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thein It gave a LTOU THE GREAT THE TACTICS OF GILDER ARMADA UNSEEN INFLUENCES 000 TON NEGROES CIG tawag IMPERSONATOR AIRBORNE TROOPS CARRIED BRITISH TO AGAINST THE AXIS If you are a boxer in a ring with your opponent you may Stre SICILIAN FRAY The first use, in large numsafely expect to win or lose siCO Twas in 1928 hat an Jta liers, British parachute lely on he merits of your phyThey say that dogs assume Great Br tain air borne for lian printing press spewel forth woops, was in the earliest days the Autobiography of a cer of the sical skill. War is not a clean personalities of their campaign in French oss, had their baptism of fire tain individual known at that North Africa. From then en during the night of July 10 sport like boxing. Unexpected. They say that ships are th FU time as Benito Mussolini. who hey were engaged continuos. over Sicily.
and often seemingly obscure in alive. Well if this is so with at in the right of most recent hap lyand it is likely that both graphic account of a glider fluences may rise up to defeat has to contend three 5000 ton Negro.
penings over there has already inds of airborne forces. 29 trip from a North Africa vase you despite the perfection The third Liberty ship earned the title Finito Mus ratroop and air landing troops to a release point off the si. your physical skill. When IStpublic ler elected to invite the negro ing the name of a famous solini in his own land. This will have important roles this cilian coast was made world into tne ring with him was launched this month one time dictator profession summer in all theatres of war by the Air Ministry news serin addition called the Frederick Dougla to his numerous of faith (in himself) was in the following are a few notes vice, which quoted a Royal Ajo after the famous negro or other opponents, he stirred up ceed a conglomerat on of boasts tha: indicate some of the uses Force officer.
and lies, in which the only hu to which airborne soldiers The take off was nothing but more than he had bargained for. and journalist cf the Ameri Consider a small item of Civil War period. Two si a concentrated dust storm. he man quality he forgo. was that be put.
of Modesty. This bragging sePARATROOPS said, but when one is air borne news from Denmark. The Da previously launched are na nish Royal Theatre had, prior after Booker T, Washington, cond class gondolier, like his Estabishing a bridgehead: one can see the rather remark to the occupation, decided to great negro leader and fout expedition pupil Hitler, took at least twee If the enemy airfieds or strong able forming perform Du Bose Heyward Tuskegee University hundred pages to convince him points in the rear can be neu as aircraft and gliders come up Porgy and Bess with music George Carver, the ng self that he was the bravest tralised by paratroops, it is clear through the dust. On this oc who recet by Gershwin. The coming scientific wizard of an cleverest, fightingest and and that troops landing from the sea casion it was impr: ssive Cied.
the Germans postponed this somest superman of all timo, will have an easier task. For sight to see this large collection pleasure for the citizens of Coand ended his incredible self example he use of American of aircraft forming up into penhagen.
Nor is that all. ship na glorification in a vaunting burst paratroops in the initial stages long column and then go stream Now, three years later, the the Marine Eagle has which put historical giants such th: North Africa landing. Ating off across the sea toward cpera has been performed and been launched. the first as Caesar, Plato, Alexander, first light on November air the coast of Sici y. The darkness fell after was a huge success. These wor entirely by negroes. colo: Para Cicero, Napoleón, King Arthur crait arrived over Oran.
third of the journey was thy Danes picked on this Negro employee named Mrs. Rá and Shakespeare right in the troops cap ured Lasenia air Stevenson, who had been background. Here are a few field and held it unaided for 48 pleted. The air was comparati opera about Negro people as a symbol of democracy and free the construction company pearls from this megalomaniac hours against stiff opposition. vely still over the water and com and as a backhanded slap 22 years, christened the ve notebook: Whenever las The anes that carried there was no really rough wea.
it at their ther to make things unpleasant them the added joy of irritating Liberty ships have oppressors been necessary, have shown were flown from Britain to La swarming across the Atlan myself to be absolutely inexo senia direct, proving the great for gliders. During this time the negro hating Nazis.
the coasts of North Africa, rable. reek wi power over rang: of action of paratroops.
glider pilot and the captain air.
There is nothing the Nazis ed to their plimsoll lines man and multitude. detest craft. Ambush and raid: The pa can do about it and In the half moon the special tanks, planes and fighting those parasites who live like rachute bat:alion which drop.
coast WE leeches on the fringes of polis ped at Souk ei Arba on Novem of Sicily showed up at the right performance is to be given in One of these ships was Copenhagen largest hall. Hit Booker. Washington cal strifes. push on to the ber 15 moved on to Beja the place and time. The better things in lin and pro next day, knocked out six Ita re zase is farther on and height fluence of his dark opponents. gro.
point of ler never suspected the wide in master, Hugh Mulzac, is gress; weigh the consequence, lian armored cars, and thea is gradualy gained, so that the Even the Mises fight for them. launch the movements, guide took to the hills between Beja (glider can make the required Captain Mulzac states the philosophies. desire our and Mateur, where, for the next distance after the release.
SAYINGS bis ship has covered 35 the That the enemy was nat on once more to be the con three weeks, they rallied taken miles in five months and has queror. think Italy is the local French and became a nigat unaware is scarcely credible. It is our duty to hand on to livered four very good most advanced of all European mare to the enemy. They made the Air Ministry declared. It Kiny cur children a world in which goes to the United rations. have hitherto curb raid after raid on enemy strong sesms more probable that he freedom can live and man com and to North Africa.
ed my impatience. have avoid posts, often marching as has been able to make little use mand his soul; free from the ed all leaps in the dark (except as 35 miles in a night. They of the breat ng space afforded constant dread which has sbadNegroes build the ships, this last one. etc. etc. etc. used to lurk by the roadside and him since the fall of Pantelleria owed our own time. To that task christen them after their But despite all this, history has ambush convoys so successfully and Lampedusa to put his de we have set our hands and will outstanding men and they another tale to tell, for when, that, by early December, the fenses in order. Without excer.
dedicate our lives. Mr. An them across the seas. They es in these last few weeks, the were almost completely equip tion, the crews reported the. thony Eden, the Foreign Secre at least a ten percent shar opportunity arrived for him to led wito captured enemy trans. feebleness of opposition search tary.
them as they do in all show, just one of these fine qua pert.
lights to be counted on the fin.
Sam property. The ships lities of mankind, San Pinito) Disrupting enemy commut gers of a hand, misdirected fak showed his feet of clay without nications: Paratroops can also which at no time was a menace. in the Pacific and to wage little ing the weapons for victory Merely to hold what we have truly Negro giants of steel being even capable of showing be used at any stage in battle LOOK FOR TROUBLE ole than defensive war a clean pair of heels as did bis or during a raid to seize com Several of the tug planes, against Japan until Germany famous Marathon armies who munications, defiles, crossroads, after droppings their glidas, is defcated is not part of the TRANS ATLANTIC established the record run from bridges, etc. and thus prevert passed a littte time circling over strateky of the United Nations.
El Alamein to Tunis, and would the enemy from bringing AIR SERVICE Dorthern Sicily, looking for. Mr. Walter Nash. New Zazup have carried it on to Sicily if reiforcements to the scene ot trouble, as the pilot said. They land Minister in Washington.
the deep blue waters of the so the main fighting. An exampie found none whatever, and a Establishing a new called Italian Lake had not was the use of paratroops in returned safely to base. Abundant life, means some cord of 12 hours 26 minutes stopped them.
the Bruneval raid, in which It is the nar gunner, the air thing far more than, indeed the distance a Trans Co they screened British troops Ministry news service points something essentially different Airlines plane has inaugur landled from small craft (the out, who sees most of the glider. from, an abundance of mate the Canadian government THE VICTORIOUS AXIS! sbjective was a radio location Heris comected by the inter rial things. It must mean sol. wartime air service across station)
com with the glider pilot and cierly strength and readiness Atlantic. The previous bi Diversion: Paratroops drop speaks his instructions when in for sacrifice not only sacrifice was 12 hours 51 minutes.
the dropping zone, News of the widerpread de ped in small parties simulta cf our own lives for our coun plane carried 600 pound featism in Germany leaks aut. neously at many widely separat.
INSTRUCTIONS TO GLIDER try but sacrifice of some of our mail for members of the In the North German province ed points can create diversions The instructions go like this. and interests in the cause of a immediate and narrower ains there were regular exchar, of East Prussia, the Konigsber and screen the direction of the over the telephone betweer, main attack. Hello, glider, hello, glider (or ger Allgemeine Zeitung comphello, pony. tug calling, tuo bert Morrison, the Home Secre sengers.
wider fe lowship. Mr. Her overseas and three official lained: calling, we are now approach01. Nothing so oppresses Ger COPROSPERITY! ing the drop ing zone. And The new service will not man spirits as the memory of after a few minutes, Hello, the unfortunate outcome of the vey paying passengers. Besi Ocupied southern regions are glider, helo, glider, tug calling, the mail, the plane will First World War. The British paying for Japan war. l you can datach now, you can was regarded as negligible, and only members of the Fo have brought it about that ma thousand million yen. Japan detach now.
many of the bombers made or Government officials and ty of the faint hearted are new military expenditure for moment later the glider re bases with their wing lights nicians, troubled by the slogan We 1943, will have to be forme by leases itself from the towing full on. They flew in a huge shall destroy ourselves with the people of the Greater cable, turns into the wind and formation, and seen victories. This fatally false Asia sphere. The people of drops away.
from a great distance looked DISRUPTED CLOVERLE)
conception dampens all joyful East Asia should work their ut. Allied air superiority was so like giant aerial Christimas satisfaction in our great success most for the liberation of the marked that the risk of being trees. Experienced airmen said and seems to be insidiously entire East Asia family of na followed home by enemy planes they had never seen a sight like confirmed by every unavoida tions by sharing the burden of Hitler: Confidentially, Ja it before. Then, as the planes is your enemy number one ble setback. The briefest reflec the war in proportion to their approached their bas they tion would supply these faint ability. This military necesity the southern regions develop lost helght and broke Jap: Confidentially, Ger forms. ny is your hearted ones with a moral les has prompted the Japanese 30 ment bank to defray military tion, and in dozens roared over enemy son. But faint heartedness stif vernment to appropriate three expenses. Domei, March 10th, the field, their lights still blaz. Mussolini. Where do e one.
les all reason.
milliard yen from the funds of 1943, ing.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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    Civil WarDemocracyGermanyHitlerItalyMussoliniWorld War

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