
SATURDAY, AUGUST 21st. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 a SEEKS JIAND OF LADY IN MARRIAGE TOMORROWS BASEBALL GAME IN HONOUR OF exercise, and also longing to see our good friend den Cueto PPESIDENT CALDERON GUARDIA and his players. He is a very RESPECTABLE, HEALTHY, WEALTHY, We are all out to specially, had gained the information good sport though, at times, CHRISTIAN WIDOWER entertain the Costa Rica that do Cueto will be bring. he takes a high cord and when wishes to marry a Lady: one who must be a devoted Baseball players tomorroyoning a team who will place that is in evidence none can Christian and intelligent, be eable to take personal Jour diamoun, in what may be rings around our boys but Ichime in.
care of the domestic duties of her home and do sewa real sensational match, said our side will be determined The Atlantic Voice exing for herself and such men wear as may be con sistent for her to make. Her age is to be within thirty Manager Johnson of the Cubs and stronger than ever. We tends a hearty welcome to five and forty five years. One with a little means Sport Club. Continuing, Ma have been yearning to vitness the players and all who will preferred.
nager Johnson declared they a good match of this exciting accompany them.
Please communicate to Eastwood Farm, Cuba, Zent Line cy which would, inter alia, allow, we understand, the stoGAMEZ LUMBER YARD rage of goods on the Com4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops CHANGES ALONG OUR WATER FRONT pany piers and other accesFOR THE HIGHEST GRADE sible holdings. The placinig Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to The changing of material harmony wiht the War Ship of Limon in the category of circumstances are ever pres ping Administration. a Free Port will also faciliGAMEZ LUMBER YARD ent as we hourney through The Chief oi the Economic tate a solution of the diffilife. During a period very Defence Committee and high culty, as the expenses which We never have a dissatisfied Customer fresh in the minds of all, it functioning officials of the would otherwise weigh heaPRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET was quite a rarity for a mer Costa Rica Banana and Nort vily on the ships while awaichant vessel to drops anchor hern Railway Companies ha ting the opportunity to disNot so much for the gold gained for services, as for the in our harbour. Our economic ve conferred fith the view of charge their cargoes will be pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon West of the city Market.
life was in consequence, grea amoothing out the difficul greantly minimized.
tly affected. Time and things ties to the satisfaction of all The manner in which all have, however, changed, and concerned It is understood have assisted to satiswactori. MORE NORTH AMERICAN TRIUMPHS IN FAR EAST so admirably, that a state of that the Executive Authority tly arange an exceptionally congestion exists, it is assu has been asked to accord per difficult situation, wisich thre: panese activities in the region be experiencing serious diffiThe final phase of the Ja ation units, they are said to red in the Cusotms Bodegas raission to the Northern Raii atened the suspension of im northeast of New Guinea is culties to consolidate thei: and every other government way Company to undertake. portations, is highly apprecia said to be drawing to a close successes in the Dutch East owned place yhere storage the duties of a Customs Agen Ited.
as the result of the terrible Indies. So as to remedy this could be made of the large blows inficterl on them by the situation, the Tokyo gobernamount of goods being unAllied air units. Among the ment have issued orders for loaded from the incoming GERMANY AND OTHER NAZI TERRITORIES HEAVILY latest was that of Tuesday the construction of naval ships.
BOMBED and Wednesday last when a units a manner unprecedenWhile these increased arrivals are affording our work The almost incesant fall of trial center of Schwinfurt surprise attack was effected, ted in all the shiptwilding men much appreciated addi. bombs continue ower Berlin and the air plane factory loc against Wewak where they yards of the metropolitan tional carnings, they have the northwest rgions of ated in Begensburg in Ger had conceitrated two hundred area, as wel las in southeast created, on the other hand, a Germany and the military many were heavily castiga and twenty five war planes, Asia. It is, however, expected dificult situation for the Eco objectives in France and the ted by Allied air units. More all ten of them were destro the programme will be retar nomic Defense Committee in Low Countries.
than one hundred German yed; 1, 500 of the enemy troops ded on account of the lack of view of the cargo ships beingDuring the daylight hours planes were destroyed at the were also killed.
installations and the scarcity unable to rapidly unload of Tuesday of the week in former point. Berlin was al The important base of Sa of experienced workmen.
their cargoes and maintain course the important indus so the object of another vio damaua, located on the same North American air units lent attack Island has been laid waste by attacked, last Tuesday, Turin and other points of the aerial attacks levelled, concentration of Japanese military importantce in Italy against it during the past four troops near Hanoi in Indo were visited by various squa weeks.
China, also supply deposits drones and much damage ef The major part of an ene and oil installations on the fected, preparatory to the ap my convoy on its way to at road to Burma in the provinproaching invasion.
tempt the landing of troops ce of Yunan.
The Nazis are said to have on the Island of Bella Lavella Later advices declare 95 effected a great reorganiza was destroyed last Tuesday more enemy planes were des tion of the defences of the night by oorth American air troyed in the New Guinea Beich in en effort to curtail units.
area and the important oil the aerial ofensive of the Consequent on the heavy center at Balik papen in BorAllied Nations.
Josses the Allied air forces neo bombed disastrowsiy.
have caused Japanese navega Rápido alivio del REUNATISMO AGRICULTURAL AND BUILDING CORPORATION OF 28 MILES HEAD OFFICE MADRE DE DIOS Los dolores sordos o punzantes del reumatismo son una advertencia: revelan que ciertos órganos vitales no cumplen en debida forma su tarea. Los dolores en las coynnturas y músculos se deben a la formación de afilados y microscópicos cristales de ácido úrico, que no han sido eliminados del organismo.
Los riñones deberian eliminar de la sangre este exceso de ácido úrico impurezas y venenos. Sus riñones (y demás impurezas y venenos. He volverán a la normalidad. La Aquí por qué, usted, a sentir las inflamación e hinchazón de las primeras punzadas reumáticas, debe coyunturas disminnirán, como ust procurar que sus rinones vuelvan a los dolores. Las articulaciones funcionar en forma rigidas recuperarán su agilidad.
Las Pildoras De Witt se elabonin Los riñones reanudarán sus tareas especialmente para que obren sobre eliminando las impurezas de la los riñones débiles e inactivos. Des sangre y expulsándolas del orcongestionan, estimulan y fortalecen ganismo, mediante el maravilloso estos órganos. Dentro de las 24 mecanismo de la naturaleza.
horas de haber tomado la primera He aquí por qué un tratamiento dosis la orina se tornará aznlnda. con las Pfidoras De Witt ostos Esto demuestra qne el excelente conveniente para el alivio del retsantiséptico que contienen las Pildo matismo. Van directamente a la TAS De Witt empezó a eliminar las fueute del mal. los riñones.
To the Officers and Members of the above named Society You are hereby notified to attend the Annal Stockholders Meeting which will take piace on the 12th. September 1943 at the usual Meeting place in Madre de Dios, at 10 o clock sharp, for the purpose of elec iting new officers for the ensuing Term; to receive the Report of the past year and to adopti new plans for the better working of the Society. Also to receive a small diviidend which the Board has decided to declare. Any one unable to attend the Meeting can send their Vote through a Representative or by Proxy. The Directors will not hold themselves responsible to those who fail to attend the meeting for any wrongs which may befall the Society.
Píldoras DeWitt para los RIÑONES yo VEXIGA FARQUHARSON President WARD Man ager LITTLE Acting Secretary Especialmente recomendadas para Reumatismo, Lumbago, Dolores ex ins Coyunturas y Trastornos de los riñones 15th. August 1943 Sono Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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