
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE SI anc to Every man should carefully compare his force with his undertaking; for though we ought not to live ony for our cwn sakes, and danger or difficulties should not be avoided merely because we may expose ourselves to mi sery or disgrace, it may yet be justly required of us not to Cditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 10W He: om inadequate and hopeless de igns, since by a just estimate of our abilities we may become EAR IX LIMON, September 18th. 1943 NO 391 more useful to our fellow creatures.
ALLIED FORCES ADVANCE IN ITALY Salerno sector of Italy, it has been officially announced that twithstanding the many. the critical position of the after fighting on the defensi ours circulated regarding Allied forces operating in the ve for four days the Fifth THE PATRIOTIC EXERCISES OF THE North American Army laun.
EMY SITUATION IN FAR EAST GROWS WORSE ched a violent attack during FOURTEENTH After a period of nearly located to the north of Japan the earlier hours of Thursday 595.
e months of intense fign. was subjected to an intense ae ast which obliged the Ger1, which is said to have atrial attack. Five enemy ships mans to retreat in the region Under the auspices of the Official Schools developed a violence were destroyed as also twen between the rivers Sele otherwise experienced in ty five of the planes which colore. The fighting hes beer guided by our very highly esteemed Directress, Pacific during the warfare tried to intercept the raid described as the most sangui Miss Olympia Trejos, and the Director don great straiegic naval and Four allied planes were Inst nary of the warfare.
Tistán Brenes, with the wonderful assistance al Japanese base at Sila and six had not returned The general situation of of the members of their teaching Staff, the pa, New Guinea, was cap their base at the time of the the Allied forces improves ho triotic exercises in connection with the 122nu.
by the North American report urly, it is said, with the consanniversary of Costa Rica Independence ustralian troops. Having obtained the supre tant disembarking of fresh e defeated Japs fled, in macy in the Mediterranean troops an dthe launching of were remarkedly presented on the morning of der, toward Lae, their and eliminated enemy mano. cannon fire by the naval units Tuesday the 14th. instant.
other base on the Island ce in the Atlantic, England is in conjunction with the avia. The procession, colourful and full of spire they hoped to join the said to have dispatched sevej tion. It is expected that as rit, was headed by the Military Band, next ar garrison. Military cir ral of her grand naval units soon as General Montgomery s, however, are of the opin to the Far Eastern war Zone soon as General Montgomery flowers of the Nation womanhood. The girls came the National Flag borne by one of the in they will not succeed and to reinforce the Asiatic fleet Eighth Army reaches a point at the greater part of the commanded by Sir James Son where it will be able to choin exhibiting their flag drill as the march profeed of the sixth and fifth grades followed in order, 20, 000 men who garrisoned merville, It is expected that in the fight a decisive victory oth stations will perish Lord Mountbatten will soon will be secured.
ed toward the Park. The charming display of The Japanese base of Mas launch an intense offensive issar in the Celebes Islands against Japan proper in which!
All the southern region of the Red Cross Section was next in line, then the Peninsular is now virtually the full schools and the group of femine blosas been severely daraged by ih will use all the naval and controlled by the Allieds.
In earial attack.
aerial Anglo American forces soms who are in the educators prepararorv The historic region of PomThe Base of Paramushiro of the Pacific.
course, so philantropically afforded them. The peyee was greatly devasiated by aerial attacks directed a pupils of the General Tomás Guardia School, gainst the communicating ro in their catchy uniforms, headed by their NOTICE adways wich the Nazis standard bearer, swelled the rank. The chilare using to reinforce their Aadress all your Eng.
dren of the private system, guided by their Para todos sus trabajos troops.
ineering Requirements ro de Ingeniería dirijase a teachers and under the musical strains of the The Fifth American Army Salvation Army Brass Band, added a spectaR. ROIG is reported on the advance to ward Naples cular view and co operative strength. BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 So apparently, hard. presAt Park Vargas, the onus rested on CoSAN JOSE sed is Hitler for men that ne lonel Víctor Sanabria, the Director of the MiniCharges Reasonable Precios Módicos is said to be drawing heavily tary Band anda his musicians. The various from the Russian fronts and selections were refreshingly rendered. The oraAGRICULTURISTS SOLICIT PARTITION OF GUACIMO France.
tion, in keeping with the celebration, was ini Proceeding from Syria and FARM Palestine the 9th, allied army pressively delivered by don Tristán Brenes, We are in receipt of the ve extensive in that district, and the Director of the Boys School. He was the has occupied the Islands of Lero and Samos preparatory y interesting recipient of deafening applauses.
information was returned to the govern to launching ari atlack againsi The Management of the Schools deserve nat a number of the small ment by the United Fruit Com Greece.
fervent congratulations from every angle; and griculturists of the Old Li pany on thenr abandoning ac e Region have addressed o tivities in that locality The Fifth and Eighth Armies all are deeply grateful for the services renderetition to His Excellency Pre. The President is said to holove contoc. ed, according to ed by the Military Band, the Salvation Army sident Calderón Guardia soli. ve referred the petition to later advices are pushing for Brass Band and the St. Mark Scouts comciting a partition of the well e Agricultural Department, ward. Montecorvino, 20 kilo manded by the District Scoutmaster, Mr.
has Honown farm Guacimo among where it will be given consi metros east of Salerno Adrian Mason.
deration been occupied as also AlbaneThe farm is one of the most lla. Vital railroad connections in the Brenner Pass have been destroyed says a report CARD OF THANKS FRESCARIA MAYO All high grade material for Construction of buildings etc. just received Motived by a sense of profound appreciation and gratefulness, this medium is adopted to publicly ack Fresh and pure Frescos of all kinds prepared to meet nowledge the apropiatica extended me by so many Large quantities of groove and tongue persons, by the means of Cards, Letters, Telegrams or warm Season. Meals. Sand Laurel Flooring and Sidings and other tokens, in conjunction with my reply in wiches and other Eas cookCedar Boards of all dimentions defence of my Pace, published in La Tribuna of housewives can buy fruits 9th. Instant, in protest to the unwarranted prosecution by Mr. Marcos Villari, thorugh the colunmns of all sort also a large variety of PRICES AMAZINGLY REDUCED El Diario de Costa Rica. under date the 5th. idem.
FLASH. FLASH 25 Miles. The Abaca Center cold ed with rich flavour. Here the of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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