
Saturday, September 11th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra. MOTHERS UNION SENSELESS PRIDE Reply to the Comments of Marcos Villari For the inhabitants on the all, in their majority or minoAtlantic Zone, the reading inrity, are workers, by their daily the columns of El Diario de struggles, strive for the one ob Costa Rica of the 5th. instant, jective a future of greater the comments relative to Ne happiness, even though this be PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR gro invasion in San José, has not pleasing to Mr. Villary heen a disagreeable surprise. With love and equal rights we Question: In a way which no ail joyously live in Costa Rica.
one, neither from a democratic The publication of Mr. Villaor human viewpoint, has to ask ri is void of all dignity and old With whose permission are Neiensive to the naive The Ne groes permitted the luxury of pro and the Ame. His exwalking through the streets of pressions might also indicate the Captial, and the criticism that which is American has na of the correspondent that, follo dignity and should not be puswing the American styles, the sued; they may also be, a sub new rich ones of the count ytle offence against our dernsonly accept negro cooks and cratic government headed my chinas. Mischievous Acts? We so noble and patriotic a man as are in a time of war in which Dr. Calderón Guardia, as well the free men of the earth strug. Les that of the North Arnerican REMEMBER gle unselfishly, regardless of Republic with which Costa k:the sacrifice of their cwn lives, ca has an understanding of for the good of freedom; and good harmony and taith.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES this freedom four things are What is the pretense then involved. culture, thought, Mr. Villari commenis relative labour and misery. This is de to the invasion of Negroes in ynocracy, and for it the men of San José? There is enough THE EXPECTED the United Nations abandon the evil belief that Negr es potions. men of no fixed place. may be able to live in peace their happiness and also theit to the Capital behind the easy Then oo the majority of these and happiness. We make a workers are Kves.
American do. natives of other country or are making one in Central American countries, the true sense of the word With what right then does Mr. Villary has no right to nct Negroes.
sowing the land and sowing tri DEBATE this commentator, at this time, publish a list of the workers in The Negro is loyal with the endship not as Mr. Villari From all we have heard, attempt to force ditches of an the different districts where spot of land on which he resi would have us do rupture tire much enthusiasm is being tipathy between us Costarri the Abaca is being cultivated des; he knows to respect, with traditional harmony which nas manifested in connection with cans whether we be white, as they constitute what is usua true discipline, the laws of the ever existed among all classes the expected Mothers Union mixed breed or negroes. for ily termed floating popula Republic. Those who live in of the inhabitants h? this dear Debate Resolved that mo this Zone are worthy of res Eusta Rica and create discordern civilization has enhanpects of fondness and of co Cance between nati. Need human happiness. which WORD WITH YOU eration.
groes and Americans He will is slated to occupy the spot.
not succeed We are tor civilight in the Hall of the St.
MY FRIEND. am a Costarrican, white, lized to permit a foreigner Mark Parish on Monday born here in Limon, and pos with such evil intentions io night the TWENTIETH of sess in this same province, in guideus. We are derzocratics; the present month.
The Bonitacio section of La s we are struggling for freedom We have been assured that Yes that what you have trella region, various proper ara equality, and the comics rain or not the entertainment been using for a long time; ies on which the peons are ac: our tranquilti; anc hajapiwe know that will be presented; and as actives and negroes, who all werkness will find the Costarricins, commodation will, it is expec BUT in perfect agreement wtih mel Negroes and Americans all and the best harmony among united.
ted, be at a premium, those Have you given a chance themselves. We struggle so wel Fernando Asch who have purchased their ticto Ajonjoli (sesameseed) oil?
kets are specially asked to be out at seven o clock sharp.
You would find it: DELICIOUS EASY ON YOUR STOMACH AND VERY ECONOboth the affirmative and Ne.
MICAL RY ANNIVERSARY gative Camps and has issued the tip. The debate will be a contest on the background With a view of continuing, 20th. and at Pacuarito on the of personalities and eloquenthe annual Missionary Ser 21st.
is really a winner and when you try it once vices and Public Meetings con you ll be so satisfied, no other kind or brand nected with the Methodist of oil will do for you. Circuit, the following pro Don say you need a hair cat. say you need a Di.
xon Hair cut, from Dixon Barber Shop West of the gramme has been released.
IT WILL THEN AND ALWAYS BE Tomorrow, Sunday 12th. city Market.
divine services will be conduc ted, respectively, ac the Estrada and Siquirres Churches.
FOR YOU The Public Meeting at the lat ter place will be held on Mon All high grade material for Construction day evening the 13th. and Ask your grocer to day for this of buildings ete. just received that at Estrada on the follow DEFENDER OF THE HEALTH ing evening. Mesdames HolLarge quantities of groove and tongue mes and Lynch are said to be Laurel Flooring and Sidings listed on the agenda of each Cedar Bcards of all dimentions SOLE AGENTS of the meetings.
The Cairo and Pacuarito PRICES AMAZINGLY REDUCED Churches will observe the an niversary in combination with GAMEZ LUMBER YARD their respective services on the 19th. instant. The public 4th. Street toward Northen Machine Shops Avanida Central. Edificio Stalnvorth 18.
addresses will take place at LIMON Cairo on the night of the Coconut Oil?
Aceite VENCEDOR FLASH. FLASH e Distribuidora sa TELEFONO 6089 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA APARTADO 1548 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    InvasionPresidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón Guardia

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