
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, AUGUST 21ts. 1943 BANCO DE COSTA RICA UNTININ SV REPORTED ROBBERIES TOT The attention of the Atlán warning without prejudice to LOS CENTIMOS DE HOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL MAÑANA SI UD. tic Voice has been called to complainits been lodged with a number of robberies which the Investigation Dureau, SABE AHORRAR have occurred recently. The guest rooms of some of TEATRO MODERNO the Lodging Houses in this COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS EN EL city have been entered, it is Lunes Agosto 23 said, by marauders and cash Detective Enamorado and other articles of val con Lloyd Nolan stolen front the occupants.
Martes Agosto 24 have been lodged with the In El contrataque de Moscú vestigation Bureau.
documental (Sucursal en Limón)
Inteiding lodgers should see Mércoles Agosto 25 that the rooms assigned them El Capitán Centellas in the respective Hotels or con Ramón Pere da REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA Todging Houses are properly Jueves Agosto 26 secured against these crimiSu Primer Vals nally minded persons. We are con Maria Duval LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO passing along this note of Viernes Agosto 27 Su Primer Vals con Maria Duval The vote of the people is the law of the land. and Sábado Agosto 28 DEATH OR MOTHER OF CAPT. THOMAS the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service. Una de Caballo West of the city Market.
As a soldier in the great at the bedside of her ailing Domingo 29 de Agosto Christian warfare, Captain mother. However, we have UNDER THE WINGS OF THE EAGLE Esta Nuestra Vida Libell Thomas, who is in char the consoling thought that He con Bette Davis y ge of the Bananito Corps of who keepeth the Eagle on its Like the majestic Eagie Dance on the night of Satur George Brent in the Salvation Army, left her fight will ever strengthen her of the animal kingdon, wnc day, a week ago, in the local Island home, Jamaica, and her to bear her loss.
nestles her young under her Hall of Merriment.
tal view. Radiance was incom 39 loved ones for this Republic wings when not breasting the Trepisischore, the Muse, pre plete command; and imagine, sided in all her fulness over there were to pursue her activities in stormor proudly careering her talks that the the dancing. It was the Ri writer of these lines should the Master service. English Tweeds Sergs course of joy, the Administra verside orchestra which dis have competed but how unantVery regrettingly she has tive Personnel of the Eacan still be had at ched out the swings, but fair it would have been to been in receipt of the sad ET Reasonable Prices at gle Aces Friendly Club chenews of the death of her mohad we the authority, clip the prize from rished more than eight score some JACK ORANE Sucs.
ther, Mabel Allidice, at Luof human nestlings under vould, even for once, change youth. The entries were maTHE PEOPLE HOUSE the designation to that o te tea in the parish of Hanover ny. The first line couple, Mr.
Limon their wings a ttheir repeated Firiside. for believe it or not Lorenzo Smith and Miss Mae on the 8th, instant. The decethe guests were not casied Taylor, were selected by the ased is survived, we are told, along the cool, refreshing tem udger, Messers. John Babb by her daughters Lena, Libell, HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA perature of the riverside ra Pryce and Jos. Thomas.
Etheline and e son Hopeton.
LIMON CITY ther, it was an intensified file The latter effected the preside and the musical stokers sentation of the prizes on beOur profound sympathy is Special Attention and Price for Families.
kept the thermos at highest half of the donors the Riverextended the bereaved ones Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath especially cur highly este THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
guage. The midnight competiside Orchestra.
CANTINE WELL ASSORTED tion Avalanche added thrill It was an emed young officer, Captain autumn night HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION to the merriment. This was that will long linger the meLibell, who, being in this ourpost of the great mission field ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor the hour ow rageful flames a mory of all who attended.
scene yet present to our men was not privileged to attend SEVERAL. RECENT DEATHS Among the deaths recently reported from the San Juan de Dios Hospital, San José, are those of the following SMASHES PRICES STILL LOWER persons who were associatea with this Zone.
Eustace Roache Mesvick, NIDO, powdered Milk, tin 00 ISLAND PALM SOAP 060 48 years old late of Sixaola KLIM, powdered Milk, tin 15 SAPOLIO 00 He was admitted to the institution on the 15th. of last CARNATION Evaporated KEROSENE, bottle 50 month and died on the 6th.
Milk, tin 50 WIRE SPONGES 25 instant.
NESTLES condensed Milk, tin 45 62 SWEET OIL, bottle Samuel Watson Holis 25 OATS, fresh, lb. 45 SHOE POLISH, Yellow 10 years fo age, formerly of this COFFEE, delicious, lb. 00 city. He entered the instituBRILLO, for 15 FLEISHCHMANN Baking Powtion on the Ist. July and died 25 ROBINSON BARLEY, tin on the 5th, instant.
der, lb. 40 50 SHRIMP, tin Lidia Castillo Ansuategui, STARCH, white, 1b. 50 30 years of age, late of Guaci TUNA FISH, tin 50 PRUGNES, lb. 50 mo. She went into the instiTOILET PAPER, roll RAISINS, lb. 25 80 tution on the 5th. instant and FLOOR POLISH, 1b.
died later the same day. 45 50 GOLD MEDAL FLOUR, Ib.
Charles Richardson James, PALACE SARDINES, tin 00 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM, 73 years old, formerly of the SODA BISCUITS, lb. 00 tube 00 district of 28 Miles. He ente ARGO OIL, gallon 15. 50 CRISCO, lb.
the 25 red the institution on 24th. Ultimo and died on the We offer you not only lower prices, but also correct weight, courtesy and fresh, 11th. instant.
Arthur Steward, 56 years guaranteed merchandise of age, who once resided LA PROVEEDORA Limón Rio Hondo. He was admitted into the hospital on the 2nd.
instant and died on the 11th.
PROVEEDORA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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