
Lunes de Setiembre LOS CENTIMOS DE SOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL MAÑANA SI UD Ruth Lopez of Panama with SENTENCIADO us. She is the former Miss SABE AHORRAR MUERTE Ruth Gray, a well regarded Con Boris Karloff young. Limonese, who relinMartes de Setiembre guished her spinsterhood for COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS EN EL MARIA EUGENIA the matrimonial fraternity Con María Félix She is the guest of her moMiércoles de Setiembre ther, Mrs. Gray Hibbert.
ENEMIGOS AMISTOSOS con Charles Ruggless The presence here of Mrs.
Rosa Jones a citizen of our (Sucursal en Limon)
Jueves de Setiembre friendy and neighbouring Re AQUELLA MUJER public of Panama, is deeply Con Marlene Dietric y welcomed. She came we unREALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA George Raft derstand, to specially attend Viernes 10 de Setiembre the wedding of Mr and Mrs.
AQUELLA MUJER Arturo Clarke, which took LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO Con Marlene Dietric y place last Sunday, due to her George Raft almost inseparable friendship with the mother of the Bride. friendly Republic which bor Sábado 11 de Setiembre We wish her most eordial ders south, was POR METERSE time among our hospitable ci Miss Tunney Ham, the daugh REDENTOR tizenry.
ter of our very widely este Con Joel Mac Crea y emed citizens, Mr. and Mrs.
Verónica Lake Peter Blackman. Miss Ham Domingo 12 de Setiembre VISITING HER is spending a brief vacation ESTO ANTE TODO PARENTS with her parents and others GUERRA Con Tyrone Power y Joan Among the passengers who relatives. She is receiving the Fontaine recently nu the came from happy greetings of her DE merous friends and acquainNERVIOS 1307 PORTUGAL MABILIZES tances. We are glad to have By way of London we have trocities committed in her presence in our city. the received the information Far Eastern Portuguese pos.
ANOTHER GERMAN that the government of Por sessions of Macao and TiMINORITY LIQUIDATED portugal have completed the momor. Should this materialize, o bilization of their fleet and it will seriously augment the When news of the surrender are also concentrating a num difficulties now being expe of Tunisia reuched Prague, it was ber of their military units. rienced by the Japanese in received by Czechs in their usual gallows humor manner: Is is expected that this mo their efforts to maintain the What did we say? Yes, the ve will be followed by a de territories they seized at the Fuehrer was surely right when claration of war against Ja start of the war in that Zo lie complaired that his enemies 102 pan as a protest for the at ne.
are persecuting Germara norities Two large German minorities have already been The vote of the people is the law of the land. and liquidated and wiped off the map.
the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service. First in Stalingrad; now in TuWest of the city Market.
nisia. Well, well what is the world coming to!
Enright on el Miami News WAR BRIEFS EL PUEBLO ALEMAN mi. BAJAS ENRIGHT 24 LA PROVEEDORA The Chief of the Norw gian aviation declares thì the invasion of his countı cost the Nazis 65, 000 me and not 1, 163 as stated Hitler.
SMASHES PRICES STILL LOWER North American air uni shot down a total of six hu dred and thirty one enen planes during the past mon of August.
NIDO, powdered Milk, tin 00 ISLAND PALM SOAP C060 KLM, powdered Milk, tin 15 PALMOLIVE SOAP 75 CARNATION Evaporated KEROSENE, bottle 50 Milk, tin. 50 WIRE SPONGES 25 NESTLES condensed Milk, tin 45 SWEET OIL, bottle 25 BANQUET SARDINES, tin 65 SHOE POLISH, Yellow 10 COFFEE, delicious, lb. 00 BRILLO, for 15 FLEISHCHMANN Baking Pow2. 40 der, lb. 25 ROBINSON BARLEY, tin STARCH, white, lb. 50 SHRIMP, tin 50 TUNA FISH, tin 50 RAISINS, 1b. 25 TOILET PAPER, roll 80 GOLD MEDAL FLOUR, lb. 45 FLOOR POLISH, lb. 50 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM, PALACE SARDINES, tin 00 tube 00 SODA BISCUITS, 1b. 00 CRISCO, lb. 25 ARGO OIL, gallon 15. 50 We offer you not only lower prices, but also correct weight, courtesy and fresh, guaranteed merchandise LA PROVEEDORA Limón One hundred thousand toi bombs have been discharge over Germany and the Na occupied territories in Eur pe during the current yes by Anglo American av tors. This total includes ti number dropped on Ber last Tuesday night.
New Zealand officially ports that from the start the war up to the month March this year, the case ties among her expeditio troops totalled 19, 143.
deaths from all es amounted to 3, 471 and th.
jured to 9, 133.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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