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HUNLAND FEELS THE SAIL AND STEAM FLEET FLYING TEAM GLIDER TECHNIQUE BOY SAVED 30 DRAUGHT OF LITTLE SHIPS MEN LIVES In the operations over Europe the RAF has accounted for 323 glider released at 10. 000 ft Germany fears not only what) VOYAGES 2000 MILES Axis planes this year. In the can travel 30 miles, and is capa.
she is getting at present, but same period, also over Europe, ble of coming in at hedge height At 20, Harry Freckles what the future portends. As o the USAAF has accounted for at 70 or more. Being Knight achieved what mos: consequence of that she is busily Fifteen little ships, the only 990. The differences between the made of wood, it is not easily sailors work half a lifetime to engaged, wherever she can find war vessels in the Royal Navy two figures is an interesting de. destructible; it has no engine oil to attain.
a friend. and the search is not still to use sail, have completed monstration of the advantag. be disabled, no bombs to explode Actually it was only half a an easy one. in putting across voyage of some 2000 miles from the Allied Air.
nor fuel to be ignited. It can ab ship. And the command lasted propaganda against bombing Britain to the Mediterranean. Forces enjoy as a result of the sorb a good deal of fire without only 14 hours from the air. She realises, in Only 60 feet lon, the lergth of differences between the RAF and becoming out of control. It in But during those 14 hours fact, the fate that is now in storo a medium sized racing yacht, hey the USAAF. advantares that not a very highly finished weathe young skipper saved the for her. But this propaganda in; are officially described as motor have been applied by the USAAF pon, probably making only one lives of 30 men and earned only crocodile tears, and will fishing vessels.
so brilliantly in the raid on in operational journey, and can be the British Empire Medal.
not save her.
Theylook about three weecks Ploesti oilfields.
mass produced quite cheaply. Freckle lover of the sea dates She is even starting to dispute to complete their voyage under The RAC Bomber Command from the time when he was the who started this bombing. That the combined power of sail and flies long distances with heavy Its great advantage, when used envy ofevery boy at St. Geor hardly matters, but if it to be a new type petrol Diesel loads, mostly at night. The Ger in conjunction with Airborn ge School, Weybridge, becau disputed let us remind her that engine.
man fighters have never taken troops, is that it can land a com.
during the holidays many of us can recall the time The sailors manning them are to night interception, and have pact body of men in a small wient for sailing trips round the in 1915 when the whole of Ger not all old. backs. The presented the RAF bombers with space, ready to function as ccast cf Britain with his famany was hugging itself with commanding officers were mostly very few opportunities of shoot fighting unit.
glee about what the Zeppelin fishermer in peace time, nowing them down. The RAF bom Freckles went to sea at 16.
were going to do to London.
bers consequently are not parti.
Tugs and gliders need fighter He took That failed.
his first command for Some of the senior rating were cularly designed Many of us can also shooting escort when in action. Although in mid Atlantic vhen his ship remem trawler and tug hands, but tho down enemy aircraft, but are banking, diving and similar forms ber a tanker, was hit amidships by the subsequent aeroplane majority are just ordinary whos able to concentrate on the job ot of evasive action are possible a German torpedo.
raids on London, and they faitea. tility only seamen from ay walks carrying the bombs and dropping in a glider, it has to be remem.
Our memory goes also to a lit men inside it them. The RAF Fighter Com bered that the The captain and all the offitle town in Spain, where of civilian life.
the Germans, in a war that was no One coxswain was a piano tuner mand in its operations over Eu must be fit to fight on landing, cers were killed in the exploand business of in peace time, and others were, rope devotes itself mostly to For the same reason, the condision. Where the bridge the troops the officers quarters had been tried out their new method of first time with the Navy.
theirs, deliberately miners. Some yere at sea for the ground strafing, shooting up rall tions under which ways and other enemy instal. must pass the flight must ensure was a hell of spurting, frenzied warfare, and, satisfied with that lattons. This cloes raise flame.
adequate light and ventilation.
some experiment, determined to exer: enemy planes, and good results It was in that moment when cise it north, south, and west, THEIR DUTIES have been obtained, but on the One of the glider great as rapid though and quick action as they did very largely against whole, the Nazi fighters prefer sets is its ability to alight in a vere essential if any lives were unarmed and always peaceful The vessels ure of a special to leave other fighters alone. confined space. Spoilers fitted to be saved.
nations, such as Norway.
Hol Admiralty pattern, buit bay many The Flying Fortresses of the to the wings break down the COLLECTED CREW land, Belgium, and others.
small boat builders the fieaut USAAF go out to bomb the ene lift when required, so that the Some of the men were wound They have failed, but we are small bout builders around the my in daylight. Once they have angle of the glide and sinking ed. Some were dazed by the going succeed, and passed beyond the range of their speed can be governed with ex explosion and the heat of the know it.
They carry light armament, and fighter plane protection, the enetraordinary precision. The proceflames. But Freckles collecttheir auties are mostly harbour my fighters often come up in dure is that an air tug is con ed all the survivors into the CARRYING TANKS TO delerce, pat:ol ard ferryin ser swarms. This of course increases tiected to a glider by a cable se lifeboat and got it clear of vices in naval ports, the hazards to the Flying Fortres veral times the span of the towed the burnin sea.
SICILY The best cook on board had to ses, but it also increases the op. aircraft. The tug then takes ofi Then, as the only one in the be discovered by the method of portunities for shooting down normally. the glider needs a boat who had any knowledge Special cargo vesseis, construc trial and error.
enemy planes. The Flying For shorter run, because of its lower of navigation, he set course ted to accomodate tanks, sailed Commanding one flotilla, and tress is equipped to deal with wing loading, and leaves the for the nearest land.
across the Atlantie to deliver the Commodore of the whole these circumstances. It is not ground first. At a normal cruis.
Thirteen hours afterwards their cargoes right on the Sicilian leet, was Lieutenant only a powerful bombing plane ing speed, the pilot of the glider the boat was picked up by a beaches.
Leonard, a New Zealander from but also, as its name implies, is has nothing to do but keep his British destroyer. And 30 men bravest one of these craft has the appea officer dur a cruiser during the war. not. of course, in manoeuverabi the tug. On its arrival, the glider boy they had ever known.
The inside of the tank deck of Auckland, who has served as an something of a fighter as well. aircraft on a straight level behind told the story of the rance ofan enormous garage, lity, but in its great fire: power. casts loose and begins the free Senior Apprertice (ex Capand in fact that is what it is. In HALF GRENVILLE REVENGE The strategy of round the descent, sliding down like a to tain. Harry Knight arrived at the vast oblorg space there is clock bombing requires an all boggan. Gravity maintains the his home in Mount Hermon.
row upon row of tanks, motor have been a yuchtsman sir purpose air force. Separately speed so long as the nose inclines frucks, or fast cars. At one end ce the age of thee, he said. Most neither the RAF nor the USAAF downwards, and while the speed road. Woking. Surrek a few mi a huge lidt, electrically driven, of this war have spert chasing is an all purpose air force, but is maintained, the wings continutes before the telegram an.
sloping nouncing that his ship had been raizes the cargo to the upper deck, Jap submarines and sweeping Jap together they make a complete nue to lift along the team which is working in the flight path.
which is equipped with traffic mines in the Far East.
very closest unity, as exempli, FATHER DIDN KNOW lights of red, green, and amber, He described his litle ships as fied by the fact that Air Chiet father The glider manoeuvres cross But for that. his The upper deck is also filled just about half the size of Marshal Harris, chief of the wind until a few hundred feet told me, yesterday. am conwith motor transport, with per Grenville Revenge, and you RAF Bomber Command in Eng. above the ground; it then turns vinced that we should nover haps a crane ortwo on caterpi know what she could do.
llars. The jails are used for steady of the USAAF, live in the same and is put down going into land, and Major General Eaker, into the wind, using full flaps, have known that the had been a torpedoed.
The captains and crews of ing pu. poses.
house and work together as steep dive until just above the these ships do not have ar easy In eommand of the second floteammates.
ground. The approach is usually He refused ti discuss it be time. There is not much space tilla and second ir command of!
made at 70 or 80 miles per hour, yond the fact that it had beer left for anything else but cargo. the midget fleet was Lieutenant with the glider often using its a bit tough. had no idea that The drivers and maintenar. ce Edwardes, an Australian whouse men of the vehicles (most of them home is now speed to hedge hop over obsta he had done anything specta in Weston superLATIN AMERICAN cles at low levels. The touch cular enough to win a decosoldiers of the Royal Armoured Mare, He has been in the MerFOREIGN FORCE down is made at about 50 miles ration Corps. have to travel with the chant Navy for 17 years, from per hour, with the skid (which Freckles won know how ship. The vessels are not easy to apprendice to Master Mariner, URGED is like a ship keel) bringin good that shows was until next manceuvre, particularly when and is the owner of several small the machine to a quick standstill time he docks, when his father they are light on the return vo ships in the Thames and on the Mexico of the family of City: The will meet him to tell him abou Youth yage, when their handling calls lian branch The forces have develop the medal and get the ful Congress for Victory has adopted ed for much care, or they will care West Coast.
a method of picking up a log of that brief but dramatic en all over the place. And when He is a member of the Austra a resolution that all the nations of Latin America should join in first command.
they are full laders and ballested George Edwardes, the theatre glider, by the aircraft flying the war against the Axis and in a special ma for ease in bea. magnat of Edwardian London, send troops to the war areas.
overhead, when the former has ching, they are very tricky to landed on a field too small for! BRITISH WAR PICTURES Buenos Aires adds: The On The captairs and crews spend its way ashore. Sometimes the and Canadian celegations to the an airplane to land and tow it many months in special training, work has to go on all night. Continental Youth Conference in out. This is an adaptation oi IN PORT LIMON These ships do not dock they Outside everything will be blac Mexico City presented resolutions used by RAF Army Cooperation a former message cc lecting hook simply from stem to stern. To ked out, while inside is a blaze endorsing the establishment of the sailor who is not trained for of light, resonart with the din independent national armies Mr. Ernest Theatre is goin Command aircraft. The airplanu in this kind of seamanship, the pro of engines revving up, the hum all the countries of Latin Amehooks up to the glider cabic to be the scene of a fine shoj of British War Films on Thurs as it passes overhead at a com cess is alarmingly contrary to the of the liſt and the banging of rica and urging total participa paratively slow speed, and tows day next, 26 August given unde old ways of the sea. Once bea caterpillar wheels and the traf tion in the war effort of the the glider into the air with the auspices of the British Lt ched, the ships has to stay there fic lights are shining from red United Nations. Radio Splendid.
thel gation in San José, by practically no rún.
urtil all the cargo nas chugged to amber and amber to green. Buenos Aires. Press Attaché, Mr. Bruce Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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