p. 12


20 me at mean a SMALL VESSELS POOL TACKLED ME. WITHOUT WAR WEARY ITALY CONCENTRATION BRITAIN POSTWAR AMMUNITION CONCENTRATED TRADE Evidence from Last week there arrived in the many sources One of Britain most importUnited States a group of British suggests that the black market is Veteran of sky. fighting on four the rule rather than the excepcontributions to The RAF, raid or Himburg on ant long term seamen. They came here to sail fronts, and one back to operational theatres of Britain s, tion in the provisioning of the the night (July 24 25) was not ozly post war reconstruction will be greatest fighter pilots in the Italian people. The Government a new record in the total tonnage, the supply of industrial plant ano number of small vessels The skipper of one of the crew. there are Leader Billy desert, 23 year old Squadron. is struggling to control it, but dropped on the target (2. 500 tons) equipment to rations seeking to their own industries, about 17 mer in a crew) is a lieu D. and Bar, who Drake, the problem has proved intrac. but was also a record in the rate develop comes table.
of correntration, with 46 tory points out the Lordon Times Tratenant, RNVR. His age is 68. This from Chatham, has now a score junior officer was once an admi of over 21 enemy planes to his or illegal deslings are broadcast record was almost equalled on the many countries there is a great Warnings against the danger being dropped per munute. This de and Engineering Review. Ir ral. He did not achieve his present credit.
just before the news bulletins. next night in the raid on Essen, deal of industrial plant which rank, however, by demotion. He The Fascist party, which was at 000 tons at 40 tons per minute, though it is working to a certain rentered from the Navy some m certainly proud of my first in charge of the control of and the rate of discharge record extent is far below modern standyears ago, and came back for was personal successes. he says, but distribution and prices, failed; broken only three rights later ards of efficiency, and the earliest service. Under him is his engineer m prouder still of the fact that the task was transferred to lieutenant retired Army colo ve lever lost one of my boys. Governmental prefectf.
the (July 17 28) with over 300 tons, opporturity must be taken to ex Later dropped at 51 tons per minute.
amine conditions and prepare to nel. Among the able seamen of higher authorities were consimet the needs of many Latinhis crew are another rerired Army There were countless times, dered necessary to cope with the The concentration technique American countries which have colonel and a young barorel, in? was told by others, writes George evil, and an inter Ministerial was introduced at the raid on Lu been accumulating bulances in yalided out of the Army in this Palmer, of when Drake committee has been set up for beck in March 1942, when 300 sterling, whilst waitirs to develop war.
had sacrificed what would have the purpose. Well informed quar tons were dropped at the rate of their industries. Whilst many BritA good deal of attention has been personal triumphs to save ters regard these changes as a tons per minute. This raid took ish Dominiors have extended their been paid to these saidors in the his fellowpilots. That is why he struggle between the various a little under hours. It was used range of machinery types of heapress. The job they have to do is is one of the most respected hierarchies. each of which is agair at Rostov shortly after vy or comp icated plant remain one of extreme hazard and hard pilots in the desert.
anxious to shift responsibility vards. In the historic 1000 bom still beyond, their scope, and will ship, the details of wich cannot be for what is regarded as a hope. ber raid on Cologne or May 31st have to be supplied by British told for security reasons However, Recounting what was probably less job.
1942, 1500 tons were dropped in as the actual industry. As soon something of the branch of the his nearest thing in more than The odious Special Tribunal of 90 minutes. This gave a rate of needs are known labor demobiliRoyal Navy to which they belong 100 dogfights, he said: the revolution pronounced dozens 16. tons per minute a conside sed after the war car be set to We had a grand 20 minute of death sentences and thousands rable advance over the two tons work immediately in Britain, to The Small Vessels Pool origina. scrap with eight M1. 1095, and of prison sentences not includLubeck.
meet them. It is the policy of the ted a part time Navy. It is to the shot down three of them. We got ing banishments to the islands, British Government to assist your Navy what the Air Ferry Servi ready to go home when our am which are administrative, not Since then the rate of concenger industrial countries with their ce is to the RAF. The Air Ferry munition ran out, but was judicial, measures. tration has beer steadily increas industrialisation, as they have Service consists of civilian pilots jumped on by a single Messerthe attitude of the man in the schmitt.
An American has summed up, as the following figures show: done so offten in the past, since who fly aircraft from factories to of weadth means St. Nazaire (Feb. 28, 1943) 1000 the expansion the fields where they sre needed.
street by saying: They never the expansion of weatth means Similarly, the job ordered the boys home and ask who will win; they only ask tons at 22 tons per min.
of the Small and the basic British prir. ciple of Vessels Pool in the Pritish Isles decided to take him as best when the war ill end. The press to and radio try to anwer this outEssen April 30, 1943) 1000 tons.
world economy is that the prosis to sail small craft from the could, without any bullets, perity of the world is ir trinsically look. They promise better things yards where they have been com give the others a head start.
at 25 tons per min.
bound up with the maximum was doing well and would to come. They explain that Ita tons at 30 tons per min.
Duisburg (May 12, 1943) 1350 pleted to the ports where they are volume of international trade.
have made it easily, only six lian sacrifices are due to interother Mes jumped on Axis cooperation.
Dormand (May 30, 1943) 2000 The assignments will often The same time.
tons at 34 tons per mir.
HEARD IN BERLIN journey in North Sea Dusseldorl (June 11, 1943) 2000 weather, which the little ships hung on as long as possible, FREE ITALIANS tons at 34 tors per min.
SHELTERS were never built to face, delive and then, when my petrol was The 51 tons per min: te dropped ring the craft tonavai authori all gone, managed to land back In Sao Paulo, cecond largest on Hamburg is an increase over ties at ar: eest coast port. Most in our own lines, with a wrecked Italian colony in Scuth America, Dusseldorf record of only Goering expressed to Hitler nis craft are designed for plane and a very frightened indi 200. 000 first goueratior: Italian weeks before, of 50.
doubts as to the latter continued work in harbours and shelteredvidual at the controls.
immigrants danced and sing, in popularity in Germany Hitler diswaters, but in order to deliver One of the the stresets voicing their joy and results of this technique is that but as proof positive they together most important missed his doubts as groundless, Lem, they must sail in some of Drake was in the the roughest waters, un journeys France and the Battle of Britain, circulation records, wh se the stre smaller the losses. The latest HamBattle of happiness Newspapers set new the greater the concentration, the visited an armaments factory, to that sometimes take as long as and three months ago, learned, ets became jammed in front of the fourg, raid cost orily 12 bombers, inspected the factory, then sing make a practical test. Hitler duiy fen days.
he was offered wing com newspaper offices, with crowds which is the lowest on record for ling out at random a worker he mander post. asked him why reading bulletin boards. On street The Small Vessels Pocl consists he refused it.
Cassers barrels were placed with Essert on July 25 26 the cost of loyalty to me shoot five of your a major operation. In the raid on ordered. As a sign of your of civilians, most of whom have the following inscriptions: Sabsdone some peace time yachting. was afraid the inactivity cription for the purchase of an ax Whereas the 1000 tons dropped in the man complied by shooting droppirg 000 tons was 25 planes fellow workers. With alacrity and whore sea laring qualities would kill me quicker than any for Mussolini to chop wood. Rahave satisfied the Admiralty. They German bullet. he said.
Idio Nacional, Rio de neiro)
the previous raid on Essen cost five Germans. Hitler gave Goeare men who go about their nor23 planes.
rir. a floating smile, and turned mal civilian vocations, but who to the worker and asked: Where.
DON BE FOOLED are ready at a moment call from To appreciate what these figu do you come the Admiralty to man a vessel. Justine for Gemany. the good men plead!
res mean, in damage to targets, it Paris came the swift reply.
It is not a job for fair weather is helpful to compare them with No! Ne! That would be barbarous indeed sailors. They are called upon both the rate of delivery made by the SAYINGS Justice for Prussia! Justice for the Hur in summer and winter, and there Germans or London. It took the We cu:d not be so harsh to anyone.
is always the possibility of enemy Tuftwaffe 90 nights to drop 7000 action. The journey sometimes iers in tour nights. The German armed forces are embraces the Straits of Dover and WHY WE MUST WIN!
dropped almost that weight 6800 a three legged stool. The army leg Boat Alley tons ir. our night.
was shaky, while the air forces WHY WE MUST WIN! Children mine the social structure of the leg is cracked. If things go on going, the The officers and who are being torn away from their subjugated nations under their The importance that is attached as well as they are stool the boat leg is broken.
came to the United States were parents, packed into filthy railway control. It is said that these swine to cutting the duration of a raid, One boat base has been so properly dressed in naval urifor carriages or even cattletrucks, and trade the children for a consi without reducing the tonnage completely shattered by ms the officers in white coats with sent to places where large German deration of from ter to fifteen dropped, is shown in the statemert and American airmen that with the usual gold lace, and garrisors are quartered, in order marks hat is the mental make up concerning Thursday night raid one German submarine can be the seamen in square rig. But in to e sold into the most vile brot of the masters of the new order on Hamburg. The new peak in launched from it for the the waters around the British Isles hels and serve as prostitutes for. Europe; even Juca Iscariot, efficier:cy reached in this raid was three months. Air Vice Marshal old flannels and battered trilby the nazi ovetlords. That is one of demanded 30 pieces of silver for achieved as a result of careful Sir Philip Joubert.
hats are more common. The crews the latest and most shameful the vilest deed hitherto known in planning my Air Marsyal Sir Arreceive proper pay, includirgacts committed by officers of Christiin history. On several octhur Harris, Chief of We can assure Germany that danger morey. as well as rail the sinister Gestapo, in Poland, casions, it was stated, crowds of Bomber Comand. His aim was to the next 100. 000 will be better travel to and from the ports where woording to authentic news reports Polish parents thronge. the rail shave minutes of the time taken bombs and even better aimed, they pik up and deliver the chart. which reached London, recently way station to plead for the child by the Hamburg raid of Saturday and that the second 100, 000 will They come from all kirds of bus This shows that the abominable ren that were being abducted, but right July 24 25. In this he suc arrive much quicker than the inesses and professions and many brutes of Hitler criminal police raturally without avail, because ceeddea and as the Air Ministry first. What she has had in the of them, having been peace time authorities are rot above stoping the leaders of the herrenvolk states, Every such cut in the past we can assure her will be yachtsmen, took part in thie eva to the lowest and most loathsome know neither decer. cy nor pity. imbing period means greater chicken feed compared with what cuation of the BEF from the bea tricks in their efforts to underdestruction and greater safety for she is going to get. Air Chief ches of Dunkirk.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio Denturam suveningeosta Rica.
aircraft Marshal Harris.
of the a my man, from?
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