
CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao CAFE HOLNESS Comer 2nd Avenue and 7th Street directly in front the Football Ground This New Eating and Refreshing Sprit od is now at the Public Service COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
NI UN MINU SEVEN THOUSAND HECTAREAS UNDER CACAO CULTIVATION SEVEN THOUSAND. more than ten hectareas, beWe have been afforded the longed to 101 different ow very interesting information ners, while 3, 756 o fless than that according to the censussen heetarcas wore owned by taken about three years age 675. 026 hectareas of the lands We also have it that last ya in this province. are under ar exportations of the proCacao cultivation and owned totalled 5, 623, 097 kilos, while by 776 agricultorists. The dis the internal consuption actribution was as follows counted for 701. 143 kilos. 269 hectareas, consisting of RAICILLA. IPECAGUANA RUBBER We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOYT.
OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE our All premiresident Roosevelt, REV. KASSELRING TO nears NOUS REV. COOPER CONVALESCING AT CITY VISITOR RESIDENCE If it had been possible dior After having successfully Liverpool returned last week, NAZI SUBMARINES MENACÉ CONTROLLED the Rev. Cooper to have undergone very delicate meend to her city residence, whe Judging fromthe gratify were destroyed during the exaeted individual observadical treatment in the Capi re she is said to be splendidly ing inerease in the number o: same period an average, altión, he would certainly have tal, widely esteemed convalescing, while receiving merchant vessels now ente most, of one, submarine per the courteous visits of her seen the beam of real heart friend, Mrs. Teresa Henry of ring our ports it appearse that day.
felt welcome on every hand, host of religious and social the recent joint declaration assecintes, friends and weli during his visit to our city a few days ago. Not only the IN PREPARATION wisbers.
We wish her continued im Nazi submarine menace in Churchill, that th: OCCUPY METHODIST members of the Anglican com We have been told that munity, but his host of other the Mother Union affiliated provement.
the Atlantic had been contro.
PUPILT frierfas and wel wishers were with the St. Mark Church lled, is the very truth.
Our Methodist friends have excceğingly pleased with his have commenced preparations AMONG THE SICK The governmenas of had the very good fortune of presence.
for a special Debate on the The report has reached us Unied States of America and securing the Rev. Ralph KasHe came by plane from his subject Resolved trat mo that Mr. David Ward, the very Great Britian have announ serling, formerly of the Malay charya fat Almirante in the dern civilization has enhane prominent agriculturist and eed that during the recently Peniinsular, as the special pro province of the Re ed humani happiness. genera! businessman of Pa passed three months 3, 500 acher at their annual Missiopublic or Panama preparatory It has stated that the af cuarita is sick and has gone ships were used for the trans nary Services listed for tomo to cohy nuing iy aerial trans firmative and negative will to San José for special medi portation of troops and mate rrow, the 22nd. It is also unportation to Belize to attend be respectively defended by cal care. We sincerely irust, rials, over the waters of Eu derstood that he will be on the Synod at the headquar a team of three ladieswho he will speedily recover and rope and elsewhere, with the the Agenda of the public me ters of his Diocese. are diving deeply into the be able to resume nis very loss of only eight of them by eting to take place, the follo records regarding the hap useful and busy carecer. enemy action. The announce wing night.
yenings of ancient and mo We are also in receipt of ment was also made that nie bid him a hearty wel.
WATER FACTORY aen times to effectively the sad information that Mrs. ety Nazi underwater craft come to our city.
formulate their topies. bat Maud Holder of Estrada har COSTA RICA SODAtle of wits is anticipated. The been indisposed for several MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS stage will be set in the Halldays. She is one of our ver WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND TIIE ORIENTAL BARBER Of the Parish on Monday aependable, energetie and hi. ECONOMY. Everything in maSHOP 30 night the 20th.
Located in front former Fábrica de Hielo y September ghly estreemed Agents. We chinery made or repaired. from prox.
Motive Tower Club in 3rd. take this opportunity to advi a Pin to a Crane. See us.
assortment of Betis, Avenue is the new parlour of Refrescos We are thinking to assign se our much regarded reader: Springs anrt other useful things the only Oriental Barber Shop a few parachutists to effect at Estrada and vicinity that at all times. Building No. 89 in this city. All sanitary 1990 secret landings in the train Mrs. Holder daughter will North Fifth Avenue. arrangements. Barber with ning camps in order to keep represent her interests, with THOMPSON, Proprietor.
years of practice in all classes 0936 our readers abreast with those this Journal, during her un NEW HARLEM BAR AND of the Hair Cutting Art. trial FLORIDA ICE AND will convince the most in the workouts. In the mea fortunate illness, and we soli RESTAURANT. The Best drinks and prepared by Crawford fastidious.
ntime, we urge all to bear the cit a continuation of the same Grant, Genuine native and for.
LIONEL MIONDOLY 2012: FARM 20th. September next in mindcordiality and cooperation. eign liquces stocked Our CusiProprietor.
ne service the most up to date.
MADERAS ING SHOP. Specializes in mak.
In the Cathedral last Sun Bishop Oderdahl impressively Ing and repairing furniture and FABRICAT day morning, His Lordship administered the Rite of First FRESCARIA pvery other branch of woodCommunion to ten misses and work. Coffins always stocked.
MAYO four boys. Exceedingly soSee as before going elsewhere LA FRANCE LIBRE Memn was the entire service. 25 Miles. The Abaca Center Prices moderate. 4th Street, to Gamez Lamber Frente da Compañía Eléctrica, Limć Thal youngsters, who nowed Fresh and pune Frescos cf all entrance Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD SOUVENIRS DE COSTA RICA kinds prepared to meet cold or to take on the yoke of Christ warm Season. Meals. Sand, Manager Revistas en Inglés y Español. Variedad de Novelas y Libros de Enseñanza and to pursue the christian wiches and other Eats cockCámaras Fotográficas, Películas, Joyas de Fantasia, pathway, were presented by Ied with rich flavour. Here the THE RESETTER WITH IMhousewives can buy fruits the Rev. Fr. John, the Parish. all sort also a large variety of date Barber Parlour Centrally of PROVEMENTS Resistencias, Ropa para Niños, Adornos de Casa clean up. to Propietaria: ANITA DE NANNE Priest.
vegetables from Cartago located on Commerce Avenue COMPRO ESTANONES VACIOS very large oongregation WATSON HAPPY GO1 almost opposite Teatro Arras.
On parle Francais English Spoken attended the Mass and wit LUCKY ty. Pleasant, reliab. e courteous WILL ALWAYS riessed the ceremony.
We carry an ya Limón 1539 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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