
PAGE 12 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Soturday, September 11th. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN coders.
for of his to a THE PREMIER TO THE HAIRPIN SQUADS THE EIGHTH ARMY IN NORTHERN RHODESIA INCREASING BRITAIN HOME GUARD An train busting see ITALY FIGHTS TOO WOODLANDS of Fighter Command, fully alive Great Britain is the advanced to the vital necessity of salv:ge, It was to the Eighth Army With their blood, with their Up to the beginning of fighting base of the United exultantly returned from a re that fell the honour of carry. Wrk and with their little sav last war Great Britain Nations, and is still under concent railway raid with a chunk ing through the invasion of ings the Africans of Northern Inc forest policy. About 97 stant siege and assault by air of Nazi Iccomotive embedded Southern Italy, and it was the Rhodesia play their part in cent of the million acres and sea. It is in a very large in the fuselage of his plano. The Commander of the British Mid the titanic struggle for freedom woodlam were privately ou measure the powerhouse and fragment had been blown sky dle Eastern Armies, General against slavery, knowing too ed. After the war the Fores directing centre of the whole high by his own delayed actions Sir Harold Alexander, whº well the distinction between Commission was establis: British Commonwealth and just as he wheeled for a second perfected the plans for this these two forms of human with a program of state affo)
Empire. It is the souroof a attack, and the pilot gleefully colossal undertaking; it was that existence, since it is a bare tation. During this war vast output of war equipment promised himself to extract iteme Sir Harold who on 30 fifty years ago that they them the last the woodlands ve It is the home and cradle of in person and bestow it upon June 1940 evacuated the Brit selves were freed from the de to relieve the shipping cor the Navy. In this zone there the appropriate salvage dump ish Expeditionary Force from predations of Arab slave tra tion and great inroads ha burns the light of freedom with full honours. Thirty mi Dunkirk with this promise been made upon them, Guard it well, Home Guard. nutes later, when he returned return to the Continent and Twenty five thousand per The Forestry Commissions We have now nesrly 000. 000 with the tools to finish the job, cout the totalitarian enemy on sons are engaged in the mining have now reported on the po ve solute, trained and equinped th: tell tale hole in his fuselage bis own ground, London ob of copper, cobalt, lead, zine, war forest policy in Brite men, ell of whom do their daily remained, but the trophy had servers point out that the vanadium and other vital me The report proposes that work in field or factory, and vanisheu. The Hairpin Squad Eighth Army is in great part dls for the war effort and ma tematic steps should be ta?
add to it, free gratis and station had nothing but honour, the last and it away whisked composed of those very units ny thousands are alrsady in to augment and conserve si which left France on that fale the fighting forces, mostly plies of standing timber proudest duty of a citizen of Every morning, when the ful date, and in particular, the the North Rhodesia Regiment that the present wurtime the Empire and a scidier of the bombers return from the night famous Fifty. first Scotch Di and its medical and transport tem of licenses for felling King. You Home Guards offensive, the Hairpin Squads vision wasich demonstrated its units. This regiment has alrea. ber should be continued. It men are specially adapted bear down upon the machines, irresistible power when smash dy seen service in East Africa poses also that million sc meet, that most modern form as one pilot put it, like a ing Rommel notorious Africa and has a meritorious record should be devoted to for of overee attack the mass swarm of locus and tooth Corps at the breaching of the The remainder of the popula area which should be systen, vescent of parachute troops. They comb them for spent bullets. Mareth Line prior to invading tion is, almost to a man, engag tically managed and develop Home Guard might well share tlak fragments, or cannon shell Tunisia.
It is moreover of ed in essential work, either on The million acres private the motto of the Royal Artil shrapnel. After technicians have compelling significance, that strategic airdromes and roads owned should either be dedi lery. Ubique for they analysed the material it goes the return of British troops to or on farms. The country is ed to forestry or acquired are everywhere.
to salvage; and a single station the European mainland took self supporting as to food and the state. During the first And if the Nazi villains drop has wrested enough metel from place on exactly the same day feeds its own forces.
second post war decaces down upon us from the skies, Hitler in this Everybody contributes to the report proposes way to make on which Great Britain declar.
that 100. any night on a raid or heavy 75. 000 rifle barres. In ad ed war on Hitler four years war, the contributions may be acres and 500. 000 acres shca attack upon the key producdition, in mat. er of nine ago. Such incidents are more very small but they swell into be planted. single Forest tion centres, you will make it, months, Hairpins of Fighter than coincidences, add the com a single great tide of help to thority for the whole of BI clear to them that they have command alone have retriev mentors, and serve to prove in the United Nations. One Chief ain should be set up. Consi not alighted in the poultry run, ed as much as tons of silver a most remarkable manner the wrote to the government say rsble attention is paid in or in the rabbit farm, or ev:n paper, 27 tons of ethylene gly insurpassable power of Great in the sheepfctbut that they cc, 120 tons of rubber, ing: Here is L1 0. 50) report to recreational facilit 14 Britain. Without flinching, con which my people from my vil and proposals are made for have come down in the lions tons of cement of paper number bugs. scious throughout of her indo lage wish to be sent to the as creasi the den at the Zco. enough to make 000 bomb mitable will to finish once and kari for the world freedom and tional forest parks.
Here is the reality of your interior containers and 160 for all with the justice in the velleys of blood, recurrent work. Here is that sense of im tons of aluminiun and nonfer threats of a well armed for patching their short trous THE UNITED STATES and minent emergency which cheers ers. The African was ever a rous metals.
powerful antagonist, but knowand inspires the long routine of The Stars and Stripes prac ical fellow and it is just in drills and musters after the Who are Hairpins? They are ing at the same time that the hard day work is sections of done.
maintenance the long rom her own inexhaus such careful little thoughts that so called because it consists will de fest the bumbling teu thirteen horizontal alternate Just in the same way as the ground crewn who work in their tible spiritual and material retons.
and white stripes, in the Home Guard render the regular spare time from other duties sources could do no other than her Another Chief wrote to the portion of seven red and forces mobile against an invader, to ensure that nothing is wast be triumphant, Britain moments Governor saying that he was white, and in the left hand.
commenced so the Home Guard must now ed. Headed by a full time sal darkest of King ner 48 white starts, to the plans very sorry to hear that become capable of vage officer. usually a flight the elaboration taking great deal of the burden cf lieutenant from the Equipment, which have rendered possible George was being troubled again pond with the number of stat by the Germans. Could any on a blue background, home defence on to themselves Branch they have made a, the re invasion of the Continent.
phrase more perfectly sum up On June 14, 1777, Congr and thus set free the bulk of name for themselves because, with the express purpose our trained troops for the as from derelict stem rollers to eradicating for ever the canker history today Verily there is resolved that the flag of United States consist of sault on the strongholds of the hairpins they of military might so beloved of great logic loose in Africa.
the Germans. Present events in stripes alternate red and wh: enemy power.
make use of everything.
SPIRIT OF FREEDOM that the Union be Thanks to It is this reason which, above Hairpins, these the truth show plans white cn a blue field, represe all others, has prompted me toughened glass from wrecked fructifying with irresistible MILITANT ing a new constellation.
to make you and all Britain Dornier bombers brought down force and throbbing reality.
In a statement for the To Stars were gradually adi make denture realize afresh. the magnitude has helped vish Relief and Defence Com as new states were formed and lively importance of duties and of the part you the Army Dental Corps. Thanks, of Defence, says that on the thirteen stripes still commen have to play in the supreme too, to their wastenot policy, Germany policy for a New fourth anniversary of Germa rate the thirteen British cause, now gathering the has salvaged and Europe has spiritually failed. ny attack he wished to salute lonies which originally ded in tum as it rolls forward to its refined enough engine oil She has failed to break the spirit the people of Poland not onlyed their independence and fo goal In broadcast from the past six months to save of the subject peoples. They for their courageous resistance ed the United States.
The White House, Washington, tanker a trip across the Atlanare invincible in defeat. They to the Axis yoke, but for the tic.
have kept their national feel horoic aid her men of arms are SAYINGS UNSOLICITED Fighter Command units are, ing, their national courage. Mil giving the United Nations still augmenting this total by lions have been torn up from Since that first day, when PoTESTIMONIAL 10 tons a week. Oil from rags, their roots and left homeless, laid battled in her homeland We count upon our str as well as from engine sumps, or in exile. Millions of Germans agains: brutal and overwhelm right arm, honest hard wc TO BRITISH is not overlooked; and have settled down in territories ing odds, Poland armed forces ing hearts, and our cour rag waste itself accumulates to and properties which are not have been engaged continuosly which is not yet found we In the Italian Telégrafo. 100 tons of salvaged wool an theirs. The problem of re set side by side with allies ining either in domestic or fo newspaper which won name nually. In a single month retling with justice and humanity Africa and in the Sicilian cam ign stresses during the wih out of respect for its great mis cently, after Hairpins bsd made these suffering peoples is one paign. Her airmen have sought course of this war.
fortune in having an idiot for mincemeat of confidential re of the gravest and most difficult vergeance in the skies over Prime Minister.
a sub editor and an editor who ports and secret orders, over the Allied countries will have Great Britain and over Europe. Maintenance of employm is obviously asleep, prints the 90 tons of waste paper and card to face. It must, however, be Her sailors, in vessels flying involves at the very least following headlines. Brilliant board were returned to the mills faced and not shirked, other the flag of Poland, have seen making of a national design British idea: English women for conversion to fresh uses.
wise Germany will evin if she action in many sea operations, the use of our national reso practise extinguishing incendialoses the war have cbtained Since the moment war broke ces for meeting our needs ry bombs once per week. better to adopt this brilliant racial domination in Europe, upon her, Poland had exe nipli the aftermath of war. Tom With the permission of this British idea ourselves. Or does and it would only be a question fied the spirit of freedom mi that design a new piece paper and all those who use this newspaper believe that in of time before she turns this litant. Inexorably the day would machinery not yet existing irony out of place we wouldcendiery bombs extinguish them potent weapon against the po come when a liberated Poland ecnoornic general staff is permit ourselves to offer the selves if you merely frown on wers by whom she is defeated would signify to the world the sential. Sir William opinion that it would be much them, to day spirit of freedom triumphan: veridge.
corr a of 13 are to plates and even false teeth for THE FUTURE OF EUROPE (mittee, Montreal, the Minister til there are now 48, but yor12 momena Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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