
SATURDAY, AUGUST 14th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE one to 12 MILLION DOLLARS TO COMPLETE SECTION PAN AMERICAN HIGHWAY IN COSTA RICA BROWNE ABRAHAMS The section of the Pan the fact that the huge sum Cartago and when the road can Highway which tra of twelve million dollars ha way which rune from El Ge VENTA DE MERCADERIAS es the region between Dove been specially appropieted neral to Cima is completed DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR and the valley of El Gene for the completion of that pie it wont be long before access 1, or the locality general ce of the highway Tho pro It othe Pacific coast is provid Apartado 362 ly known as El Cerro de la lject includes we understand el, it is said.
Muerte. is stated to be the the cutting and construction LIMON most difficult of the entire of three tunnels, of work between Mexico and which will he connected Panama An idea of TARES AMONG THE WHEAT the technical difficulties are la like may be gathered from Muerte lies wes ward of LATE NORTON No thought has been more ge in cruelty, deceit, eivy, constant in our mind throug and falsehool; the knoweldge BOURRETTE hout our life, than that of of reading and writing deseLOST LOST LOST At the hour six, last Satur the sowing of tares among crated, by urworthy uses and Reward will be Given day morning, 7th, instant, a the wheat. Say what one excesses, the enobling things or finding a BITCH. NORWEGIAN Requiem Mass, for the repo will, it is our firm belief that of life prostituted for the FOX, se of the soul of the late, marvellous narrative is being accomplishment of base ends, fate colour Shag with long hair and short ears. Strayed Norton Bourrette who enter manifested by present day and all their faculties devoted rom our home since August 3rd. instant. Report to ed the life Beyond just a commonatlty every where. to degrading occupations.
Major Thos. Lynch, Salvation Army, year ago on that date, was There are two opposing so The mind which dwells on LIMON solemnized in the Cathe wers in this world of ours, these evils and mourn over dral. The Rey. Fr. John those of the great Creator them will surely become souwas the celebrant.
and those of man. It is obser red, and disgusted and scepAn outstanding representa. ved that those who labour on tical of the existence of good what the other by a lons, bridge, REQUIEM MASS FOR POPULAR OR CHANCE LOTTERY PRIZE tive congregation attended behalf of the Maker of all Should one faith in himself INCREASED NOTICE Mass. We are not wanting in and his mission be rea) and pathies to those who still heavenly and spiritual boun carnest, he will not, however, mourn his passing.
ties, while the others indul fail to gain a certain measure The anouncement has been mounts of 720 and 18, of success, and even if he does officially released that, start respectively. Payment not satisfy the world. at large, on he will at least, satisfy the ing with tomorrow draw the terminal figure of the ing the winning ticket of the winning number bus been voice of a conscience. Fixity Popular or Chance Lotte stopped.
By this medium beg to notify the Community in geneof aim, enthusiasm of purpose ry will carn a prize of. We advise alſ interested in ral that am not recponsible for any account contracted and heroic preseverancë dis800, or 20 each piece, this lottery to bear these by my wife Hyacinth Jackson Walker tinguish the individual; and it would be well to bearnain instead of the present a changes in mind.
Pierpont Walker. mind that the world is no longer clay, but rather ironx sin the hands of the workers and RAF DISORGANIZE NAZI WAR INDUSTRY men have got to hammer out a place for themselves by Pursuing their determina. of Tuesday last with serious BERLIN BEING EVACUATED steady and rugged blows. We tion of totally destroying losses to the Nazi war indus Gripped with the fear of The number of persons cling steadfastly to the Germany industry, try.
suffering a fate similar to killed in the attack on Ham wing on behalf of the Creaunits of the RAF continued It has been stated that those of the destroyed city burg is given as approxima otr to that which he comTheir daily raids over the Berlin would shortly be the of Hamburgo, the inhabi tely 50, 000 while eleven of manded to the blessinggon Reich.
tants of Berlin are quitting the forty districts were to carth fith a foreshadowing The vitally important in Rome is reported to have the city in thousands. tally destroyed.
and promise of a better world.
dustrial center of Nurem experienced a second air It was also been reported Consider the Lilies.
berg was the object of a vio attack.
that the government had lent attack during the night evacuated the city.
war dz Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR 3M الائن DÉJAME ENTRAR ADOLFO SOY BENITO st Jan Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra REMEMBER ميولدم WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Carlisle en el Des Moines Register ANIMALES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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