
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE 3188 w Spe are cannot help observing the grim realities which car, waxal and aerial might of likely to find themselves on er Life is not as idle ore, 000 But iron dug from central gloom, And heated hot with burning fears, And dipt in baths of hissing tears, And batter with the shocks of doom Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 To shape and use. In Memoriam)
EAR IX LIMON, September 11th. 1943. NO 390 THE FIFTEENTH DRAWETH NEAR NATIONAL BOARD OF SUPPLIES OFFER CORN PRODUCERS 100 FANEGA FOR CROPS 089 The One hundred and twenty second anniverWe have been reliably in tions, the producers have to sudden and serious fluctuas sary of the independence of Costa Rica draweth formed that the Representa bear the expense of freight tions after the arrival of the inte near. Riding of the Steed of time, the date will be tive of the National Board of ing the product to the interior corn at the different centers, with us in another four days.
Supplies (Junta de Abastos. markets, where they them.
When participating in the commemorative who recently visited the corn seves also attend a much ad THE CELEBRATIONS exercises of last year, we entertained the hope that producing regions of this Pro ditional expense and loss of ere another anniversary came round, Costa Rica, in vince has, on behalf of the working days, we are inclin HAVE PASSED BUT Junta, offered to pay the pro jed to regard the offer of the common with the other democracies, would have ducers one hundred colones Junta as one which it should MEMORY LINGERS emerged from the almost suffocating atmosphere per fanega for their approach suit the cultivators to accept.
of the devastating world war and be in a position ing crop. The purchase money It is also understood that dur On Sunday the fifth instant to start re adjustments along the prescribed Post wil be paid, is is said, in ing the height of the crop Dame Nature blessed us with War Magna Charta, we sincerely regret that this cash on the spot.
season the prices paid by the another of her lovely days.
objective has not yet been reached.
As under present condi wholesalers are subjected to what mild, as in regal autumnos As on each celebration of the great anniverapparel men, women and chil sary there is noted the marked increases in the ITALY HAS SURRENDERED dren could be seen briskly mnumber of our lads and lasses, we are forced to wending their way to the diffe ponder with serious concern on their future prosItaly, the once mighty to detaining the Italian sol ferent places of their choice to pects. While it is true that human liberty and free State of Fascism, has capi: diers in their camps, it is representative number attulated before the onslaught strongly believe that a clash tended the Baptist Sunday om form the basic principles of our democratic of the invading Allied for of arms will shortly occur School Annivrsary services in si stitution, it is, nevertheless, an inevitable se ces.
between the erstwhile part the forenoon and evening. ta obsence of the existing materialism that we are Recognizing the utter im ners. Though the Nazis much larger number attend 70 onomically and socially fettered, possibility of pursuing the are supposed to have 20 died the three o clock after el On taking an impartial look around us we fight against the military visions in Italy, they noon Yourg People Programme presided over by the 195 ry strange problems in their train. problems which the United Nations, and a very critical situation for Rev. Forde, pastor of the lack of proper communicaChurch.
must be confronted and successfully overcome. It with the view of preventing ting lines.
the natio nsuffering furthIn their individual and col 90 is time we started preparations. Matters will, in losses and sacrifices, The Italian fleet is repor lective contributions to the Is general, undergo many and important changes as Marshal Badoglio appealed ted to have sailed from their well balanced reciting and 05 this year FIFTEENTH passes from view, therefore, to General Eisenhower for bases to join that of the singing items on the program in the spirit of the celebration let us be mindful of an armistice which he wab Allied Nations in Sicily.
To Page the type of structure we are erecting for our pos accorded, on Wednesday of the week in course. The AcDUBSTELLUS. 1111111 terity.
We saiute the 122nd. Anniversary of the Inde cord is of a purely military HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA character, we are told, and pendence of our beloved country and pray that the went into effect at the hour LIMON CITY Nation will continue in the enjoyment of Peace and of 30 that same day.
Special Attention and Price for Famities.
It is based on the uncondCool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath tional surrender of the arTHE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT med Italian forces and has CANTINE WELL ASSORTED NOTICE been approved by Great Bri HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION tain, North America and ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos Russia.
29 ineering Requirements ro de Ingeniería dirijase a In his proclamation to the IMPORTANTE PLANTATIT into ROIG forces and populace to cea4913 se hostilities against the JAPANESE TRANSPORT LINES HEAVILY BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 lied forces, Marshal Bado909 SAN JOSE glio directed that they nev. DAMAGED Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos ertheless appose whatever F1111701131! 1m attacks may be launched Units of the North Ame. lieved destroyed by the ae 58 against the Nation ON RUSSIAN BATTLE FRONTS from rican air force are reported rial attack of the 1st.
other cources.
to have caused serious da tant.
Continuing their violent ger Additional large contin mage to the Japanese trans The Japs, were badly beoffensive after the capture During he summer orfen. gents of Allied troops con port system during the vio aten ythe Allied troops in of the important center of sive of the Russians the mu tinue to arrive on the Penin lent attack they effected Singua, New Guinea, After Stalino, the Soviet troops mber of Germans killed are sular and to join in the ad last Monday in the zone capturing the airbase at Nad are registering a series of said to have totalled 420. vance toward the North, south of Hankow. Four ene zad, the victorious troops ad successes and inflicting te 000, while thewounded re where the Nazis have en my ships were sunk andvanced toward Lea, while rribles losses on the Nazis. ached the big total of. trenched themselves and five others burned and bad the activities against SalaThe valley of the Donetz 1, 500, 000 and the prison have announced their inten ly damaged in the Yangt mau were intensified. The aid to be now freed of ers, 380, 000.
tion of fighting to the utter ze River. The wharves loca Japanese defences at Merk enemy and their lines Between the 5th of July most. The Fifth North ted at Shihwelyao were des ham were also destroyed.
ken in the Zenkoy area, and the 5th. of the present American Army is supposed troyed, while a number of Additional detachments The strategic positions of month, the enemy losses in to have landed at Naples railway engines, a radio bro of reserves have been arrijotop and Backmach ha material represented and salermo and to have dcasting station and other ving in New Guinea to par been captured and milita 5, 729 airplanes, 8, 400 contacted the Nazis. valuable installations wereticipate in the fight for the experts are of the opinion tanks 5, 192 and The Nazis having posses also ruined in other loca conquest of the two import the forces of Hitler more than 38, 000 camions. sed themsleves of all the tions.
tant air and naval bases, located in the south of The Russians ar enow push communicating systems and Eighty per cent of the ene and to break the back of the cania an dthe Crimean ing direct toward the Dnie displaced the native autori my military installations on resistance of the surroundion are in iminent dan per River, ties in the north in addition the Island of Marcus are be ed garrisons.
Toin Emai 50 93 incannon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    DemocracyFascismHitlerItalySovietStalinWorld War

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