
CACAO Though it was only an over daughter, Miss Vinetta, who night visit we were very lies a patient in the local hos pleased to see our highly pital.
regarded agriculturist of the We are glad to learn, at Cahuita community, Mr. Thro this time o writing, that Miss mas Gordon. On the other Gordon is progressing favourhand we much regret to learn ably. Mr. Gordon left by the he offected the trip in order Estrella passenger tolley last to be at the bedside of hi Thursday morning.
99 10 COSTA RICANS RESIDING IN PANAMA TO CELEBRATE SEPTEMREGARDING PHILHARMONIC COSTUME LOTERIA DEL ASILO CHAPUL Plan para el Sorteo del 19 de Setiembre de 1943 Emisión de 26, 000 billetes numerados del 1001 a 27, 000 a razón de 15. 00 cada uno divididos en décimos, RUBBER a 50 el décimo.
Valor en premios: 245. 740. 00 colones We are Agents for premio mayor de 75. 000. 00. 75. 000. 000 15. 000. 00 15. 000. 00 10 000. 00 10. 000. 00 500. 00 000. 00 50 200. 00 10. 000. 00 OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE 104 10, 400. 00 10 aproximaciones al primer premio (5 ante.
riores y posteriores) de 200. 00 cada una 000. 00 10 aproximaciones al 29 premio (5 anteriores y posteriores) de 100, 00 cada una. 000. 00 99 aproximaciones a las tres primeras cifras del primer premio de 30. 00 cada una. 970. 00 999 Aproximaciones a las des primeras cifras We are in receipt of the rice Chambers, who is here del segundo premio de 30. 00 cada una. 29. 970. 00 BER 15TH very pleasing information on a vacation. They, howe25 terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del that a number of the nati man Hour) tomorrow, Sun ver, desire, by this Medium premio mayor de 100 cada una 500. 00 234 terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del ves of this country, who re day 12th. We undehstand to wish her a most enjoyapremio mayor de 50, 00 cada una 11. 700. 00 side in the city of Colon that the Programme will be ble time.
2340 terminaciones a la última cifra del premio nthe neighbouring Repu presented, in its entirety by An Independence Dance mayor de 30. 00 cada uma 70. 200. 00 blic, have arranged to right widely known Costarrican is slated to be hel dat the loyally celebrate the com artistes, among whom are Club Tropical on the night 3893 premios.
Valor 245. 740. 00 ing anniversary of Costa Ri mentioned Evelyn Laird, Te of the 15th, when our ess Leonard ca Independence, Septem resa and Maria Charles, teemed Maestro, ber 15th.
Inez Westney, Doris Cole, Dobson and his Flash Perand formers, will delight the Oustanding among the fes Laird, John Rogers on Tuesday night, the eve of crowd with a variety Floor Lester Cole.
DANCE tivities will be a Special Ra the FIFTEENTH, in the Hall dio Programme on Radio It is the great regret of Show.
The Management of the Phi of the St. Mark Parish, that Station The Voice of the the parties interested in the It is hoped nothing will lharmonic Choir adopt this there is no hard and fast reVictor Programme that they will be intervene to prevent our en medium to inform those who quirement with respect to the (Coleman Hour)
without the assistance of joying the Programme to have been invited to attend wearing of costumes, this will tomorrow, Sunday 12th. We undertand that the Program their Star Pianist, Mrs. Cla morrow.
their proposed Costume Dance be optional to those who deme on Radio Station The sire to compete for the anVoice of the Victor (Cole PERSONAL. Regular Dancing attire WATER FACTORY by an almost sudden death We understand she was one will be pleasingly welcomed. the Grim Reaper has taken of the oldest, if no the odest, said the Director of the Choir, After spending what we from our midst another resi resident in Jamaica Town, dent of pioneering days. where, in her declining years, Dolores, who resides at preenjoyable tieme with her pa Though ailing for some itme, she occupied her time in sent in Cristobal, Canal Zone.
rents and numeros friends, Miss Gertrude Ham left last) Mrs. Apoline Josephs kept teaching a number of the Her husband and daughter Fábrica de Hielo y about until a few days previ smaller children oi the vici predeceased her many years Sunday for the Capital, preago. May her souļ find Peace Refrescos paratory to returning by air ous to being removed to the nity.
local hospital on Saturday the She is survived by one son, perpetual.
transportation to the neigh4th, instant, in which institubouring Republic of Panama, Limón where she has been residing day, Sunday the 5th, shortly workSHIP OF QUALITY AND tion she died the following MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS for some time. She was acafter the noon hour, Burial) ECONOMY. Everything in maTHE ORIENTAL BARBER FLORIDA ICE AND companied by her mother SHOP took place the next day, Mon chinery made or repaired, from Mrs. Peter Blackman, who Located in front former l in to a Crane. See us. We FARM CO Motive Power Club in 3rd.
returned here by last Thursday the 6th.
carry an assortment of Beds, Avenue is the new parlour of day regular passenger train.
Mrs. Josephs was a native Springs and other useful things the only Oriental Barber Shop LA FLORI Miss Ham is supposed to have of St.
at all times. Building No. 89 Lucia, one of the North Fifth Avenue. in this city. All sanitary left last Wednesday. We hope Islands of the HAVERAS British West THOMPSON, Proprietor.
arrangements. Barber with she experienced a very pleas Indies, and had reached the years of practice in all classes FABRICA DE HIELO NEW HARLEME BAR AND of the Hair Cutting Art. trial ant trip.
very advanced age of ninety RESTAURANT. Tre Best drinks will convince the most one years. Of French ances prepared by Crawford fastidious.
try, the deceased was an ar Grant, Genuine native and for.
LIONEL LIONDOLE CAFE HOL NESS dent Catholic and for a long eign liquors stooked Our CusiProprietor.
ne service the most up to date.
Corner 2nd. Avenue ard 7th. Street number of years took an ac CRAWFORD AND GRANT directly in front the Football Ground.
tive interest in Church work. Proprietors.
ING SHOP. Specializes inn This New Eating and Refreshing Sort Of pleasing characteristics and a good conversationist, THE RESETTER WITH IM bg and repairing furniture PROVEMENTS. clean up to every other branch of is now at the Public Service Madame Josephs, as she was late Barber Parlour Centrally work. Coffins always stoel generally called, was liked by located on Commerce Avenue Vee as before going elsewhe COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREall who contacted her, parti almost opposite Teatro Arras. Pricus moderate. Ath. Str Gamez Lun ME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
cularly those of the Catholic ty. Pleasant, reliab. e courteous antrance service. THOMAS PARCHMENT Yard. SYDNEY BECKFO Community Cair Specialist.
COSTA RICA SODA have been assured was a most and wo to 51 W202DB si lo egic 901 root Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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