
Saturday, September 18th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA BAGE 11 ous are COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON RALLY OF THE SEVEN PROVINCES RECENT DEATH CAPTURE OF NAZI WHO SANK THE ARK ROYAL With a view of providing o well intentionated citizen and Catherine Ploma Jones, a for The Marine Depariment of Th. subma: commanded pleasing item in connection who will, by so doing, accord mer resident in this city, who the United States of Ameri by Carson Guggenberger is with the approaching anniver. an appreciable help to a wor had reached the advanced age ca arounce the corfu atsaid to have. en atched sary of the 1918 Armistice, Ithy cause.
of 80 years is reported to ha Captain Friedrich Gugg in and unk by a North Ameri the Legion of Mary of Rehearsals on the various ce died in the San Juan de berger, who commanded the can plane on patrol cuty off Catholic Parish will, on Thurs jentertaining items are well in Dios Hospital, San José, on German submarine which gurk the coast of Brazil. Among day night the 11th, of Novem hand. Let us all reserve Arris the 30th ultimo. She went the British Airn cne Carrier, the seven survivors was teh ver stage a Rally based on the tice night, November 11th. into the institution on the the Ark Royal ir 1941 ana Captain; they were ai! taken Seven Provinces of Costa Ric for the Rally 29th. May last.
was accorded the Iron Cross prisoners of war.
ca. The setting will be in the for the deed.
Hall of the Day School.
We are told that the repre Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark the bock sentatives have already star de su recibo que dice: of receip! wirich reads: ted the compaign and Thin hill must be paid at our office before Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro setting a lively pace. Puntare the 10th of the month de los primeros 10 días de cada mes nas is reported a rank favou Be so geou as to comply with this request and do not rite, with Cartago maintining Le rogainos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cł lige us to suspend our service, a step which o close second.
de tener que cortar su servicio No would much regret to take.
As the voting tags can be had at the very small cost of ten centimos each, we belie.
ve a couple hundred are within the purchasing reach of every RUSSIA SUCCESSFUL OFFENSIVE PROCCEDS PROGRESS IN PROPOSED NATIONAL FISH INDUSTRY The victorious Soviet army will place them in a position, Our esteemed readers will been assigned, we understand can still be had at four huidred mile front after vital second defence lines. no doubt recollect the infor The project is said to inReasonable Prices at recapturing the important ci Novorissisk, of Great impormation we some time ago re clude the operation of a Fac JACK ORANE Sucs.
ty of Bryansk. This recapture tance to the Germans has been leased, with respect to the pro tory, and Cocal, on the PaciTHE PEOPLE HOUSE taken and the advance is pusposal to establish a Nationa! fic, has been mentionated ag Limon Smolensk to the south, und hing on to Kiev; in the mean Fish Industry for the purpose the posible location.
While time they threaten many o of selling the commodity, the scheme will afford a much Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the ther important obiectives.
which abounds in such large ineeded relief in the prices at pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon In the Payrogrado sector quantities in our territorial wihch the stuff may be put Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
the Soviets have also registe waters, to the general public chased, we learn, the small red new gains, liberating mo lat rates very much lower than fishers at Puntarenas and elre than 100 localities inclu the existing ones.
sewhere will in no way be per ding six large centers and an We now gladly note that judicied.
CARD OF THANKS important railway crossing the plan, as formulated by Dr. As teh lowering of the price Balki, southwest of Kharkov, Calderón Guardia, is making of fish must tend to decrease STANLEY MCDONALD AND WIFE as Seen occupied. The ope progress, The total amount those of meat, we sincerely rations south of Bryansk. are of the money required to to trust the project will soon be OF SIQUIRRES, COSTA RICA progressing nonce the scheme is reported in operation, even though we adopt this medium to tender their thanks to the mony The occupation of the great obtained, and a Committee of Limon may not be directly Friends and Sympathizers who sent them their Con Ukranian City, Krasnograd, by has been named to carry out benefitted in so far the fish dolence by means of Cards, Letters and other tokens Russians, is momentarily ex the requirements. vessel fon! in concerned.
during thsir recent sad bereavement caused by the the deep sea fishing has also!
tragic death of their dear daughter.
English Tweeds Sergs is reported sweeping along it is said, to attack the Nazis from make perod.
YVONNE Estampas Nacionales MORE THAN 100 ITALIAN NAVAL UNITS CONTROLLED BY ALLIEDS The Allied Headquc iters ed Nctions, have reached the announce that with the arrin important total of one hun val of teh last twenty eight dred crd eight This stote ships at Palermo, the number meat is dated in: 15th instof Italian naval units, which Int.
are now controlled by the Unit carnation HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA FRENTE AL MAR CIUDAD DE LIMON Mata ummm ERNEST LEWIS. Propietario Atención y precio especial para familias.
Cuartos frescos y confortables con Baño EL MEJOR COMEDOR DEL PUERTO CANTINA BIEN SURTIDA ATENCION ESMERADA INICA Woman HICH CUTII MINISTRSTENIE Miruna CANADA BEATS OWN SHIP BUILDING RECORD. Whit the launching of three her ship building history cargo ships by the same cock The launching of yard on the same dey, the 19. these ships brought the num th. August ultimo, Canada is ber of cargo ships buiit by Co LAS CARRERAS DE SAN JUAN said to have effected an up nace during the four years of le la Ginebra extra fina. con Gin Aie y limón, entona, reanima y sien precedented achievement war to two hundred y entre los Licores Nacionales sobresala bien.
her ship building history. The in do nutar Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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