
SATURDAY, JULY 31st. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 HITLER POURS, TROOPS INTO ITALY SOBRE GUSTOS NO HAY NADA ESCRITO Since Tuesday last Hitler It has, however, been rehas been rushing troops a leased that General Eisencross the northern frontier hower has offered the Itaof Italy, by way of the Bren lians an opportunity to con ner Pass, to occupy pos. tions clude a Peace Treaty with in several of the provinces, the Allied Nations, under with the view, it is presum conditions regarded as most ed, of continuing the fighthonourable. The offer is from the north of the river said to include the release Po, where he had for some of the hundreds of thoustime past constructed a sysands of Italians now held tem of defence fortifica prisoners by the Allies in tions.
exchange for the sixty thous An unconfirmed report and in the hands of the Ita declares that a clash arms has occurred between Marshal Badoglio and the Italian forces and the his Cabinet are giving con Nazis to the north of Milan sideration to the offer and Turin, where Hitler had which, it is expected they dispatched ten divisions. will accept, in view of the It is estimated there are neasing anti war move Tetween 300, 000 and. 400. ments in all prts of the 000 German troops in Italy. country.
LIBERTY of lians.
ha roto la regla por ser éste un cigarrillo que gusta al gusto de todo fumador HEREDIA FOOTBALLERS WILL INVADE PLAYGROUND TOMORROW The Match will be dedicated to Miss Marina Reyes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Félix Reyes of this city The Sport Club of Heredia, Marina Reyes, daughter of having accepted a challenge Mr. and Mrs. Félix Reyes, of from the Jupiter Football and the Farmacia Reyes. will be Spirt Club of this city, their the ristinguished honouree.
team of Footers will we are the social feature ci the evtold, arrive this afternoon, en will be representated by preparatory to the invasion a danee in the Clubrooms of of our playground tomorrow the Homseters during the afternoon, It has been mentio vening after the encounter.
ned that the Military Band We bid the visitors a sinwill be in attendance to add cere welcome and wish them to the enjoyment of the game the most enjoyable time in Our highly regarded and our city. May the best side very attractive citizen, Miss triumph.
3900 LIBERTY eRápido alivio CYGARETTES del REUMATISMO TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF FLOUR IMPORTATIONS CONG WATER FACTORY moLos dolores sordos o punzantes del reumatismo son una advertencia: revelan que ciertos órganos vitales no complen en debida forma su tares. Los dolores en las coyunturas y músculos se deben a la formación de afilados y microscópicos cristales de ácido único, que no han Di sido elimitados del organismo.
Los riñones deberían eliminar de la sangre este exceso de ácido úrico impurezas y venenos. Sus riñones (y demás impurezas y venenos. He volverán a la normalidad. La aquí por qué, usted, al sentir las inflamación e hinchazón de las primeras punzadas reumáticas, debe coyunturas disminuiran, como as procurar que sus riñones vuelvan a los dolores. Las articulaciones funcionar en forma.
rigidas rectiperarán su agilidad.
Las Pildoras De Witt se elaboran Los riñones reanudarán sus tareas especialmente para que obren sobre eliminando las impurezas de la los riñones débiles e inactivos. Des sangre y expulsándolas del or.
congestionan, estimulan y fortalecen ganismo, mediante el maravillosa estos órganos. Dentro de Ins 24 mecanismo de naturaleza.
horas de haber tomado la primera He aqui por qué un tratamiento dosis la orina se tornará azulada, con las pildoras De Witt es tan Esto demuestra que el excelente conveniente para el alivio del reaantiséptico que contienen las Pildo matismo. Van directamente la ras De Witt empezó a eliminar las fuente del mal: los riñones.
We do not vouch for the to prevent the somewhat authenticity of the report, large quantity of the artiCOSTA RICA SODA but it has been estated that, cle now in the country, from through the medium of the deteriorating, and the othEconomic Defence Commi er, to give preferential inco Fábrica de Hielo y ttee, a temporary suspen mings to other urgently nee sion of the importation of ded articles.
Refrescos wheat flour has been recom It is not likely that the sus mended.
pension will be for Limón The reason for this is said re than the coming month to be twofold the one of August.
FABRICA DE TELO Goodyear Rubber Corpora We warmly welcome the tion was recently in this information, as the increaSALOMON CHIN Republic, and we gather his sed activities will, undoubEstrada visit was closely associated tedly, augment the other ef LA IBERIA with the decision of his Com forts being directed toward Abarrotes y Licores pany to intensify their Ruthe revival of the economic Precios Económicos bber plantations, in this Zo life of our Province, Píldoras DeWitt para los RINONES y la VELIGA Bapecialmente recomendadas para Reumatismo, Lumbago, Dolores en ins Coyunturas y Trastornos de los riñones.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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