
ptember 18th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE S OF PETROLEUM INDUSTRY Limón Trading Company rion has reach said to be favourable impres: vell established sed regarding the existence ican. Oil Compa of the valuable fluid 11. ten dis e for some time tinct Zones, which include conducting investiga Tortuguero, Peralta, Pacuare, yarding the petroleum Zent, Castro and Saborio in in this country and this region, ossibilities of exploiting The matter of a Petroleum aportant industry, have Industry for Costa Rica has vitted favourable reports so long been discussed that he government Their we hope these preset efforts chnical representatives are will fructity PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra ng Di.
a Coconut Oil?
FOR THE EDIFICATION OF MR. MARCOS VILLARI AND HIS ILK Adverting to the vile and always savour of great im unwarranted attack Mr. pertincence and be confron Marcos Villari haz levelled ted with complete apprehan against the Negro Race, by sion. To classify a Race, as mediam of the colimas of inferior, after it has long REMEMBER El Diario de Costa Rica. established and maintained these lines are added te itself and wonderfully con what has already been wait tributed to ancient and mo WE PAY THE BEST ICES ten for his special edificar dern civilization, is squa, tion as well as that of those lid ignorance and far remo who are similarly minded. ved from the pale of demoQuite a number of persons cracy. For the Edefication are of the opinion that the of some of these benighted the Negro Race. Cheops, a America. For 2, 234 years lars expended in the ats Races are of special crea individuals let us mention a Negro, built the Great human beings had been en temyts, and Mathew Hantion and that the indivi but a few of the outstanding Pyramid of Egypt, one of deavouring to reach the top son, a New York Negro, is a duals who compose them achievements of the Negro the Seven Wonders of the of the world; thousands of said to have been the first are independently created Race.
Ancient world. It soars to lives were lost and thou to accomplish the feat.
and assigned specific eenvi The Negro was the first aiheight of 451 feet and is sands and thousands of doli Enough for the presenš.
ronments which are subjecto excel in the Fine Arts. com posed of 500. 000 ted to or controlled by cha The oldest drawings and blocks of gravite, each weig Don say you need a hair cut. say you need racteristics in keeping with carvings, yet discovered, hing two and a half tons son Hair cut, from Dixon Barber Shop West of the their bodily differences. were executed by Negro One hundred thousand men city Market.
Whether deemed essentia peoples, more than fifteen were employed in the consBy divine or essentially hu thousand years ago. Their truction which occupied WORD WITH YOU, man, the distinctions exhibiyet unexcelled drawings period of thirty years and MY FRIEND.
ted by the respective Races and carvings were executed covers thirteen acres of are certainly not allied to on rocks, bone and ivory. land. It was completed in Race category.
The oldest known represen the year 3, 730 The Masters of anatomy, tation of the human body Among the rulers of An Yes, that what you have pathology, physiognomy, is that of a Negro woman; cient Egypt there were eigh been using for a long time; physiology and all the oth it was carved by a Negro teen Ethiopians of mixed we know that her sciences which treat sculptor of Grinaldi Race Negroes. The best known, BUT with the human, being, habetween ten and fifteen Piankhi, is said to have left Have you given a chance ve long agreed that there thousand years ago, and his country in Central Afri 1o Ajonjoli (sesameseed) oil?
are qualities common, in was given the name of Theca and to have conquered greater or less degrees, to Venus of Willendorf. after all Egypt, up to the puth You would find it: all races. In remote places the place in Austria where of the Nile, in the year 150 DELICIOUS and the distant past, there it was found. Beethoven, EASY ON YOUR STOM ACH AND VERY ECONOhave been recorded remar the world greatest musi Estavanico, a Negro from MICAL kable achievements in Art, cian, is said to have been Morroco, was one of a party Science, Philosophy and Re a dark mulatto. His tutor, of four to cross the North ligion by members of the the immortal Joseph Hay American continent for the different Races. none den, who wrote the music frst time. The journey took being able to claim distine of the original Austrian Na nine years and was concutive privileges.
tional Anthem, has been ded in 1536. Three years is really a winner and when you try it once It is a common practice mentioned as a member of later he headed an expedi for hasty observers, whose tion that discovered the Sta you ll be so satisfied, no other kind or brand perceptive faculties and ANTORCHA tes of Arizona and New Me sympathies are so baffled xico in the United States of SAFETY MATCHES of oil will do for you. and biased by their racial limitations to declare that to sell at cents a Box Sofe Wholesale Distributor the frailties of the human PERSONAL IT WILL THEN AND ALWAYS BE race are specially assigned ALMACEN TOMAS the Negro. The criticisms therefore, which one race FERNANDEZ widely regardmay pass upon another will SAN JOSE ed citizen, Miss Gwendoline Mitchell, visited San Jose du Ask your grocer to day for this HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA ring the past week and ef DEFENDER OF THE HEALTH LIMON CITY fected a medical con station which disclosed, we are told, Sole Agents Special Attention and Price for Families.
a somewhat serious physical Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath ailment. She returned here THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
CANTINE WELL ASSORTED last Sunday after underHIGH STANDARD ATTENTION going her first treatment.
We bespeak for her a very ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor speedy recovery avd full re Avenida Central. Edificio Steinvorth sumption of her good health.
Aceite Vencedor Consequent on impaired Aceite VENCEDOR Destuibuidora Sq.
TELEFONO 6089 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA APARTADO 1548 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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