
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE 01 At Our Endeavour to be patient in supporting the defe and infirmities of others, of what kind soever, because ihcu also hast many things which others must bour withal.
ditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 AR VITI LIMON, AUGUST 28th. 1943 No. 388 THE PROPOSED CACAO CORPORATION IE VISIT OF HIS EXCELLENCY DR. RAFAEL CALDERON GUARDIA Sunday, August 22 nd, of, others of his Party; our es Speeches were delivered Gleaning, in part, from the expresions, as.
present year wil not re teemed Governor, don Abel by representatives of the res also from the impressions effected by Dr. Calusog pear on the calendar of Robles; The Police Com pective Syndicates, with don derón Guardia during his visit here last Sun tron ne; but none there are mander, Colonel Enrique Joaquin Hernández, the Ge TIS o have not pa nted on Esquivel; His Lordship Bis neral Secretary, delivering day, there exists good reason for our entertain tablets of memory hoj Juan Odendahl; don Ra the summary on behalf ing the opinion that the Government is willing for magnificent and var fael Eduarte, our Captain the organized workers. to do all that is consistent to stimulate the son ng scene ssociated with of the Port; Dr. Oscar Pa this stage, don Fernando agricultural activities of our Zone, as an ard STOL visit to this city of Dr. checo, of the Costa Rica Asch was beckoned and to the revivification of our economic interests, Ideron Guardia, the dis Banana Company local hos greeted embracingly by His With the loss of our Banana Indusiru eu.
guished President of our pital; and dozens of other Excelelncy and accorded per mocratic Republic, high ranking officials. mission to speak, but, seem that of the Cacao is our only main stay and on From early morn, it was stream of human ty compo ingly with sadness of heart, should not, therefore, be permitted to die from tnessed that every move sed of workers of a multipli he declined. Vociferous economic suffocation.
TODOS ent of our citizens as well city of organized units, cheers rented the air as Dr. It is a well known fact that help is more their expressions were with colourful banners bear Calderon Guardia effected ntered on the coming of ing descriptive and signifi to speakand we were treat! readily obtained by those who effect the initias e President. The delay ex cant wording, and the pu ed to an address, not becau tive that those who desire the mineral must erienced in the arrival of blic en masse constituted se of its being delivered by dig deeply. It, therefore, gratifies us exceeding he train worked for good, the main body of the pro a President, which was con ly to learn that under the auspices of the Dean ince it allowed more time cession. While the proces vinsive of being emptied or those from the outlying sion moved toward the Play from the recesses of the soul partment of Agricultural Economy and Prozo, listricts to reach Limon and ground, every balcony along of a man who fear God, duction Statistics, so very effectively directed well the ranks.
Commercial Avenue was loves his fellow creatures, by our good friend, don Raul Velazquez, the edel jammed with people who whose heart throbs for the proposal for the establishment of a co operapoured out in cheerful notes woes of his suffering breth As the train convey ng Long live Dr. Calderon ren and whose life is deditive association among the Cacao prodtıcers in e Presidential Party steam Guardia; and the delight cated to alleviate, as this Zone, is being enthusiastically supported?
best slowly to the Station, ed marchers took up the ossible, the oppressed, the The farmers directly concerned are said to here were congregated a strain with deafening Vi. down trodden and less fortu reat throng of entusiastic view the proposition with exceptional interest vas. until the plaza was re nate of human beings. Tipi tizens and others, who ob cal of the splendid example as they realize its operation would undoune ached.
ously yearned to secure le earliest glance of The setting at this junc left us by the Saviour of tedly enhance the general interests of the in ture was emotional, wonder Mankind, Dr. Calderon dustry a ndafford their personal activities that ghly illustriouş Chief Ma ful, panoram and irides Guard a, the highest citizen much needed protection which they could not strate, the great thought cent. Here cameras were bu of this land, broke read urmeated our berat individually secure. It sily operated. One operator and quenched his thirst with marvellous to love and Co operative societies, in the vario:15 loved. Yes, our honourwas seen at the upper end the high and the low, the of a ladder, sustained by rich and the poor; thus setrealms of agricultural and industrial pursuits, guest is worthy of all willing hands, endeavouring tng another brilliant prece have proved of immense value to the people e love and respect showe to effect a perfect range to dent on the great stage of of other countries and should similarly assist. on him.
film the entrancing scene.
our earthly career.
The procession, from the our Cacao farmers if properly inaugurated and ation, was led by the Miconducted.
ary Band under command THIRTY THOUSAND KILLED IN BERLIN As in the not very distant future there Colonel Victor Sanabria, During the night of Monday been specially sitected against will certainly be a great demand on our pro3791 e Director; next followed last Germany Capital, Berlin, the Siemens Stadt district whare duction, it behoves us to prepare to meet on e personnel of the Fire experienced the most violent the gigantic manufacturing gade, commanded by Ca and disastrous bombardment of plants of electric articles of the and in no better way could this be effected the ain Noe Alvarado; then the entire period of the war. Siemen Sahtkrugt and Siemens by means of the suggested co operative assoe Boy and Girl Scouts of Hundread of bombing planes Harske were located. Other elec ciation. All interested in the industry, partis Mark and members of raided the city during forty two trical instalations and important cularly the small farmers, should get on the e Nº Red Cross Brigade, minutes, and discharged wore plants were also destroyed.
ided by Mrñ Adrian Ma than 000 tons of incendiary clandestinely released repmove and see to the inauguration of the pro.
n, the District Scoutmas and explotive bombs on the ort places the casualities at posed plan in as early a time as possible. With radiant countenan doomed city. So extensive were thirty thousand persons killed, ban. amid the poyous throng, the fires that the pilots declared fifty thousand injured and arched President Calde they were visible at a distance 500. 000 homeless.
on Guardia surrounded by cf 250 miles.
Other attacks on the city were NOTICE 19 is Aide de Camp and The atlack saic to have effected on the nights of Tuesday DET and Wednesday following, and Aadress all your Eng the people are said to be in. ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirija se a Para todos sus trabajos state of nervous panic; so terroR. ROIG NOTICE rized have they become throngs are fleeing for protection to the BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 FINDLAY, MANAGER OF PENSHURST woods which approximate the SAN JOSE BANANA COMPANY city, while 500, 000 have fled to Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos Polavaca to join those UITERTENTIETOTT advises that all lands rented and planted with Bananas Hamburg, and Pastures have been returned to the Compañia Bananera GESTAPO SUPREME IN GERMANY de Costa Rica. All Applicants, therefore, for rental of the Additional reports state that Berlin announces that Hit This means that all the af lands, must apply to the Compañía Bananera de Costa Rica.
the several of the industrial ler had named Heinrich fairs of the Administration PENSHURST BANANA COMPANY districts are now only craters Himmler, the notorious and the internal policy of opened by the bombs or mount Chief of the Gestapo, Minis Germany falls under the con FINDLAY ams of debris.
ter of the Interior and Chief trol of Hinmler and his Gerente The government have remov of Administration of ed all their offices from the city. Reich.
19 VOU from the gang Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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