
REQUIEM MASS FOR LATE DOÑA EMELIA HEILBRON very solemn Mass was was the first anniversary of celebrated in the Cathedral her death. Among those who on wednesday morning the survive her is our well esteem first of the present month. ed Mr Willie Heilbron, the Numbering among the dear paymaster of the Northern departed ones for whose Railway Company; he attend souls repose the intercession ed the mass accompanied by was effected, was Doña Eme his wife.
lia Young de Heilbron; it CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao RAICILLA IPECACUANA RUBBER We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT.
OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE SIN EMPLEO DESDE EL 25 DE JULIO DE 1943 AN We fact of its being interwoven distinguished presence and ivered the closing remarks with the Mass with His pronounced the grace. Mr. and gave the Benediction, Lordship Bishop Odendahl Jos. Thomas presided as Due tothe happy couple hav officiating. Tre solemnity as. Master of Ceremony. The traing to leave for the Capital sociated with the oecasion en ditional cutting of the cake by the passenger train, the MISS CELESTINA ENNIS THE BRIDE shrined the soul ara will cer was effected by the newly order of congratulatory re: OF MR. ARTURO CLARKE tainly nestle in the memory! weds with Mrs Clark the winmarks were much abridged.
of the large number of worners moment of humours At the close of the festivities Last Sunday morning, Celestina Ennis, the daugh shippers in attendance at took command when the Briour popular camera man took August 29th. at the hour ter of Miss Caroline Walker the Mass and wedding. de ascended the platform two pictures. one with His when father Sol had dis of Panama, and the grand Under the escort of don Ra for the throwing of the Bri Lordship and the newly weds carded his night cay and gra daughter of Mrs. Florentina fael de la Peña, who gave her dal bouquet wich was smar and the other with the latced the earth with his bri Ducas by whom she had away in marriage, the Bride tly caught by Miss Angela ter two only.
lliant rays, in splendour and been reared in the Christian presented a radianpicture. Moss.
The Atlantic Voice ten grace, paced the principal pathway.
She was exquisitely gowned Messrs. Babb and Coward, ders Mr. and Mrs. Clarke its aisle of the Cathedral, the Enchantingly the choris in imported Lamay fabric of effectively delivered their sincere congratulations with matrimonial ensemble of two ters, aided by the organ ren princess design, trimmed addresses, and the Misses An the hope they will be permit of our widely regarded young dered the immortal hymns with chantillia lace, with a gela and Lupita Pinnock con ted to enjoy a lengthened citizens. Mr. Arturo Clarke, The Voice that breathed o er dove tail fall and on a fine tributed impressive recita union fraught with much hap of pugilistic fame, and Miss Eden and Oh, perfec Lo satin background. Her tulle tions. The His Lordship de piness.
ve. Highei imporPancia was was richly adorned with oran JOSE ACHION Ng given the ceremony by the ge blossoms. Her beautiful Comerciante detallista bouquet of Lilies of the Va MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS WATER FACTORY lley and asparagus fern, effec workshIP OF QUALITY AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER Licores. Abarrotes, Cristaleria, SHOP Artículos de Ferretería y Eléc ted an added charm. Snowy ECONOMY. Everything in makid leather furnished chinery made or repaired, from tricos; todo se encuentra en Located in front former her COSTA RICA SODA a Pin to a Crane. See us.
este establecimiento.
footwaer. The Flower girls carry an Motive Power Club in 3rd.
assortment of Beds, Avenue is the new parlour of were the Misses Beryl Sim Springs and other useful things the only Oriental Barber Shop PATENT IN mons and Herminia Hunter, North Fifth Avenue. at all times. Building No. 89 in this city. All sentary Fábrica de Hielo y and the Misses Norma Hilac. THOMPSON, Propriétor.
arrangements. Barber with rion, Angela and Lupita Pin years of practice in all classes Well known and generally Refrescos rock the trail bearers. The RESTAURANT. The Best drinks NEW HARLEM BAR AND of the Hair Cutting Art. trial will convince th. e most esteemed in fraternal, Relimaids of honour were by Crawford fastidious.
gsious and social circles is Limón Misses Modesta Smith, Ange Grant, Genuine native and for LIONEL LIONDOLE Miss Mary Cameron unfortu la Moss and Charles. eign liquors stooked Our CusiPropriétor.
nately she is now a patient FLORIDA ICE AND In semblance ne service the most up to date.
of a Fairy CRAWFORD AND GRANT, in the San Juan Hospital, Dell. the school hall of the Proprietors.
CABINET AND UNDERTAK of San Jose. Miss Cameron FARM CO parish provided the beautifu: ING SHOP. Specializes in mak.
left here last week end. It)
setting. The festive table was THE RESETTET WITH IM tag and repairing furniture and woodhas been released that sho LA FLORIDA decorated with rich PROVEMENTS. clean up to every other branch of things tate Barber Parlour Centrally vosk. Collins always stocked.
is making satisfactory impro bordered with lovely roses MADERAS bocated on Commerce Avenue Vee as before going elsewhere vement. We with her conti The Bride and Bridegroon. almost opposite Teatro Arras. Prious moderate 4th. Street, nued health progress.
FABRICA DE HIELO Gamez Lumber occupied the eastern end of ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous entrance SYDNEY SO BECKFORD, erviee. THOMAS PARCHMENT Yard.
the setting with don Rafael Cair Specialist.
de la Peña, the Father DOO CAFE HOLNESS ver; Mr. Gmo. Coward, the Corner 2nd. Avenue ard 7th. Street Bestman, Mr. John Babo.
LOST LOST LOST avi directly in front the Football Ground.
the Chief Usher; Miss Emily Reward will be Given This New Eating and Refreshing Sprit Clarke, sister of the Bride for finding a BITCH. NORWEGIAN groom; the Chief Bridemaid, FOX, 998 is now at the Public Service admirably gowned in pink Slate colour Shag with long hair and short ears. Strayed SE!
geogrette of high grade, and from our home since August 3rd. instant. Report to COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREthe other guests.
Major Thos. Lynch, Salvation Army, ME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
Flis Lordship the Bishou LIMON graced the occasion with his SAN JOSE Boer the prepared and to SW 2900 biry alsgaat vabast Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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