
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE We are quiek at pereeiving and weighing what we süt from others, but wg mind no wital sthers suffer from us.
He who would well and duly weigi nis own deeds would have no room to judge hardly of others.
ditor: JOS. THOMAS EAR VIII LIMON, AUGUST 21st 1943 BOX 199 NO 387 CARELESS TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS WEAPONS OUP EXPECTED HONOURED GUESTS common FOX, Tomorrow, Sunday, 32nd. part, Everybody must be Though the passenger train is a public carrier, we do city of Limon will be the present so as to demonstrate not think there is a vested right that those who utilize this me cipient of the distinguished to odr President our respect, dium of travel may carry among their parcels or peckages sit of His Excelleney Pres and the áci has to be so that ent Fafael Angel Calderón Limon will be taken into the sharp cutting implements in so careless a manner as to cau jardia and Party. sponta Executive heart.
se injuries to other passengers.
us welcome will be extend. Several sporting events are This happened a few days ago on the San Jose Limon them; and we find much listed as part of the programfreight and passenger combination, when one of the femarmony in cuoting the latter me aranged in honour of the le occupants received a deep cut on one of her legs which ragrapr of the handbills distinguished visitors.
incapacitated her for several days. The injury was caused sich have been distributed The Atlantic Voice exour very energetie, carnest tends Dr. Calderón Guardia by a heavy french knife, which another passenger (a woman) sincere agriculturist. Mr. and Party its most respecthad placed in a basket in a most sureless manner.
rnando Asch, on behalf of ful and deep seated welcome.
The law regarding human safety prohibits, we think, e Committee: it reads in the carrying of such dangerous implements on a ZITTORIAI conveyance, since they may become accessible for inflictTHE NEWLY APPOINTED MINISTER OF FINANCE SOVIET FORCES ing grievaus harm in the event of a fight or other disturban REGISTER FURTHER GAINS ce, apart from calising injuries such as is here mentioned.
The information that don Don Paco is no stranger to The ATLANTIC VOICE repeats Despite the tenacious resis there is need for ancisco De Paula Gutiérrez the onerous and multifarious ducts duties associated with tence of the enemy the Sopolice protection all trains in passenger service.
oss has been appointed to e very important position the righ office, as he occupied viets are reported pursuig thir successful advances in Minister of Finance and the position during a part of LOST LOST LOST the previous Administration.
the different fighting zones. Reward will be Given ommerce: in succession to don Luis Tinoco, who In the sector of Bryansk We, therefore, feel taht this for finding a BITCH NORWEGIAN the weight of their offensive truns to his substantive po experience, coupled with his well known outstanding quahas enabled them to make tion of Minister of EducaSlate colour Shag with long hair and short ears. Stroved further apprebiable advances lifications éminently fits him from our home since August 3rd. instant. Report to on, has been received in this one with a Kigh degree of to direct and guide the ceun.
toward heir objective the cap Major Thos. Lynch, Salvation Army, atification. And turing om numeroys districts this, not try financial responsabilities LIMON and menancing the important erely because we all still and activities at this critical gard and esteem don Paco enemy fortifications in the period The Atlantie Voice sincenear viciity.
UNITED NATIONS VICTORIOUS IN SICILY. one of our own but more In the Kharkov region the SA ecause of the genuine, unsel Irely congratulates him on bis The warfare in Sicily, Ita ners taken se ection to once again fill the enemy are said to be utilizing ly stronghold in the Medite. 167. 000 up to the 10th. instant.
amounted to sh interest he ever mani100, 000 men and all their reests in all which may tend distinguished position, and rranean area, has eded with They also, up serve of tanks to retain conto the same advance the welfare of our wishes him a most successful trol of the position, as iis cap. the United Nations. The im tanks.
an outstanding triumph for date, 5, 000 cannon and 260 rovinces and people.
aure by the Soviets would mean ther loss of the entire. portant base Messina, where The trail for the invasion south region. And compel the enemy troops had figured of the mainland is now being to make a last stand, was oc blazed by the aviation and their immediate reitirement.
CARD OF THANKS It is, however, stated that supied last Tuesday, just battle ships which are incescoach moment their situation thirty eight days after the santly bombing the railways Josiah Williams and daughter Iris Island was first invaded by and roads which lead to the gets worse. Zmyev, 32 kilome Ihruugh this medium beg to thank the many friends and ters souh of Kharkov, has fal.
the forces under the com southern regions of the penin well wishers who, by visits, legrams, letters and foral offerings, expressed their sympathy during the illness as len under Russian control af mand of General Eissenhower sular. General Eisenhower is The forces of the Allied said to have notified Presiwell as on the death of our beloved wife and Mother ter what has been described, a furious figth during Nations are said to have beendent Roosevelt and Premier REBECCA WILLIAMS which the composed of 140. 000 men Churchill in Quebec of this enemy fortifica(DIED AUGUST 7th. INSTANT tions were destroyed, and while those of the enemy to readiness to initiate the inva1, 200 of their talled around 450. 000 of whom sion of Italy.
manpower ledd It is expected that the the killed, injured and prisoTHE ALLIED FORCES CONFERENCE AT QUEBEC battles of Kharkov and Bry.
MUUTTUNUM ansk will produce another It has been reliably stated now in England and the a Verdun for the Nazis.
NOTICE the prncipal items which pionting of a generalisimo fo.
Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos engage the attention o the Ear Eastern war Zones DECREE CONVOKING ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirija se a President Roosevelt, Pre. As it was not possible for PPESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS er Churchill and the Uni Stalin to ROIG leave the Soviet High Command at the Union to atetnd the confePROMULGATED nference at Q! uebec, Cana rence, it is said that the de. BOX 523 In last Sunday official Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 SAN JOSE a, will include arrangement cisions reached will be con Gazette was published the Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos or the taking over and tem voyed to Moscow by Messrs. Decree wihch convokes the porary administration of the Sumnes Welles and Anthony elections for the one who italian State; the naming Eden.
shall, as President, direct the The elections will me held one of the two who represent Supreme Commanding of It is firmly believed that afairs of the Republic during on the tirteenth of February this Province.
ficer for the European war decision has been reached the constitutional period 1944 next, the second Sunday in The publication of the Detheatre, the selection of the regarding the invasion ol 1948, as well as for those who that month.
cree puts an and to the rumfronts for the invasion of Europe and that all the armed shall replace the Deputies beour that efforts were under ope with forces agregating forces of the United Nations fore the National Congress Among the Deputies whose way to have the elections post more than 5, 000, 000 Anglo have been notified to be on whose terms will also expire terms will expire is Dr. Car poned until some tim eafter American soldiers, who are the alert.
next year.
los Francisco Umaña Cordero the close of the world war.
as Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandInvasionItalyPresidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón GuardiaSovietStalinWorld War

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