
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1943 JAPAN ENORMOUS NAVAL AND AERIAL LOSSES con con MOSAIC TEMPLARS THANKSGIVING Emanating from Australia of her warships and more gust 1942 and 8th. May SERVICE the information is released than four times the number in so far as only the that, since the commence of planes lost by the United Pacific area is concerne The scene associated with by a host of well wishers, ment of the battle in the Sa States of America.
are 896 warships sunk, the march of the members returned to the Lodge Hall lomon area, Japan has suf The figures given for the probably sunk and 129 se of the Royal King Obed Tem where the social feature fered the loss of one half period between the 8th. Au riously damaged. The losse ple of the British Order of though brief, was very enby the United States wer Mosaic Templars, in colour tertaining. It was presided 41 sunk and nine damaged ful regalias last Sunday, over by Mr. Bolton, MoThe total Japanese plane was highly photographic assaic Master. Congratulations EI Simón Bolívar destroyed in the same zo headed by a number of mu were extended the members is stated as 802 of all sicians playing some of the by the Rev. Forde, Mr.
compositions of the Great Obadiah Bartley, Mr. Jos.
Master they proceeded from Thomas and Mrs. Con TEATRO MODET the Hall of the Loyal Phoener. spicy recitation was nix Lodge to the Baptist contributed by Mrs. Jane Lunes 16 de agosto Church.
Poyser. The songs by Mrs.
VICTORIA LIBER The Thanksgiving by the Mriam Jacobs and Miss Refraternalists was entwined becca Wright were very im Ann Sheridan with the Church evening pressive. The climax was re Martes 17 de agosto worship. The scripture les ached, when an impressive SER NO SER sons read by the Rev. For novelty was effected by the de, harmonized with the spe striking of an arrangement Carole Lombard cial service. The first treat as a symbol of the Rock ted on Elijah wonderful which Moses struck in the Miércoles 18 de agosto confidence in the true God wilderness and from which FRENTE LA VIDA of Israel, as opposed to the the water gushed forth. Afjunanswering (prophets of ter the inging of the LodPepita Serrador Baal. The second referred to ge closing Ode God Jueves 19 de agosto the great need of Charity, be with you till we meet UNIDOS VENCEREMOS above all the other virtues, again. the benediction was Documental explicada as emphasized bythe Apos pronounced by Mr. Jos. Tho en español tle Paul in his writings to mas.
Viernes 20 de agosto the Corinthians. The several UNIDOS VENCEREMOS hymns sung also coincided PERSONAL with the Thanksgiving.
Documental expliqada In his discourse, the Pasen español tor stressed the great impor We are glad to note the Sábado 21 de agosto dance for a real co operation return to our communal li Detective ENAMORADO between the members of the fe of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Lanzamiento de un nuevo barco de 10. 000 toneladas, tipo Lifraternity and the Church, Richards. Our widely regard bertad, bautizado con el nombre del héroe y libertador americano, Simón Bolívar. La ceremonia se llevó a cabo el Día de Loyd Nolan as well well as for a life de ed citizens were abroad las Américas en un astillero de la costa atlántica de los Estados voted to christian worship for many months; and have Unidos.
Domingo 22 de agosto and the MAS ALLA DEL ODIO defusing of the returned, we understand, for things which pertain to Ch an indefinite stay. We bid en tecnicolor rist.
them a cheerful welcome.
The vote of the people is the law of the land and Madeleine Carrol At the close of the service Wen all is said and done the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service, the procession, augmented the re is no place like home. West of the city Market.
FROM TWENTY FOUR MILES con con con LA PROVEEDORA SMASHES PRICES STILL LOWER NIDO, powdered Milk, tin 00 ISLAND PALM SOAP 0060 KLIM, powdered Milk, tin 15 SAPOLIO 00 CARNATION Evaporated KEROSENE, bottle 50 Milk, tin 50 WIRE SPONGES 25 NESTLES condensed Milk, tin 45 SWEET OIL, bottle 25 OATS, fresh, ib. 45 SHOE POLISH, Yellow 10 COFFEE, delicious, lb. 00 BRILLO, for 15 FLEISHCHMANN Baking Powder, lb. 40 ROBINSON BARLEY, tin 25 STARCH, white, lb. 50 SHRIMP, tin 50 TUNA FISH, tin 50 PRUGNES, lb. 50 TOILET PAPER, roll 80 RAISINS, lb. 25 FLOOR POLISH, lb. 50 GOLD MEDAL FLOUR, Ib. 45 PALACE SARDINES, tin 00 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM, SODA BISCUITS, 1b. 00 tube 00 ARGO OIL, gallon 15. 50 CRISCO, lb. 25 We offer you not only lower prices, but also correct weight, courtesy and fresh, guaranteed merchandise LA PROVEEDORA Limón It is with mucu regre we mention the death o Mrs. Ida Maud Smith, a hi ghly regarded resident of th district of Twenty four les, after a rather hengthen ed illness which she is sai to have borne with gre: christian fortitude.
The deceased was a nativ of the Parish of Mancheste in the Island of Jamaica. He union with our much estee ed Mr. Thomas Smith WE productive of many issue: Twenty four Miles mourn the loss of a loving and chr: tian character. The obsequie gave fitting tribute to the si cere esteem in which sh was held.
Among those who surviv her, are her widower, seve children and six grand chi dren; to these and the othe bereaved relatives The Atla tic Voice extends its pr Jound condolence. May pe petual Peace be accorde the soul of the departed.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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