
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Take it not to heart if some people think ill of thee, and say of thee that which thou art not willing to hear.
Let not thy peace be on the tongues of men; for wheti er they put a good or bad construction on what thou doest, thou act still what thou art.
Editor: JOS. THOMAS YEAR IX LIMON, Septem ber 4th. 1943 BOX 199 NO 389 AN ANNIVERSARY. to LIED FORCES INVADE ITALY EARLY YESTERDAY MORNING man indomitable spirit often perm ts him to trample what seem impossibilities. And though, ssing the Strait of Mes the Peninsular. series of have already effected impor like the tide of the seas, that of progress ebbs and flows vessels specially escort violent bombings have stop tant gains.
and though the apex has not yet been reached, we can the more powerful ped railroad traffic across President Roosevelt and Loday tune cur harps in thankfuiness that La Voz Atune our harps in thankfulness that La Voz Atlantica the British feet, the Italian frontier by way Premier Churchill have, refus merican, Canadia the Bremmer Pass, ed to give considevation to has floated majestically during the past twelve montis. seemingly unavoidable reaction having manifes.
ish troops effected The long anticipated offen a Pecce proposel formou ated on the Italian Persive is being directed persona by Itely because of its ted itself during the early Summer of last year, our not at the dawn of yesly by General Eisenhower being unconditional. They Weekly was temorarily suspended, and though things seemed gloomy this did not intimidate our present Di.
ading is said to have the famed Eighth Army com are of the opinion, it is said ected on both sides anded General Montgo that the Titian government rector por deter him from taking the helm and launchjo di Calabria after ing on ihe adventurous sea of journalism with a rene.
e is among the invading will capitulate within the spa wed publication effected on Saturday th, Sth. day of ty had been prepared forces, who are reported to ce of the next few days September 1942.
seventy two hours bom dment, in which the po Gratefully, the economic storms have been weathe.
rful units Rodney and THE WAR FOURTH ANNIVERSARY red and the barque keeps sailing over placid waters on its journey toward a Haven of Success. Many, a time. elson participated. lan Yesterday, the third, re ting order of things which has the vessel been menaced by the rocks of discourage a number of parachutists al gistered the fourth anniver are of no value to the Reich, o landed behind the enemy sary of the start of Hitler ment and disappointments, but our valiant Captain, mas to obliterate all which tsring his compass, keeps the good ship light and free.
oastal defences.
offensive against Poland savour of Christianity and large majority of the outstanding achievements, It is supposed that the and his threat for world civilization sweep the throughout all ages, have been accomplished by men mportant positions of Croto domination. He has since universe clean of every good and women who were hardly hand copped, misundersse. Catanzaro and Cosenza then leaped from one terrify and useful tradition tood and criticized; they, nevertheless, rose above all rill be the immediate objec ing manifestation to another dom nate all and sundry. their difficultics and steered their respective efforts to ives of the invaders. each motivated by an inordi Hitler timed his unwar successful conclusions. Don Enrique Arrazola has shewn The Italian and German de nate desire to destroy. toranted aggrassion for the himselt possessed of sufficient stamina to have kept La nding forces were reported annihilate such of the exis time when the great Demo Voz Atlantica agoing during the past year, despite the tiring toward the north of cracies were more concerned many distressing setbacks. We pray he will, as time about furthering their econo goes by, accomplish further successes.
INSTALLATION OF CORN DRYING mic and social structures, We cannot close without pouring out our most sinAPPARATUS IN OLD LINE REGION then on the threshold of the cere gratitude to the numerous collaborators, who in twenty. first anniversary of various ways have effectively helped to sustain us durAs we reported in an ar me point on the Old Line, is the 1918 anniversary, rat ing the year battle. We entreat their continued cor issue, cur highly esteem, being considered.
her than with the construc operation.
Minister of Agriculture, The installation would be tion of implements and the Mariano Montealegre, is is said effected by the Inter concentration of forces for ad formulated a plan for American Institute as a part the wholesale shedding of CARD OF APPRECIATION ne handling of all the Corn the suggested plan. Tech the blood of their fellow roduced in our Zone by the nicians of the Institute and creatures and the wrecking AND THANKS ational Board of Supplies. the Agricultural Department of that civilization which It was suggested that the have been visiting the Crushed by the heel of Time, which waits not on any re they had helped to raise.
leisure, had not the opportunity to personally express oard purchase the corn on gion. It is our hope their The Nazi Dictator did my profound appreciation and thanks to His Lordship de cob and transport it to investigations will permit not, apparently, give the Vicar Apostolic of Limon, the Choir and Organist ne Capital where it would their recommending the erec thought to the fact that his of the Cathedral, as well as the many guests and well e conditioned and sold. It tion of the apparatus which lust for domination, based wishers who so mangnificently contributed to the ma rould seem as if this phase will be a valuable aid to the on ruthless violence, would, rriage ceremony and reception of my belove:l daughter Celestina and Mr. Arturo Clarke on Sunday the 29th. the project has been chang efforts being made to further by the greater, mightier August ultmo, therefove beg to do so by this medium.
d, as we note that the mat the economie interests of laws sow the seeds for his er of the installation of a our corn producers.
own destruction. Did Hitler CAROLINE WALKER uge drying apparatus at so expect that his dictatorship could maintain itself hy its SALE OF MACHETES TO AGRICULTU violent characteristics, RISTS gainst the greater million of tler being mercilessly slaug, being steadily and effective peoples who lifted their sup htered and beaten by the ly crushed. The tide has tur plications to the one true heroic defenders of the So ned and the time approaches For the benefit of those of quantity of twenty and living God even He viet Union, and the Japane when the objective of the e much esteemed readers and twenty. SX inches who the Feuhrer despised, se giving way before wil: ho may not have observed, machete, which they the United Nations. the desdetermined efforts of the truction of the evil ideology the Spanish section of our sell to the agriculturists and would destroy?
The victories obtained in North American and Bri of totalitarianism will ha ist week issue, the article of his zone, at specially ow land, ve been obtained and the ferring to the sale of ma prices. It will, however, be the earlier stages of the con tish fighters on the ietes, we here repeat the necessary for those who flict injected the poison of the sea and in the air. Eve pecoles of the universe be of rywhere the unhóly activi once again free to enjoy formation that the Manage vish to make purchases to nazidom into the veins ent of the local Branch of prove they are engaged the gifts of right, justice many of the European na ties of the Axis combine are in tions so that on being assaiand freedom.
e Banco Nacional have a gricultural pursuits, led their authoritative poINTIMOTOTEUTTISEADE wers confronted the invaHOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA ders with no effective opLIMON CITY position. It was this that drew Mussolini and his fas Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos Special Attention and Price for Families cist regime into the battle ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath of France and on this the THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT ROIG fourth anniversary of the CANTINE WELL ASSORTED HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION bloody warfare, sees Italy BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 crashing beneath the mighSAN JOSE ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor ty blows of the United De Charges Reasonable Precios Módicns. mocracies. the hordes. of Hi a four NOTICE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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