
ATLANTIC VOICE THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK In order to reap we must first sow, and the time to sow is TODAY NOT TOMORROW. Let us begin by being faithful to each other, in our every dealing, and also to our Trust.
099 NATIONAL OBSERVANCE OF MOTHERS DAY Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 YEAR VIU LIMON, AUGUST 14th. 1943 NO 385 CHURCHILL AND ROOSEVELT AGAIN CONFER his way to Washington to hold another conference with President Roosevelt.
He was accompanied by his wife and daughter, as also several high positioned mli tary, naval and aerial officers.
It is the general belief!
that at this further conferen!
ce definite plans will be la id for the launching of the final blow against the Axis combine, in view of the recent outstanding Allied vie!
tories on fronts.
Premier Churchill arrived It is also rumoupred that to Moscow to confer last Tuesday in Canada on the British Premier may go Stalin.
The national observance of Mothers Day will be ef.
fected tomorrow. Throughout the Republic, deserving tribute will be showered on Motherhood, not only in the form of material gifts, but also in the more significant nalure of specific instructions to the youthful, un.
developed characters regarding the debt of gratitude we, one and all, owe those whose hands rocked our cradles, and succoured us during our infant and child.
hood days, and who still comfort and shield us in our matured years.
Each commemorative Day should specially recall the love, the devotion, the tenderness and sacrifices of Mother. and also stir recollections of those who have passed unto the Life Beyond The Day should also serve to awaken in some a realization of the pain and sorrow their mothers suffer by reason of their neglect and unworthy treatment.
We sincerely hope that none will fail to pay their Tribute to the one who, in weal and wos, has ever with SUGGESTION THAT BOARD OF SUPPLIES ACQUIRE AND DISTRIBU been and will always be a most faithful and unselfish TE ALL CORN PRODUCED IN THIS ZONE Friend. May the greetings, the gifts and the messages be gladiy tendered and joyously received.
ENEMY FORCES QUIT SICILY In view of the many dif plies would acquire, by pur under which it is suggested the cultivators of Corn in chase, all the product produ al the production could be LA FRANCE LIBRE ficulties and disadvantages ced in our Province and sub acquired, shipped to San José Frente la Compañía Eléctrica, Limés this Zone are still encounter sequently distribute same and eventually distributed SOUVENIRS DE COSTA RICA ing in connection with the from the San José end. by them.
Ravistos en Inglés y Español. Variedad de Novelas y Libros de Enseñanza curing and disposal of their In the very interesting let Don Mariano proposes that Cámart Fotográticas, Películas, Joyas de Fantasia, crops our highly regardied Miter he has sumbitted to the thn Corn be purchased on the Resistencias, Ropa para Niños, Adornos de Casa nister of Agriculture, don Board, a copy of which is Cob at prices prevously Propietaria: ANITA DE NANNE Mariano Montealegi e, has for produced in the Spanish sec fixed and shipped in bulk, by COMPRO ESTANONES VACIOS mulated a plan under which tion of this issue, don Maria. special trains, to the Capital. On parle Francais English Spoken the National Board of Sup no sets out the conditions We await with much inte.
rest the outcome of this fur1 JAPAN STILL BEING HARD HIT AIR ATTACK ON BRITAIN ther effort of don Mariano to advance the economic condi England is reported to ent air attack during seveReports from the Far Eas the base of Munda.
tion of our people and Pro have experienced last Wed ral weeks.
tern War Zone disclose that The Is and of Rerdova, lovince.
nesday night the most vio London announces that the Alied forces are still in cated a short way off Munda ten enemy planes dropped flicting heavy blows on the was the object of an enemy a number of incendiary and Japanese. During the ear aerial attack, but with no high power explosive bombs lier days of the weck in cour serious results.
Three days ago it was re RAF units effected other on a city located on the se, Allied bombing units ope North American air units ported, by way of the Allied bombardments over Milan, southwest coast. Eight perrating throughout the entire effected much damage to Headquarters in North Afri Turi nand Geroa during sons were killed and sevewar zone of the south west Pa enemy interest in Mandalay ca, that the Italian Com the night of Tuesday last ral others injured. Several cific have effected vio ent and nearby districts, mand had withdrawn all and caused much damage. buildings were also destroattacks over important ene Chunking announces that their troops from Sicily le German and other official ved. Among those damamy bases Salamaua and during the past two months aving the defence of the Is circles express the opinionged were two schools, one Vila are said to have suffered the Japanese had launched land in the hands of the that Italy will capitulate at church and several commer most being, apparently, the three peace propositions to Germans. It is now stated any moment.
cial establishments.
principal objectives in the China but they hada all been that in view of the contiAllied advance against the turned down by China va nued successes of the Allied great enemy stronghold of lient Comarder in Chief, Ge forces the Germans are pre Rabaul in New Britain. neral Chiang Kai Sheck who cipitatingly evacuating the Prisioneros Nazis The forces of the United reiterated his intention of Island. Large numbers are States are reported to have continuig with the United said to be fleeing daily toreached a point only a few Nations until the end. ward the Italian mainland miles off the port of Bairoko, Alate advice States that by every available the last stronghold of the the North Americans had but under the incessant fiJaps in the Island of New compliteg surround ed Bairo re of the Allied heavy can Georgia, espite the strong ko and that the Japs. Wold non.
resistence they have been en either have to surender cauntering since capturing perish.
The British forces said to have reached a point (from which they can see NOTICE the majnland. squadron of cruisers Aadress all your EngPara todos sus trabajos and destroyers recently ineering Requirements ro de Ingenieria dirijase a bombarded the dock yards of Naples, while other naval units attacked Cape Vatica BOX 523. Teléfonog 5319, 3201, or 2929 no where converge the maSAN JOSE yority of the Italian railrods Soldados nazis capturados por las tropas norteamericanas en el frente tunecino dejan para siempre los campos de batalla para Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicns that connect with the Tirreser internados en un campamento de prisioneros.
10 Sea.
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