con tanie. which had steamed out re they and their instruments, you may ask, where are they?
has brought special Christian gregations will be in atten of Southampton for New York were washed away or taken You can be confident they Messages for our people, parti dance.
on her maiden voyage While down with the ship the are cularly the younger ones.
The Atlantic Voice her way an eventful hap: Band played NEARER MY Gone farom this uncertain The Colonel has been kept joins in tendering the Colonel (pening occurred. she struck THEE. And if they were or world very much occupied since his a glad welcome.
on an iceberg which sunk her. THREE And if they ere on: To page అ ల to of COLONEL HODGSON OF SALVATION ARMY Sering pains they were shar great tragedy reads. And the og 1960Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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