
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, September 11th. 1943 wer BANCO DE COSTA RICA tron vas INAUGURAL EXERCISE OF PRESENT FOOTBALL LEAGUE FIXTURES LOS CENTIMOS DE HOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL MAÑANA SI UD Expressions aimost, and girls Scouts of St. Marks SABE AHORRAR unanimous that a fair suene the Representatives tue had ushered in the Sport Clubs Jupiter, Barcelo Football League Fixtures with na, México Junior, Linina Julasw Sunday afternoo; pirmior and Cari Hari. The plaCOMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS EN EL ceasion yers of Gimnasuca, the chal: The march started frora the pion Club, were conspicuousl?
new magnificent Administra absent at the start; and it was Edifice in front of the rot till the procesion had Park. With luneful airs, the ered half the distance that a Military Band led the way. In tely Dembers of the team. Sucursal en Limón)
order, followed our hig riy es squeezed into the ones of teemed Second Commander. VALERIN. Limón. Tres Police, Colonel Rodciguez, march. This was ratii ex REALIZA TODA CLASE DE QPERACION BANCARIA accompanied by the spall pected guest o honour, don Haco On reaching the place, the sias Pado. Manager of the throng assembled in front of LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO son trading Company and the Stadium when donker Mr. Oscar Mc Rae of his or Pastor. President of th Manaploy. Then marched the boys gement, read his inaugur: address and presented to Car. ction for the 1944 the tournament every possible dricks; Robinson: and vain Stanley Wade of Gizinás tournament.
Hamilton provoked humour TEATRO MODERNO taca, the trophe they had so hi The Atlanue Voic wishes with the presentation of Bra chly carned for the wat one vo Little Mary. The Six Gol Lunes 13 de setiembre Season. As God Mother of the THE CELEBRATIONS HAVE den Keys were accomplished POR METERSE Tupiters the sal clinic REDENTOR McRae; and Williams Scott; McKenze; Simp by Marsters Murdock, tam, Sita. Ofelia Amader re From Page and Gordon. The Misses Martes 14 de setiembre ceived ahe award on behalf of me, the youngsters were ex. Brown; and Williams; son; Legister and Ri.
MAS ALLA e Club.
ceednigly entertaining.
ley. The Misses Spence DEL ODIO For the Second Berrick; McFarline and and Gardner stirred emoDivision, rich concert on Monday Hyslop presented the High tion with the dialogue The Parcelona had triumphed Miércoles 14, setiembre the recipient of the night brought the comme Priced Hat. The Misses Quarre. EL HIJO DE syembol of honour, whick morative event to a close. The Johnson; Hyslop; BerLA ARMADA On the who e, the Amiverwas accopted by Miss Ir proceedings were rather co rick; Brown; Biggs, sary celebrations were effecti the instalasio exercise in colourful and the young artistes. Wallace and Williams were vely carried through, and the Jueves 16 de setiembre LA CUNA praiseworthily made their con the reciters in the Variety Managing Personnel inerit tributions. Special mention Club. The Misses Hen the warmest congrats.
must be made of the item Viernes 17 de setiembre 25 Miles The Abaca Center Parliamentary Law by Mas LA CUNA Fresh and pure Frescos of all ters Allen; Berrick; the SOMETHING OF WHAT IS HAPPENING VACIA kinds prepared to meet cold Misses and McKenzie; or warm Season. Meals. Sand Anglo American trocips Pistance. Sanguinary encoun Sábado 19 de setiembre wiches and other Eats cook Stewart and Murdock continue to land in Italy ters are in progress between EL GRAN ed with rich flavour. Here the and The Boot Black by Mas and reinforce the advance the German and Italian BLOQUEO housewives can buy fruits of ters Berrick; Allen; despite the violent Nazi re troops and it is expected all sort also a large variety of that Italy may declare war Domigo 19 de setiembre vegetables from Cartago The vole of the people is the law of the land. and against her ex ally at any DIEZ WATSON HAPPY GO the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service, CABALLEROS LUCKY WILL moment.
ALWAYS West of the city Market, SATISFY YOUR TASTE Ro me was attacked by Nazi troops in an effort to establish a new govern ment under control of Germans. fighhting was re ported in progress.
King Victor Manuel is SMASHES PRICES STILL LOWER stated to have abdicated in favour of Prince Humbert NIDO, powdered Milk, tin The invasion of Europe 4. 00 ISLAND PALM SOAP 060 by way of the English Chan KLIM, powdered Milk, tin 15 PALMOLIVE SOAP 75 ned is momentarily awaited CARNATION Evaporated 50 KEROSENE, bottle as a result of the manouyMilk, tin 50 WIRE SPONGES 25 res very successfally carried out nthe Channel and over NESTLES condensed Milk, tin 45 SWEET OIL, bottle 25 the European coasts occuBANQUET SARDINES, tin 65 SHOE POLISH, Yellow 10 pied by the Nazis.
COFFEE, delicious, lb.
The German High ComBRILLO, for 15 FLEISHCHMANN Baking Powmand have released the inder, lb. 25 ROBINSON BARLEY, tin formation that thei. troops 40 CASHMERE SOAP, Ige. 50 SHRIMP, tin will afford the Vatican the 50 TUNA FISH, tin NUGGET POLISH, tin necessary protection Alba1. 50 45 nia has been occupied by TOILET PAPER, roll 80 GOLD MEDAL FLOUR, 1b. 45 German troops but the All FLOOR POLISH, lb.
ied Powers are said to he 50 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM, PALACE SARDINES, tin preparing to launch all of1. 00 tube 00 fensive against them.
SODA BISCUITS, 1b. 00 CRISCO, lb. 25 ARGO OIL, gallon 15. 50 FOSFOROS ANTORCHA the LA PROVEEDORA 00 We offer you not only lower prices, but also correct weight, courtesy and fresh, guaranteed merchandise LA PROVEEDORA Limón PARA VENDER 5 CENTIMOS CAJITA Unico Distribuidor al por mayor: ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ


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