
SATURDAY, AUGUST 28TH. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE CARD OF THANKS Estampas Nacionales Campbell and Edith Luke through this medium beg to thonk the many friends, who by visits, Cards, Letters and other means, as well as by floral offerengs, expressed their sympathy on the death of our beloved draughter, VERONICA STEPHENSON AWNIA LAST SUNDAY BASEBALL MATCH Without Compassion the Cubs of our city shutout the San Jose Selection, and in turn scored thirteen runs in Eight Innings of Play: Messrs.
Bancroft Scori and Lucy White were the Unpires.
Charles Haley the Home Pitcher starred; his curves and rapids out smarted the Visitors We are proud, not only! Inimng 40. and Pabecause our Boys inflicted loma and Moises Niño, of the chastisement on the in the visiting team, were easi vaders, but for the manifes ly returned to the Bench. In tation of determination and the corresponding inning, energy by which the deed Cope Haitland and Haley was accomplished. That is were respectively cooked.
the sporting spirit for which we have been ever appealing a strong team took on a newk life, with LAS CARRERAS DE SAN JUAN us of Limon defenders against the hope of effecting the Ale y limón, entona, reanima y sienle la Ginebra extra fina. con Gine all comers.
first run on the Tins, but fay entre los Licores Nacionales sobresala bien. Costa Rica effected to te again played its part bat at the outset. Agui. and the ambition perished leman, were dismissed.
and their effort was nipped, men, Stumpie and Dan Co. field; Moises was baked at third base. The Cubs scored lar was sent to face our pit with the fall of and the home plate, and Aguilar four runs in this sensational wasining. The dreaded Jonacher; the batsman earned a In the Fourth Inning, Cue pegged at First. This free base and shouts of joy Aguilar Sandoval. daisy to, Rodolfo Niño and Migael another scoreless inning for than sent one of the delive took the atmosphere from catch was effected by Os Paloma failed to score, whiCosta Rica. The visitors ries of the visiting pitcher mond over the a the visitors camp. very. others of his team mates joi Boys severed the tie my ear ned the order of batting, ply. Jonathan earned a free ge of the ball, but without base runners, and with all ning two runs on the effort but were all dismissed with of Carlito Hayling, who dro base, but was nipped at Ee success, for our batsmen, Os his case he followed them out gaining a point. Mait cond. Cope, the lefty, mond, Carlito, Jonathan, Co and earned the only home ve one of the deliveries of land took a splendid catch made a three bagger; Alti pe, who earned a two bag run of the match. Other con Pitcher Moises for a two Colein the inning.
bagger; but, because of an mont sent a carpet sweeper ger, Altimont and Haley, ad tributors were Dan ded three points to betwen first and secoond; their man, Stumpie, Osmond, AlOur side followed, repre xiety and mis calculation, he side.
Haley snatched at timont, Carlitao and Co sented by George Babb, Os was stopped at Third. HoColeman First; Dan The hens dropped eggs pe. Costa Rica closing inmond Daley, Jonathan and wever, the hit sent in Babb who caugh; Stumpie was freed in the respective nests in in ning brought Moises, Carlito Hayling. all fell and Osmond to the honre to First, and Babb struck nings six and seven.
was caught by Baby; Aby the way side.
plate. The other two batsa two baser.
In the eighth inning, Cos guilar, who got pegged at ta Rica effected a bid to First, and Montealegre, who Don say you need a kair cut. say you need a Di. Inning Paloma was shake off a Shut out. met the same fate xon Hair cut, from Dixon Barber Shop. West of the caught by Stumpie at long Teir batsmen and Pa The Cubs triumphed with city Market.
lom, Montealegre, Moises, a score of thirteen runs aO and Aguilar and San gainst Nil. We heartily doval tried earnestly, but congratulate Manager Rodol none reached further than fo Johnson and his players.
febrece of play. In their reply, our libre prene haritables in the and Niño Gamez took char building; this sent in two was was it sen Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR AR TREAT Dried Ipecac Roof RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuis and Copra GAMEZ LUMBER YARD 4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to GAMEZ LUMBER YARD We never have a dissatisfied Customer PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET UNPOPULAR TREATMENT OF COSTARRICANS OF COLOUR REPORTED From Almirante in theſsed that their rightful place neighbouring Republic Co is on the cacao plantations.
mes the report that very un An ex employee, who arripopular treatment is being ved here last week, declared extended Costarricans and that despite our prevaling others of colour by sme su economic conditions, he pre perior employees of the Aba ferred to return here and fa, ca Industry of that region. ce the hardhips than contiAccording to the report, nue at Almirante a place employees who have been which demonstrated Nazism well trained in certain featu instead of Democracy.
res of the work have been If the allegation be trug displaced on the ground of it warrants an impartial in inferior complex and advi vestigation.
REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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