
SATURDAY, AUGUST 21st. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE Estampas Nacionales Una gran 1943 oportunidad para adquirir los servicios competentes de confianza y de muy larga experiercia Señor GEORGE LAZARUS como administrador de propiedades en la provincia de Limón. Se habla español e inglés.
Dirección Postal: Apartado 449 Limón.
AMA firmal BERLIN TALKS OF REASONABLE AND JUST PEACE Berlin is reported to have menced to invade the army.
made a direct broadcast ap In Berlin alone, it is states peal to the United States of more than 000 soldiers have America for the concluding deserted.
of a reasonable, just Peace aso which would permit the ecA CRY FROM MATINA onomic reorganization of Eu You have no idea Mr. Edicope.
tor, of the very straightened Analyzing the aotuaj situa condition confronts as at Ma: tion, a Berlin commentator nila, on the Monte Verde stated it was an error to think Branch, as a consequence of the morale and resistence of the lack of transportation on the German people had been the public system from that broken, but that the continuaroint to Monte Verde, to con tion of the war and the desnect with the regular pas.
LAS CARRERAS DE SAN JUAN truction would produce an era senger servise, said several y entre los Licores Nacionales sobresale la Ginebra extra fina. con Gin World. In addition, special while on a recent visit to this of chaos in Europe and the reliable residents of Manila Ale y limón, entona, reanima y sienta bien.
reference was made to the city.
danger on the barbaric bols. We glean that Manila has LIMON REGRETS THE DEPARTURE OF SRTA. Miss Lydia as she was cal hevism, And the North Ame been converted into a very led by the hundreads of rican public were exported busy and fimportant center, paLYDIA ALFARO tients who contacted her at to think of the uselessness of being in the heart of the We recall, with special the Medico and Supreme her section of Department or their sacrifices should they Abaca Industry in that region.
pride, the establishing of the Chief of the United Depart in the homes she visited in the persist in the warfare. Present transportation faciliUnited Medical and Sanitary ment. Pleasing also it is to carrying on of her work of This very unsual message ties are under the control of Department at its original remember that, from the mercy, had endeared herselfdemostrates, it is thought, ge. the Costa Rica Banana Comlocation, now utilized as a beginning, Limon half been to our citizenry regardless of nerally, that Germany in pany and is being operated, Public Library. At that pe the recipient of the services colour, race or creed, and it ternal situation is unsustaina. we were told, only on a depriod, the esteemed Director of the very amicable, able, was evidena there had was a ble, as indicated by the data artmental plan for employees; of this Weekly. don Enri courteous, charitable and sym reciprocal endearment. She released during the past se and that a passenger is requi.
que Arrazola, was the Chief pathetic nurse, Señorita Ydis will have a long and cherised veral weeks. The horrors of red to present an authorizaof the Sanitary unit, while Alfaro, who was on Monday memory in the hearts of all the bombardments, wihch tion card agrecing with the our distinguished Deputy to of the week in course trans truc Limonenses. She has left have taken the war into the branch of trolley service. One the National Congress, Dr. Jferred to San José. indelible acts of goodness to very homes of the German canot encroach on the conveCarlos Umaña Cordero, was the afflicted.
people, have added, it was yance of another secction of The Atlantic Voice wis stated, to the serious crisis workers.
Don say you need a hair cut. say you need a Inconvenient as this may hes her God Blessing throu, which confronts Nazim in the Di.
xon Hair cut, from Dixon Barber Shop West of the ghout the remainning daya of Balkans, Scandinavia and all be from the workers viewpocity Market.
her life the occupied countries, Inforint, it falls much heavier on mations coming direct from the families and others who the interior of Germany fur must, under the circunstance, ther discloased a problem, po. foot the five miles distance sibly, much more serious the between the two points.
fight between the army and We have no dubt that if the the Nazi leaders for control need for additional transporof Germany politics. Both tation facilities had been forces are held equally res: clearly brought to the attenPAY THE BEST PRICES FOR ponsible for the latest mili tion of the genial Manager tary disasters, and the disor. of the Northern Railway ganization which, has com Company, he would have, ere of an omnibus servise, such JOSE ACHION Ng as exists between this city Comerciante detallista and the Estrella region. We trust that this medium on be.
Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, holf of the Pocketed comArtículos de Ferretería y Eléc tricos; todo se encuentra en munity may bring the much este establecimiento. desired result.
Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra NOTICE REMEMBER By this medium beg to notify the Community in general that am not recponsible for any account contracted by my wife Hyacinth Jackson Walker 2120 WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Pierpont Walker, o Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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