
Coconut Oil?
FLASH. FLASH Aceite VENCEDOR the Aceite VENCEDOR Distribuidorasa.
TELEFONO 6089 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA APARTADO 1548 START OF THE 1943 1944 FOOTBALL SEASON The Football League Fix, which it will be necessary sons so that the playground tures for the 1943 1944 Season to enforce is the starting of gets rather dark at around is scheduled to start tomor the games, punctually, at the five o clock. Then, too, we do row, the 5th. This seems a hours named. It should, in not appreciate the fact that rather late time.
this connection, be remember these out door games should However, from all we have led that from the middle of further encroach on the time gathered the Managing Per Autumn, the evening sha of the early evening services Yes, that what you have sonnel have pledged to pre dows appear much earlier of some of our religious debeen using for a long time; we know that sent the sporting fraternity than during the previous seal nominationis.
with a very much improved BUT Season, particularly with res THE TRAGIC CLOSE OF TWO pect to the discipline of the Have you given a chance YOUNG LIVES Jo Ajonjoli (sesamegeed) vil?
participants. We opine that one of the special features We are in receipt of the ing of two young lives under You would find it: sad information of the clos the most tragic conditions.
of last Tuesday a boy of MICAL about eleven years of age was crushed and killed by a motor truck in the city of All high grade material for Construction Cartago. The unfortunate of buildings ete. just received child is said to have just is really a winner and when you try it once left his home and in attempt you li be so satisfied, no other kind or brand Large quantities of groove and tongue ing to cross the street was of oil will do for you. Laurel Flooring and Sidings hit and over run by Cedar Boards of all dimentions truck. His injuries were so IT WILL THEN AND ALWAYS BE serious that he died before PRICES AMAZINGLY REDUCED reaching the hospital located in the near vicinity of the ae GAMEZ LUMBER YARD cident.
On the same day Tuesday FOR YOU 4th. Stueet toward Northen Machine Shops a girl of about eight years LIMON of age was over run by a lo Ask your grocer to day for this comotive of the Northern THE SCENE ON SUNDAY 22nd. AUGUST Railway and instantly kil DEFENDER OF THE HEALTH It was the appearance of shaken hands with him. Yes, led in Siquirres. The report Spring speaking through it was love which stirred the states that the child was SOLE AGENTS the voice of Summer, in this desire; not a wish to terro crossing the track on which city on Sunday, the 22nd. rize.
the engine was moving back ultimo; the day of rejoi While the President wards, when she stumbled Soler cing consequent on the visit train was in motion, home and was unable to get out of His Excellency President ward; it was rather touchthe way of the machine alderon Guardia and hising to hear a citizen prayer which passed over her and Avenida Central Edificio Steinerth vrty. May God gocompletely separated the 13.
Trains brought in the inha with him and deliver him head and both arms from tants from every conceiva safely.
the body.
VIOLENT BOMBINGS OVER GERMANY e part of our province Whatever may be said and We extend our sincere The aerial forces of the the Nazi occupied countries uch in advance of the arri done, we cling to the fact sympathies to the parents Allied nations appear to ha during the week in course, al of the President Spe that our highly enthusiastic, and relatives of both vicve greatly intensified their with what has been describ ial, which consisted of ele unselfish and sincere agri tims.
operations over Germany and ed as disastrous consequences ven coaches and caboo culturist, Fernando Asch, to the enemy.
se. Nine of the coaches were had marvellously contribu terday the fourth anniver packed like sardines in a ted to this outstanding event Don say you need a hair cut. say you need a Di. sary of the World. conflict.
tin. The city was compassed which goes on record for xon Hair cut, from Dixon Barber Shop. West of the During the night of Monthroughout The business our poeple and province. city Market.
day the cities of Munchen, places, which continued to Gladabach, Rheydt and Guis trade, were completely inburg were hard hit Aerodra vaded; and were, we beliemes and other military objecti ve, well recompensed for the ves in France and the Low accomodation extended the Countries were also attacked multitude of visitors, some the same night. The Allies of whom declared more than lost twenty bombing machia decade had passed since nes.
their last visit to our city.
PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR On Tuesday night Berlin They were much astonished was subjected to another in on observing the exisitng im tense and concentrated attack provements. Their presence, which lasted for forty five however, augmented to an minutes, and cost the Allies appreciable degree the 48 machines. The Germans are splendour of the occasion.
said to have made a drastic There were quite a few effort to impede the attack sidelights to the main featu by the use of 1, 000 combat re of the day. It was noted that on His Excellency the planes, which operated over President leaving the Playth city and nighbouring dig tricts. One thounsand five ground, he was bombarded hundred bombs were number of by a never citizens mindful somewhat of the theless dropped on the city, act when Jacob of immortal which caused great damage.
REMEMBER The loss in enemy memory wrestled for his planes blessing with an angel. So is said to have been around nese loving subjects of Dr.
thirty alderon Guardia would not WE PAY THE BEST PRICES further batch of 250, 000 him go without having persons fled the city aftes Tuesday night raid.
fully say Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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