
means WITH THE SALVATION ARMY RALLY BY ALPHA Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon Barber Shop West of the city Market.
Quito a stir was evidenced modation was at a premium COTTAGE SCHOOL among the local Salvation at the prespective services On the night of Monday SEEKS JIAND OF LADY IN MARRIAGE Army circle during the visit conducted in the Hall.
next, the 9th. instant the Al of Colonel Hodgson, the The distinguished visitors pha Cottage School, under RESPECTABLE, HEALTHY, WEALTHY, Territorial Commander of were the guests of the Ho the directorship of Mr.
CHRISTIAN WIDOWER Central America and the tel Hispana America, operat Davidson, will stage a RaWest Indies. On leaving Ja ed by Mr. Ernest Cecil Le liy in the Hall of the wishes to marry a Lady: one who must be a devoted Christian and intelligent, be eable to take personal maica, he was joined at Criswis they are said to have ex Mark Parish. spicy recit care of the domestic duties of her home and do sewtoba) by Adjutant Fisher. pressed deep satisfaction for ſing and singing programme ing for herself and such men wear as may be con These two religious leaders the courteous treatment affor wili, in addition, be present sistent for her to make. Her age is to be within thiriy were the recipients of the ded them.
ed by the scholars, we are five and forty five years. One with a little most cordia greetingt while preferred.
Accompanied by Major Tho told. Having regard to the in our city. So dense was the mas Lynch the local. Com rehearsals which have been Please communicate to Eastwood gathering at one their open manding Officer, the visi in progress for some time, we Farm, Cuba, Zent Line air meetings that one was retors left us, last Tuesday, for are sure a very enjoyable ti minded of the recorded as San Jose preparatory to star me awaits those who will be CATANIA AND.
semblies of the great Apostle ting on their return to Pa in attendance. From Page 7)
Paul, in his journeys through nama by aeriaj transportation We ask that a whole heart their one other base in that thought, wull also shortly Asia Minor. Sitting accomed cheer be accorded the chil sector, though the Russians fall into their hands.
dren and the efforts of the are reported to have, day: Belgorod, another strategic School, on a whole.
DRESSMAKER AND MILLINER ago, destroyed the railway position has been taked by commurication between both the Russians. It is thought THE 1943 NEW CREATION. SPECIALIZES IN NEATNESS ted the outor defences, or offensive in the Caucasian Keeping abreast the latest models and up to date me TO CELEBRATE the latter which, it is region.
thods of fittings for Ladies and Children. Minute at tention also yiven the making of Men Shirts and THANKSGIVING AMPLE REPRESENTATION.
other wears. Angus on behalf of the PRICES TO MEET THE SITUATICN (Viene de la Pág. OCHO)
Kev. Gordon Somers. The (Near Cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson)
We understand the fraterni muels expounded the eulogy absentees, very unfortunately, Miss Vinetta Gordon Jamaica Town ty of Mosaic Templars is an for Miss May Jeffry Smith.
were Messrs. Gerald Mur Organization with a religious Mrs. Hugh Clarence Bourne, dock and Edmund Jackson and background, based on the Lawrence la of perpetual memory, gained Mrs. Isabel VALUABLE ADDITION TO STAFF OF birh, call and leadership of second honours by the able, mourning for the deatli of Moses of immortal memory effort of Mrs. Caroline Franher son. They were desig.
HOSPITAL In keeping with this doctrine cis. Mr. Rottray deliev: nated to speak, respectively, it is announced that the Ro the oration in favour the for the Hons. Manley The Atlantic Voice. ed collaborator, Mr. John yal King Obed Temple Hector Joseph The and Smith and Miss learns, with pleasure, that Smith of La Junta, and a this city will offer their 1943 spokesman for the Hon.
Eva Nicholas.
Mrs. Hyacinth Jackson Wal graduate of the Chicago Nurs public Thanksgiving to God Brown was Mr. Bar.
The Rally was, on the whole, a brilliant success.
ker has been engaged on the ing. Schood, She is by attending a special servi rett. The life work of the Staff of the Hospital conduc also said to be a competent ce at the Baptist Church, toRev. McIntosh was de ted in this city by the Costa stenographer and typist.
morrow, the 8th commencing livered by Mr. Dehancy. WATER FACTORY Rica Banana Company. We gladly welcome her to at 30 The members. The late Hon. Littles Mrs. Walker is the adopted our city and communal acti of the Temple adopt this mehingraphy was stated by Mr.
dium to solicit the presence Albert Moore.
daughter of widelyvities known and deeply, regardof their friends and well wi representation was by Mr shers.
Fábrica de Hielo y Refrescos MOSAIC TEMPLARS cities and to have also assaul they will now start a new of Pon our The champion COSTA RICA SODA Limón LA PROVEEDORA STILL LEADS WITH LOW PRICES, HIGH QUALITY AND LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT IN LIMON FLORIDA ICE AND FARM CO 50 50 KEROSENE, bot.
Undiluted, free burning TUNA FISH, tin Famous Treasure Sea brand.
ISLAND PALM SOAP 60 STARCH, lb. 50 Sold elsewhere as high as 00 White as snow.
TOILET PAPER, roll 80 COFFEE, Ib. 00 American. Blue Diamond brandNot rationed.
Delicious and pure FLOOR POLISH, Ib. 50 KLIM NIDO. tin 25 Keeps floors shiny at low cost.
Powdered Milk.
CONDENSED MILK, LGE, TIN, 135 FLEISCHMANN, lb. 40 small tin: 45.
Baking Powder PALACE SARDINES, tin 25 RED BEANS, 1b. 50 Large oz. tin.
First class soft. Second class at 0. 45.
We offer you not only lower prices, but also correct weight, courtesy and fresh, guaranteed merchandise LA PROVE EDORA LIMON LA FLORIDA MADERAS FABRICA DE HIELO SOME RECENT DEATHS We have been given the information that the undermentioned persons, who we re connected with this Zone, died recently in the San Juan de Dios Hospital San José.
James Smith Louis (Lewis) a former resident in this city, Heentered the ins titution on the 22nd. of last month and died on the 25th idem. He was 73 years old.
Jose Frayand Caver, 60 years of age, also formerly of this city.
He died on the 24th. ultimo.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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