
SATURDAY, AUGUST 14th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA DAGE means SEEKS HAND OF LADY IN MARRIAGE OUR FOOTERS FAIL FOR LACK OF TEAM ORK in Almost all historians are any Laurels for the sporting it is on the back of Limon RESPECTABLE, HEALTHY, WEALTHY, that CHRISTIAN WIDOWER there is strength. as also we are confronted with the In view of our sincere dethat experience bought lowering to an appreciable sire to observe the iplacing wishes to marry a Lady: one who must be a devoted should be more greatly va degree, of Prestige, by be of our sports on a higher Christian and intelligent, be cable to take personal lued care of the domestie duties of lier home and do sewthan experience ing so regularly whipped in standard, as well as our long ing for herself and such men wear as may be con taught.
to submission on our own te ing to bask in the atmosphe sistent for her to make. Her age is to be within thirty We have from time to timerritory as well as on those of re of joy, while floating on five and forty five years. One with a little to time released our opinion other Provinces. Too often the waves of triumphs in pla preferred.
regarding the LACK OF have we been the recipient ce of our constant depressPlease communicate to Eastwood UNITY in most of our out of the rod of chastisement ing experiencus with the Farm, Cuba, Zent Line dor sport events, and more as our Trophe. Breakers. we urge that and more do we see evidenWe feel there is good reaſ the recently elected Admice of the justification of our son to contend that this we nistrative Personnel of the RUSSIANS CONTINUE VICTORIOUS constructive criticism. Care akness can be overcome, if current Football League see ful and interested observers all concerned would bury to th. securing of a Limon ADVANCE will admit that, from the vi the hatchet of individualism Selection. and practise erpoint of individualism, and CO OPERATE for the them into the spirit and exer The Soviet force3 continue successful retirement will be there are advanced players good of Limon. Whether it! cise of such real team work, their successful offensive on remote. The route now avai ket Ball Clubs. Such indivi Jupiter, Limon Jr. or Mexi tingly defend Limon at hoin our Foot, Base and Bas be Barcelona, Gimnastica, as will enable them to fitthe several fronts.
lable to them is described as The troops operating in the but 40 kilómetros.
dual brilliant performancesco Junior who receive the me and elsewhere.
are not, however, Kharkov sector are said to The advance against from By gaining lashe, in the final analysis, have reached a point ten ransk Orel is also stated to be miles off the city which was progressing favourably, despi being subjected to artillery te weather conditions. Sixty LOS CENTIMOS DE HOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL MAÑANA SI UD.
fire and tha they had al pulated centers have been cut the railway comunication captured in this region and SABE AHORRAR with Poltava. It is thought two thous and enemy soldiers that, with the capture of a taken prisioners. An enorm number of districts lying aro ous quantity of war material COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS EN EL und Kharkov, the possibility was also seized, of the Germans effecting a o BANCO DE COSTA RICA GAME LUMBER YARD (Sucursal en Limón)
4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to GAMEZ LUMBER YARD REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO We never have a dissatisfied Customer ta or our one success PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the BANANA PRODUCERS SEEK INDEMNFICAMR. ROBERTO pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
TION FOR DAMAGES SUFFERED BY TORPE EVANS After passing a vacation DOING OF SAN PABLO of several weeks in this his NEW DEEREE GOVERNING MUNICIPAL natal city Mr. Roberto Evans returned to the Capi REPRESENTATION tal last Wednesday, by the According to the San Jose pect to the Evecutive Autho regular passenger train the By the annumcement ap one more member shall be papers, We note the Banana rithy and have 3sked that resume his studies for Producers of our Province are the awards if granted, be last pearing in Priesthood Wednes. added for each 20. 000 seeking indemnification for paid from the funds in the day Official Gazette, the the fraction in excessh of the damages they suffered hands of the Junta in charWe sincerely wish law which limits the repretha thousand, as also very worthy young citizen as a result of the torpedoing geo fenemy property in continued in his sentation on all Municipal more substitute for every of the San Pablo by keeping with the existing scholastic efforts.
Boards to three members additional two members.
an enemy under water craft, law.
and two substitutes has been The other Municipal Boa little more than a year The matter is, we underst SUNDAY SCHOOL ANrepealed.
ards of the provinces wi. ago.
The law has been replac continue to be composed of and, receiving the attention It is stated they have sub. of the Congressional Commi NIVERSARY ed by one which enacts that three members and two sub mitted a solicitation in this res tte concerned.
the Municipal Board of the stitutes, and on the populaThe 1943 anniversary of Central Canton of each Protion exceeding 10. 000, but the Sunday School, conduct vince shall consist of five less than 20, 000 one more NAZI CHIEFS OPPOSED TO HITLER ed by the Baptist Denomimembers and three substitu member and a substitute nation in this city will we tes; and that on the popu shall be added.
gather, be observed on Sun lation exceeding 20, 000, The German Do Minister of Propagarda, Goeb day and Monday, the 6th.
not believe) broadcast has bels; and Martin Bermann. It and 7th. September proxi.
mentioned that a group of has also been stated that mo. An effective preparaHOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA Nazi Chiefs have been con Marshal Kit; Admiral Karl, tion is said to be underway, ferring among themselves comander in Crief of the with determmation LIMON CITY with the view of effectively Marine; Marshal Milch, Chief excell all previous celebraSpecial Attention and Price for Families opposing Hitler.
Inspector of Aerial Forces; tions.
Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath Those connected with the Colonel Jesshonck, Chief of All are urged to keep the THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
CANTINE WELL ASSORTED move are said to be Marshal State; General Kurt Chief of se dates uppermost in their HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION Goering; the Minister of For Infantry, and General Jodi, memory, in orde not to eingn Relations, vor. Ribben Chief of Aritllery, have assis fail the youngsters ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor trop; the Chief of the Gesta ted at the conferences. their presence and cheers to po, Henrick Himmler; The buoy them in their efforts.
a to with Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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