
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, September 18th. 1943.
a 30 10 29 MR. EBENEZER GREY SUCCUMBED TO ILLNESS Almost every Limonense of that the ceremony associated Long residence and good me with his burial was characte.
mory will recollect the name, ristic of his life with had earat least, if not the countenan ned him esteem and high rete, of Mr. Ebenezer Grey, who gard. Among his survivors are The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao was one of the leading tailors Mrs. Ruth López, his daugh.
in this city prior to his retur ter, who here an vacation, ning to his native Isle, Jamai. and two sons in Jamaica, the ca, about twelve years ago. Rev. George Grey and Mr.
IPECACUANA We are. receipt of the Nathaniel Grey. To these and very sad information that Mr. the other bereft ones we exGrey died recently in the potended our profound condolenrish of Hanover, after having ce. May the soul of bur forRUBBER reached the privileged age of mer fellow citizen be at prosevently and seven years, and fect Rest.
Plan para el Sorteo del 19 de Setiembre de 1943 Emisión de 26, 000 billetes numerados del 1001 a 27, 000 a razón de 15. 00 cada uno divididos en décimos, OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE a 50 el décimo.
Valor en premios: 245. 740. 00 colones premio mayor de 75. 000. 00 75. 000. 000 15. 000. 00 15. 000. 00 000. 00 10. 000. 00 10 500. 00 000. 00 was chimed harmoniously by 50 200. 00 10. 000. 00 FRENDLY YOUTHS LAUNCH THEIR CLUB Charles Robinson. Then, oh, 204 9926 10, 400. 00 There was rare attraction from those drums 10 aproximaciones al primer premio (5 anteråttled so by riores y posteriores) de 200. 00 cada una 000. 00 the effect of the electrified with physical fitness to have Stanley Beeks, added all the 10 Sproximaciones al 2º premio (5 anteriores made the pace, wording on the Sign display at pepper sauce.
y posteriores) de 100. 00 cada una. 000. 00 the entrance of the St. Mark The Jerks, the Jitters, the The Club Managing Per99 e proximaciones a las tres primeras cifras del Porish Hall last Saturday, Sandings and the Swings we sonnel. have individually and primer premio de 30. 00 cada una. 370. 00 re the sensations of 1943 999 Aproximaciones a las dos primeras cifras night, when it was regally de collectively earned distinction Professor Lebert, the trumpe for so effectively catering to del segundo premio de 30. 00 cada una. 29. 070. 00 corated for the Inaugural Dan ter, enthused the merry trip their guests.
25 terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del ce of the Colou red Youths premio mayor de 100 cada una 500. 00 Friendly Club. The ceiliny John Steel, the saxophonist pers with his syncopations; 234 terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del lihts, with their green backpremio mayor de 50. 00 cada una 11. 700. 00 ground, provided added admi2340 tcrminaciones a la última cifra del premio Shino, the trombone wizzard, mayor de 30. 00 cada una 70. 200. 00 ration, The Youths were there with Rupert White, was at his best; We are furthering the sun 3893 premios.
Valor 245. 740. 00 Bows and Belis; in fact they while Sydned Elliott, the wellnouncement that the anniver were in profusion. It would famed bass player, climbed sary of the Methodist Wo. BOMBEROS BLAZED TRAIL LAST have required the touching dizzier eights, and the bango men League, for the year in wand of a Fairy goddess to ha course, will be observed in SATURDAY ve provided my old boan stalk the city Church on Mo, day Others than the members evening the Selecting the airy and ve 27th. instant. CAFE HOLNESS commencing at seven o clock fy accommodating Northern of the Brigade present were this Doctors Oscar Pacheco, Gui Corner 2nd Avenue ard 7th. Street Railway Restaurant in In addition to the expected directly in front the Footbali Ground addresses of greetings from city where the epicureando Casoria, Hilario Cueviart is under the efficient dillas and Sergio Vindas Mr. This New Eating and Refreshing Sprit similar organizations, we gather that seasonable enterrection of Mrs. Ruth Gour Munch, don Luis Cazong, the personnel of the ci razo, Col. Campos and is now at the Public Service taining items will be sender ed. cordial welcone is ty Volanteer Fire Brigade, dor. Alfonso Sole, Of course COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD said to be in reserve for all headed by the energetic and in order to keep the lips AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
who will attend.
far seeing Captain Noe Alva moist and assist in replenish rado, Were assembled in a ing the intellect, appetizing special sesion last Saturday and delicious refreshments required money for the pur evening.
were served chase of the ambulance were MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS satisfactorily discussed and WORKSHIP or QUALITY AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER WATER FACTORY Two very important and the plan will be placed be chinery made or repaired, from ECONOMY. Everything in maSHOP Located in front former deeply thought out subjects fore the public as soon as pro a in to a Crane. See us. Motive Power Club in 3rd.
were presented for the con perly arranged carry an assortment of Beds, COSTA RICA SODA Avenue is the new parlour of sideration of the assembly.
Springs and other useful things the only Oriental Barber Shop at all times Captain Alvarado declared The important matter of North Fifth Avenue. Building No. 89 in this city. All sanitary that the time is ripe and the the aid to and control of Tu THOMPSON, Proprietor.
arrangements. Barber with Fábrica de Hielo y need very pressing for Liberculosis was years of practice in all classes next discus NEW HARLEM BAR of the Hair Cutting Art. trial mon to own an anıbulance. sed when Dr. Casorla con RESTAURANT, The Best drinks will convince the most Refrescos for the purpose of transport sented to give public lec prepared by Crawford and fastidious.
ing the sick or wounded to tures on the dreaded malady Grant, Genuine native and for LIONEL LIONDOLL limón the hospital or the train; a It was recommended that eign liquors stooked Our CusiProprietor.
ue service the most up to date conveyance to be at the dis the ray apparatus in the CRAWFORD AND GRANT FLORIDA ICE AND posal of all humanitarian ca possession of the government Proprietors.
ses and at all times. The pro in this city be installed and FARM Cº position was fervently enter placed in operation The hi THE RESETTER WITH IMhg and repairing furniture and woodPROVEMENTS. clean up to pvery other branch of tained and the high ranking ghest congratulations are due date Barber Parlour Centrally work. Coffins always stocked.
LA FLORIDA guests pledged themselves to all concerned in promulga bcated on Commerce Avenue Vee us before going elsewhere.
MADERAS excercise every effort to ting the important projects almost opposite Teatro Arras. Pricus moderate. 4th. Street, bring about its realization. and our fullest co operation Service. THOMAS PARCHMENT Yard.
ty. Pleasant, reliab. e courteous Antrance to Gamez Lumber SYDNEY BECKFORD, FABRICA DE HIELO The mediums for raising the is assured.
Cair Specialist Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
and Crooner waxed warmly: LEAGUE ANNIVERSAwas thrilling. The guitarist. RY ON 27TH. INSTANT We AND


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