
The Heredianus came and whipped the reinforced Jupiters to the tune of Five goals against a Single SABE AHORRAR very sympathstic tempe nil for Jupiter at the call of rature prevailed during the rest period.
the afternoon hours last Sun On resuming, the city pla COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS EN EL lay. Headed by the Military yers substituted Picho for Band, the players of both Esquivel and Jimenez, the teams, augmented by a num half center, for Stanley Waber of sporting Fans, mar de o fthe Gimnastica Though ched in a picturesque mani Fate maintained its grip on along commercial ave our Boys, the changes stimu (Sucursal en Limón)
nus othe playground. Leavlated things to such a degree ing everything else undone sitors and Pocas registeded the spectators, representati. that a penalty trapped the vi REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA ve of all ranks, attended the, the shot. Judging from the game in an overwhelming manner they stéarned up af number. Miss Maria Reyes, ter the single was gained, it LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO to whon the match was de appeared the guests were dicated, gracefully initialled bent on playing us to a shut. the play.
out. According to a popular DEDICATION OF NEW BANNER OF PHILHARWithin the space of five mi slogan play developed into MONIC CHOIR nute: after the start, an illl iron against iron. as opposi wind blew against the ho tion was met by opposition Interwoven with the even se was spread over a network mesters, when Osmond and tripping by tripping, ing service at the St. Mark of music, its charm and benevans, one of our most formi when suddenly Heredia Church last Sunday, the ar fits, a science which had dable goalies, got off his ba. right gained the fifth shot tistically designed and splen found acceptance in the very fance and in attempting to for his side, and the game interfere with a ball travell closed without any further la sed the Philharmonic Choir was It is understood that the Ban ing outside his territory, fell changes.
dedicated by the Rector, thener was designed by Mr. Ja and Heredia sharp shooter Miss Reyes, the honoured Rev. James Evans. Themes Messam, the very energe of the left wing earned the guest, presented a costly emblematic work is signifi tie Secretary of the Choir, first goal. The visitors controjball to the Captain of the vil cant of the functions of the and the work accomplished led the ball from this stage. siting team Philharmonic name Mr. Michael Newton of arThey aggressiveness was rawhich occupies a central positistic fame.
ther effective. The displays cion on the emblem.
We heartily congragulate of technique and passe DR. FLOYD FLORIO VISITOR weThis very useful unit of the Choir re of an emotional character. Our city was graced dur United Medical and Sanita the St. Mark Parish was or Our right wing, very unfor jing the earlier days of the ry Department of this city ganized on the sixteenth of TEATRO MODERNO tunately, missed two ear week in course, with the wel when our highly esteemed June 1937 and has had a most marked shots by having wi comed presence of Doctor Medicos Cuevillas and outstanding career during its Lunes Agosto: de y pulled hos triger By the Floyd Florio of Denver, Co Bindas, and the much regard six years of life. The dedica MADRE VENGADORA movement of don Roberto Porado, United States of Ameed Bacteriologist Hernantion ceremony was rather ap Blanco, the Home team Pre frica; where it is understood Paez, conducted him through pealing. The Rector discour Eddie Bracken sal sident, one could gather he he occupies the position of their distinctive departments.
Martes 10 Agosto: meant to say. That not Instructor in the Medical Uni EL PANTANO DE LA the way my Boys. Heredia versity.
CHINESE COLONY MOURN DEATH OF MUERTE ata earned three goals against a Dr. Florio called at the con PRESIDENT LIN SEN Walter Brennan MR. FERNANDO ASCH REFERS TO COMING The Chinese resident in re he subsequently resided Miércoles 11 Agosto: this city demonstrated their for a number of years. He JALISCO NUNCA PIEHDE VISIT OF THE PRESIDENT sorrow by closing thir com returned to China in 1911, All things indicate Barcelata y Chaflan that deron Guardia. His reclara mercial establishments and during the national revolution the twenty second day of tions were as follows. other business places for for and entered public life. Jueves 12 Agosto: the pdesent north will be The Province of Limon dety eight hours on receiving General Chang Kai Shek LA HORA FATIDICA of outstandin; ivanortancesires to accord His Excellen the news of the death of, has been named provisional Boris Karloff for the general welfare of cy the President of the Re the national Pres. Lin Se President in addition to his our Province. On this day public a sincere homage in which took place during the important position of Chief Viernes 13 Agosto: His Excellency the Presi gratefulness for the decided night of the 2nd. instant. in Command of China fighLA HORA FATIDICH dent of the Republic China figh has, eid he has given the Cacao President Lin Sen had ting forces.
Boris Karloff agreed to visit us, in desponse industry by presenting the reached the advanced age of The Atlantic Voice tento the solicitation of a num lifting of the tramway at eighty one years. He was ders the members of our Chi Sábado 14 Agosto ber of citizens who Penshurst, which would ha born in Foochow in 1862, nese Colony its sincere sym VICTORIA LIBERTAD evince a lively interest in ve mortally afected the eco and was educated in the Uni pathy.
Ann Sheridan sall which tend toward the nomic condition of hund edsted States of America, whe Domingo 15 Agosto: getterment of our Zone, par of humble agriculturists diculanly in the realm MARIA EUGENIA of that district and directly can workers and gives them Province, inviting the peo tagricultural activities. prejudice national economy their natural and legitimate ple to participate in the jo Maria Félix, la mujer más In this connection, we ta by paralyzing the sale of rights. Our Province will yous event As a result, it is bella del cine en español ke pleasure in releasing the the Cacao; his dignified in entertain him on the 22nd, expected that not less than expressions Mr Fernando tervention favourably resolv instant when all classes so five thousand souls will be to our city and province, and demonsAsch made at a visit he reed the caotic situation. It is cial, scholastic, commercial. on hand to bid Dr Calderon join in the great centy paid us. As is well also our wish he said to ex both of this city and the va Guardia and his distinguish tration which will take place known, Mr. Asch is one of press our great appreciation rious districts will participa led party hearfel: welcome immediately after their arriour most energetic and un for the settling of the mat te in the civic movement.
selfishly disposed agricultu ter of the country bounda The Atlantic Voice congra ristit, this outstandnig desiry with Panama, an act transtulates Mr. Asch and the GAME LUMBER YARD re being the advancement of cendental for the tranquility other Limonenses who have 4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE our economic and other in of our peoples; also for the organized the festivity. It is Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to terests. He has been displa bringing into effect of the understood that Asch GAME LUMBER YARD ying a most praiseworthy Social Guarantees system has distributed thousands of We never have a dissatisfied Customer attitude with respect to the which accords equality to circulars throughout the PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET pproaching visit of Dr. Call the great mass of Costarri length and dreadth of the con bas con con con our con con Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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