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tant preparation, utilising the les, the War Department It was recently announced BIRTHDAY SOCILTY sons given in General de Gaulle had commissioned Willa suggestion recently emateachings, the Huns surprised Brown as Lieutenant, nated from the Ethiopian LeA man need not tote a rifl Civil the smaller nations in Europe Air Patrol, in the only Squagation in London that a pickor wear funny coloured clo with their Blitzkrieg methods, dron in the Staffed ed force of Ethiopian comthes to fight the Axis. He need they thought they had really found the stick with which to wholely by Negro officers mandos should spearhead the not concern himself primar beat the whole world. Real war, and located at Harlem Airpori, invasion of Italy. The sugges ly with the war effort however, unlike plain fire, is a Chicago.
lion has caught on. People yet he may have a world wide good master if a bad servant, seem to feel that it would be, influence against the Axis.
Willa Brown is a striking poetic justice.
Dr. Harold Moody is such a and the United Nations soon a These learnt their lessons too, as has personality who occupies Commandos since been shown Dr. Moody is a well known in Egypt, unique place both in the world been in training for some time Libya, Tunisia, Sicily and soon of aviation and of Negro WOand the Ethiopian govern fi: ure in London and is a man may we hope in the much vaunt manhood. She is undoubtedly ment recently stated that their of many parts. He practices as ed Fortress Europe. which the world leading colored medical man in a London army is ready to fight anymay shortly become merely the aviatrix. She was also acclaimwhere at any time beside the district and is a trusted comshattered Fort Naziland. Rem ed as one of the leaders of Allies. What better place panion to thousands in what ember how the nazis gleefully, that tenth part of the whole than in the rugged, arid moun he himself calls some of my thought they had done something American nation which is of tains of Sicily and southern back streets. He has for ma clever when they invented the African origin. She holds that the Queen Italy and at the time of the ny years been the leader ang word coventrate. for their con exalted position with the dig.
ceming Allied Invasion?
the driving force in the orga centrated raids, the first of whichnity of a true soldier today. Forty three years ago last These Ethiopians need prac nisation known as the League badly damaged the peaceful lit.
Wednesday was born at the tically no schooling in the of Coloured Peoples which tle country town of Coventry.
Carrying on the tradition of Scotch Castle of Glamis, home of technique of the Commando. has done much good work Well, the have gone sothe famous Bessie mewhat better. The first 1000 first negro aviatrix who Coleran, age old traditions dating from the In fact they can and have among colonial visitors to Eng he time of Macbeth, immortalised in taught many tricks to our own land. In June this year was bomber raid was over the hun killed in a crash, Willa Brown the Lady Elizabeth Angela Eo born fighters and have been isuard of the London Missio Shakespeare famous tragedy, Commandos because they are was elected Chairman of the city of Cologne, one of the most built up a considerable repu wes Lyon who in her twenty third carrying on a relentless guer hary Soiety of England. important river ports and rail.
the centres in Europe, through which tation for herself before year became the wife of all routes led if you wanted war flying her own planes. then Duke of York, now head of lians in the mountains of their in the history of the Missionathe rilla warfare against the Ita is the first coloured chairman get from Western Europe to She was first inspired by the the vast British Commonwealth cwn country for the past six y Societiese Poland, Czechoslovakia, and other example of Col. John Richard. of Nations. This noble lady as years. The Amharas of the This leader of his race hails countries which have for a gallant colored flyer sumed on her husband time being been overrun by the who volunteered for toom Janaica where his nineservice sion, without cavil, her northern part of the country duties mother wesides Hitler horde. This big scale air in Ethiopia in 1931 and who as Queen, and so well has never gave up to the Italians. ly year old she his bombing can quite easily justify fough: against the Italians acquitted herself, that she stands Like all good Jamaicans Instead, they retreated into the title of Colognization. and there with distinction. Operat now as the true prototype and and carried on the war with sering over the hoareas of impossible country thoughts are constantly Caribbean Hamburg in these last few weeks ing from Harlem Aufele. example to all British woman island of Jade and his first is knowing something of the which was a privately owned hood.
commando tactics.
Her unaffected dignity, Jeaning of this sprinkling cestablishment, Willa observation on being told of Brown sweet and sympathetic nature, There they lived under his appointment, thie bitter waters of Cologne ir did much to encourage avia and sincere interest in the wel ground, travelling at night in effect that he was glad both was to the the concrete or rather metallic tion among Chicago negro fare of all her subjects, and in iregular bands armed form that the RAF now so well nopulation.
with iu his mother and Jamaiparticular of those of her own assortment of weapons cas sake.
barries out. That historic 30 May sex, have endeared her to all ranging from spears to mo1942, was one of the first hearts wherethrough runs Brit dern automatic rifles filched form as a suggestion that all Dr. Moody outlined his platdences that the Huns ideas of ish blood.
from DURNED UTTY the ecionizing the whole world was Italian garrisons Christian forces boʻh in EngDuring the years of peace, she. going to be ousted by cologni upon which they swooped in land and the U: be wended her dainty way through the black of nigh. They are shalled to prepare marB UNKUM zation of their own industrial the highest salors and the poor nieuntaineers who go bare. for the advancement of plan centres and warplants, until the est quarters, learning thorough foot over the roughest ground. Africa educationally, economiali Menace of Germany has been eli ly the problems of her people, They can sleep in the minated entirely from a world German official news, re acquiring understanding of the mists of high mountains prac rally and spiritually.
chill cally, socially, politically, mo kidt now is tired of the Prusmarkable as everybody knows for minds and aspirations of all clas: The Plan spirit.
allround falsity and flamboyance, ses from the highest to the low tically without covering and plan of State cum Church, SOS inexactitude and exaggeration, est, and earning the heartfelt they seem to be able to subplan of State cum Cchurch. 22)
DIPLOMACY LA right from the start of the war homage and admiration of all.
sist on scraps of natural veis normally datelined Then came the war, and Queen getation that anybody else pom MODE short for Deutsches Nachrichten Elizabeth found fresh and unex would consider inedible.
SAYINGS Buro (German Official News pected ways of getting even These Commandos played a Service) The Huns themselves closer to the hearts of her people. major role in the reconquest Women courage is reinThe President of a neutral re soon said it really meant art Nazi bombers gleefully destroyeci of their own country in 1941. forced by one of the strongest publie was blessed not so long ichts erichten meaning a portion of Buckingham Palace, Now they have been organis weapons in our national ago with the visit of a new am aren Report. though now we but did not realise that by suched into regular com nandos mour. a sense of humour bassador from Hungary. At the think they ll be saying more of wanton act they helped to bring and are being equipped with that nothing can dauns. With presentation of credentials, the ten aren Notify ombing. home to the ordinary man, one modern weapons. Dropped by this weapon of amazing temfollowing conversation took place: In England, everybody knew of of the fundamental principles of parachute or otherwise let per, that turns every way, our What country do you repre course that the real warning in British democracy, namely thai lcose in the mountains of Ita people keep guard over their sent. The Kingdom of Hun these letters was Do Not el the kingdom rulers did not ly they would sow havoc and sanity and their souls.
gary. Hmhm! So you have ieve. whilst the natural wit of esteem themselves overlords of terror in the corny boot of the The Queen.
a King. No we are ruled a Frenchman soon discovered or members of a higher race than Axis.
by Admiral Horthy. Oh! An the answer was Derniéres outheir subjects and, by putting Many people now are lookadmiral. 80 you must have a velles lagues. or, as our the Royal family thus on a pa!
ing forward to a better world Navy. No, Your Excellency, North American friends would in suffering with the meanest of we have no fleet. Hmm! Then, say Stop Press Hooey. Spatheir fellowmen, bound still closer once more her spirit of after the war. There will comraI suppose you re neutral?
no such betšer world niards got much the same idea the sentimental and homely tjes deship and to speak with the the victory of our arms No. Excellency, we are at war and came out with ifusiones which unite the King and Queen housewife in her shattered hone is Mr. Ralp with Russia. see! suppose otoriamente ombásticas. as with the ordinary Britons who on equal terms, to complete.
ASsympathise one may ask why. Because we should say Bally Bad Bleat earn their livings in a different without affectation over the ruin sheton, Excellency, we have a claim on Ing. but it was left for an Ita and perhaps more banal way of household treasures, and to Transylvania. oh! So Russia lian mind to add the final For Britain Sovereigns do show her fine feelings of compan The spirit of optimism is that has seized Transylvania? No, touch, for, after having been so indeed earn their livelihood, and ionship by helping in many cases in the air and think Rumania got that. Well, well! cruelly deceived for their blind depend absolutely upon the win with personal gifts, and in the spirit is fully justified. British In that case, you must be at war faith in their Master Voice in of their people for the recom organisation of special services friendship for France and the with Rumania too. No, Ex Abyssinia, El Alamein, Cyrenaica, penses which they gain in forrelief of the distress caused friendship of France for Brit.
cellency. The Rumanians are our Tripolitania, Tunis and now Sici. return for their services as re by the actions of the bestial ain have never been in doubt.
allies. Unable to stand this any ly, the saddened descendants of presentatives in earthly form of enemy, who without traditions of General de Gaulle.
longer, the President seized his Romulus, Remus, Horatius, and the mystic spirit which binde his own to look back upon, Yesåerday Germany said telephone, and stifling the emo Appius Claudius, run around say the British races together sought to eradicate the relics and she could not be vanquished.
tion in his voice, asked for soling that the notorious throughout the world. Visiting household gods of all Britons, To day she is obliged to conmeone to come quickly from the really indicates iamo Notizie the devastated dwellings of her of the home loving Royal Family fess that she cannot be madhouse, to take charge of his uggiarde or octor Goebbels less fortunate subjects, Queen as well as of the homely man intorious. Camille peculiar visitant. asty alderdash.
Elizabeth was able to evidence the street.
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