
Saturday, Sepiember 11th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA DAGE 11 CARD OF THANKS Estampas Nacionales Little do the relatives, friends and well wishers realize the great medium of Consolation their Cards, Leters, Te.
legrams, other tokens of sympathy, and their presence have been to us, since the approach of our darkest hour, when our beloved Daughter, Mother, Sister and Friend ETHEL DOBSON was summoned into the Great Beyond on Monday 6th, instant We, therefore, adopt this medium to publicy express our thanks for the above measures and, in addition, for the floral tributes, and the great personal attendance on the afternoon of her burial.
Edward Dobson and Wife; Catherine Delpratt Brown; Catherine and Hermina; Brothers and Walford Gibbs VISMOA te gave way leaving sedres the deceased was held. The 10 INITIAL MATCH OF PRESENT FOOTBALL CHANGE too DEATH CLAIMS ANOTHER YOUNG CITIZEN Hough fully cognizant trat, place during the afternoon ci innot he categoried as an ac the 7th. instant Layitr il ident as it comes as a natural beautiful coffin anul acomo.
purse of man heritage: yes nied by a large and represenhen those who have cu ned tative number of mourners u esteem and nd affection and sympathizers, the funera!
ass into the Valley of Death ceremony was impressively e cannot escape the sympa conducted in the St. Mark natic tear. This was oue expe church by Catechist Daysley, ence on Monday the 6th, ins and produced a fitting tribue int on becoming aware oi the to one who had been associa: id passing of Miss Ethel Doh ted with the Church and Cher LAS CARRERAS DE SAN JUAN on, who had been employed ss the cortege wended its way Ale y limón, entona, reanima y sien le la Ginebra extra fina. con Ginne local hospital of the Costa, to the place of buria. there y entre los Licores Nacionales sobresa a bien.
ica Banana Company and was much evidence of the ind here the brittle thread of herness and high esteer in which AN APPROVED many hearts.
ral offerings were many and LEAGUE FIXTURES costly.
Jere Miss Dobson outstanJúpiter earned Two Goals and Vanquished Through an official source, ing tendencies, and she ocen: sed a warm spot in the heartsived by her parents, a sister Our deparsed citizen is sur México Juniors with a Shut out. Hugo was we have been informed that Ta change has been approved her relatives and numer013 three brothers, among their the afternoon hero in connection with this year dienos. She was of die vgriWhen all was ready, don against Mexico was due, ob(ur good friend Leonard. celebration of Independence an Faith. On the afternoo. Sin employed in the Panama Hernan Salas Pardo, the Ma viously, to the misjudgment her death, her veme as were!
Canal Zone, and other relati nager of the Limon Trading of their goalie; who, in an at Day, in so far as the particionveyed to the residence of es. It is the fondesi wish of Company, to whom the match temnt to ward off a wel di pation of our schools is concerned. It is stated that the Ars. Delpratt Brown, where a the Atlantic Voice tal on, was dedicated, on being escorrected shot by the sharpusual procession of the chiltreamline of cur citizentv Inuch vegarded Ethel will e ted to the starting point, ef shooter Hugo, advanced dren will be effected on the ered their condolence to the the recipient of tha Well Do fected the initia) kick. Rous far from his charge. Attacks morning of Tuesday the 14th.
teply bereaved mother anal me on the general Resurrec ing applauses charged the at and conter. attacks were instant, instead of the FIFther relatives. Buria! toci Uon.
mosphere until he had resum mildly carried on to the rest TEENTH as in previous tertutiniams lietimuinar berinisites ed his seat in the special perfod.
HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA guests circle accompanied by On the resumption, we were Notice regarding the change Colonel Rodriguez; don bathed in the same still wat has been circulated among the FRENTE AL MAR. CIUDAD DE LIMON Guillermo Amador, ourers. The second goal for Ju Directors and Directresses of esteemed Inspector of Schools; piter was earned by another both public and private ERNEST LEWIS. Propietario Mrs. Alejandro Loen and her of Hugo craftsmanship acts schools operating in the city.
Atención y precio especial para familias.
two daughters.
The a lotted time for play Cuartos frescos y confortables con Baño We EL MEJOR COMEDOR DEL PUERTO Judging by the calmness of took command and thus Ju points for the Season.
CANTINA BIEN SURTIDA play, the players sesmed great piter chalked up the first two congratulate the players. ly affected by the march ATENCION ESMERADA which had terminated under EXTENSION OF GREGG COMMERCIAL the influence of a two o clock Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the afternoon sun. The only thrill SCHOOL TO THIS CITY pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon associated with the exercise From a usually reliable similar to those of the San Barber Shop West of the city Market.
was the brilliant defence, time source, we have gained the in Jose Institution. by REQUIEM MASS FOR LATE MR. VICTORI Solano, Jupiters goalie. He haye been perfected for ar clude Typewriting, phonoarragements The courses are said to inHAYLING was marvellous at his reser extension of the wol know. graphy, accountancy and gevation.
Gregg Coinmercial School toneral commercial subjects. Requiem Mass for the ept this medium of invita The first goal registered this city. The local branco The ATLANTIC VOICE wi oul of our late departed tion to attend the Mass.
will be operated along luies shes the venture every sucood citizen and popular ownsman, Mr. Robert Vic Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark of the bock Hayling, will be conducde su recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: ed in the Cathedral at a.
Thir hill must be paid at our office before Tuesday the 21st. instant, Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th, of the month which will register the first de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not nniversary of the sad pass Le rogainos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cbiige us to suspend our service, a step which ng of our life time amiable de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
nd unselfish Victor.
Friends and sympathizers the surviving family and elatives are asked to acci แนะแนuuntonแนวแมน tan пошипные THE MEMUTARICARIRINI In COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON AXUL VE ОТ ИЗСАМ ДА Ama Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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