
ATLANTIC VOICE to THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK He who aspires for honours must resolve to encounter not only the opposition of interest, but the maiignity of envy. He who too eagerly seeks riches generally Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 endangers his fortune by wild adventures and uncertain YEAR VIL LIMON, AUGUST 7th. 1943 NO 385 projects.
THE SITUATION IN ITALY, MOST CRITICAL JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 19 Conditions appaer ratherfor Peace. Premier Bado tary objectives. Naples was confusing in Italy. It was ge ylio is presumed to be play subjected to a terrific atIt is a natural sequence that the youths nerally thought that Musso ing for time, in view of the tack last Wednesday, when lini fall from power would Nazi Dictator threat the city suffered heavily of today will be the adults of tomorrow; therehave meant the conclusion throw the entire strength the loss of life announced fore, the preparation, the culture and the inperof an early Peace Pact with of his aerial forces against so far is 159 and 228 the fluence they obtain during the earlier stages of Allied Powers, but him should he capitulate.
sons injured.
though negotiations toward Conditions being as they Patriotic groups in Tu their lives will, unquestionably, form the basis this were commenced, noth are, the Allied Nations, ha rin and Milan are reported of their matured characters.
ing has yet happened, despi ve restarted their aerial as to have demanded the abdi Faced with this fact, it is of vital importe the clamour of the great saults against the important cation of King Victor Matance that parents, guardians an dthe State acmajority of the populace strategic pos. tions and mili nuel and the resignation of Premier Badoglio.
cord minute attention to the younger memA Bern advice states that bers of the nation citizenry and, as far as may GOODYEAR Co. WELL FACILITATE PRIVATE Italy Minister of Foreign be possible, nip in the bud such tendencies as Relations has drafted a Pea RUBBER PLANTINGS ce proposal which provides are likely to mar their individual futures and among other conditions, seriously prejudice the country welfare.
We learn that at a confe American Institute of Agrithat the Allied troops will Culture, the thing supreme cannot be rence held recently in the cultural Science.
not penetrate the Italian ter left to chance to be developed haphazardly, Capital, between the Minis It was also stated that the ritory except for control must receive its inspiration from and be sucter of Agriculture, members necessary seedlings would be puposes, and that the penin of the Congressional Com supp ied by the Corporation. sular will be neutralized.
coured by the State and those of properly mission on Agriculture and This is certainly of much The proposal is supposed to moulded characters. well balanced life is representatives of the Good interest to the advancement be receiving the attention too momentous a thing at this stage of the year Rubber Corporation, it of the industry in this Zone of the Gabinet.
world existence, to be left to the mercy His of was announced that the Cor and we wou urge all who The Italian political par whims and casualties. It should be the consporation would amply as are in a position to undertaties opposed to Fascismo ha sit any private indi ke the cultivation of the va ve addressed a joint note to tant effort of our entire authoritative system vidual who desired to cu tiluable plant to place them President Roosevelt and Pre to shope the character of our youths along vate the plant under the vigi selves in touch with the Cormier Churchill, in which such lines as will produce worthy citizens in lance of their technicians as poration Management. they declare that all Italy the later years. Everything should be pressed well as those of the Interhave heard and read their into service to save our boys and girls from message and are making ef LA FRANCE LIBRE forts to collaborate with the perdition.
DED Frente la Compañía Eléctrica, Limón Allieds. The note also men SOUVENIRS DE COSTA RICA For this reason the ATLANTIC VOICE tioned that the Nazis are mo Revistas en inglés y español. Novelas Famosas, re hated in Italy than in calls special attention to the wave of juvenile aventuras, terroríficas, etc, any other occupied country. delinquency now rampant in this city. It is no Cámaras Fotográficas, Peliculas, Joyas de Fantasia, Resistencias, Ropa para Niños, Adornos de Casa uncommon thing for our boys to publicly inPropietaria: ANITA DE NANNE HAVE FALLEN dulge in the playing of games for monestary COMPRO ESTANONE VACIOS CATANIA AND OREL considerations. They persistently stake cash On parle Francais English Spoken as the goal for the spinning of their tops, coins With the capiure of the of different values are also employed by them 12 MILLION DOLLARS APPROPRIA General Montgomery is stat important base of Catania, in the game which calls for the throwing of. ON FOR INTER AMERICAN INSTI ed to have effected the most the staked article against walls, street curbs TUTE OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE outstanding of his triumphs and other objectives.
AT TURRIALBA since the aunching of the These and other gambling tendencies are North African warfare. Cata The very interesting infor tute, as wel as the laying nia was occupied by troops displayed so daringly and publicly that we are mation has been obtained out of playgrounds for the of the Eighth British Army inclined to the thought that no attention is that an appropriation of the large number of employees. during the forenoon hours being directed toward their elimination. It large sum of two and a half As according to the re of last Thursday. As the ene should, however, be borne in mind that the million dollars has been ma port from the Washington my enfire defence system great purpose of life is two fold personal and de for work in connection Headquarters, the work will has been destroyed, they with the Inter American Ins be started in the very near ve been forced to precipitate relative. that we are required to fultil certain titute of Agricultural Scien future, the omployment of ly flee toward Messina.
duties toward ourselves and faithfully perce located at Turrialba. The the necessary large number is expected that in a few mo form others responsabilities to our fellow money will, it is understood of workers should aleviate, re days Cicily will be under creatures.
be used for the construction to an appreciable extent, so the fuly control of the Allied of the various buildings nee me of the existing economic Command.
The vote of the people is the law of the land and ded to accommodate the dif stress.
After a series of some of the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service, ferent activities of the instithe bitterst land bloodiest West of the city Market.
fighting in the Russian conflict, the important Nazi ba se of Orel was taken by the JOSEFINA DRESSMAKING PARLOUR NOTICE Soviet forces on the 5th. ins tant thereby culminating LIMON Address all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos their principal 1943 objective ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a Beside the Universal Barber Shop The remainder of the 250. 000 (J. BROTHERTON)
wen who compose the garri ROIG son are presumed to have ei Ladies Dresses, Children Dresses and other BOX 523. Teléfonog 5319, 3201, or 2929 ther been taken prisoners or SAN JOSE Novelties made according to The Latest Styles.
have fled toward Bryansk Charges Reasonable Precios Médicos (To Page 11)
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