p. 12


LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, September 18th. 1943.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN COUNG was a INSIDE LONDON PUSHED RAFT TO COFFIN ALLEY THE FEW LUFTWAFFE WASTED 15612 COLOURED CLUBS RESCUE COMRADES ATAU2 The Flotilla Commander is. Everywhere that the forces Recently the Germans have sued a few quick orders. Then of United Nations power are ris had to send the finest pilots and At the piano coloured actor. Albert Geoffrey Allson, a very the engines roared up to toping toward victory, there is some newest planes to Western Is Wrying out a new song with a zood swimmer, had two ambi speed and the little line leng realization that this is possible Europe to hold off our 600 plane coloured girl: she is called Dinah tioiss in his life, one to swim thened out as the boats prepafew years sweeps and 000. planes. in.
Lee and he is Norris Smith who the English Channel and the ot red to engage. Part of our force because in the last the acay attacks. That is a gooch aots in Watch on the Rhine her to become a sailor. The the par: was with was too other men heroically held the Neāro them a couple of Ameritne outposts of freedom against the thing for the Russians. On war diverted his attention from far away to dig in with rest. We had to watch. As our high tide of Axis power.
Not Eastern Front, there is scarcely cin Géoloured soldiers are hum swimming merely as a sport and line closed on the enemy the alone in Britain, therefore, will one 190 German fighters, mingo a negro spiritual. At the turned his sifts to sterner, uses bouts suddenly skidded in a sie twenty fifth anniversary of and mighty few Me. 109Fs, their other side of the bar the music ae is 18 now. little while ago sharp turn, throwing up the the Royal Air Force be grateful next best interceptor plane. The hall star lenown us Hutch is he achieved his second ambition white spray plume ait as they ly observed.
reason is that they have all been. to become a sailor and he churned straight in for the talkirig to Robert Adams, who But appreciation for the few needed to cope with the has dropped in after his perfor set out for the sea as an appren German ships. In this dash for The fierce sky raids across marte in The Judgment of Dr. ce is one of Britain merchant the kill, the skippers on their to whom so many owe so much Johnson at the Arts Theatre, ships which ten days later was tiny exposed bridges watched is not based alone on their ser the Channel have been a constant Britain drain on the plane, production Above the chatter and the chink torpedoed at night, and sunk all the gap of North Sea between vice in the Battle of the of the enemy. It is known that them and the targets closing September 15, 1940, when most immediately. Alson swam of glasses, a desplazgh is heard towards a small raft and looked ser. Then our force opened up nes and broke the back of the been keen to retain their pool of down. They came closer clo RAF destroyed 185 German pla for months the Germans have and everybody turns to greet around in the blackness to its owner. He is a tell, genial. what had become of his friends ther moment the boats were as a decisive day in world histo pricks of our fighters sweeping sed with everything it had. In ano. Luftwaffe will be remembered new aircraft. So the constant pin.
Roking fellow called Frisco, and bobbing about in the black. Im creering off to disengage. Then is Frisco Ciub off Piccadilly, the water and with one this place is called after him. Imediately he slipped back into the circled and came back ry. But there were other days across the occupied territories was have been partly based on the isngeloom with a cream colour. pushing the raft along managed an fire at the enemy. Tracers Dunkirk.
hand and back abain, to spout metal Hardly less notable. There there were nights theory that you must get em up ed y dho ard international meet to pick up several of his ship Washed across the water like in the spring of 1941 when night to shoot em down.
ing place where actors, journa mates until In doing this our sweens have the little raft nuge, incredibly fast fireballs fighters finally made the Nazis 14tsas coloured soldiecs and ci crammed with survivors some dles. They curved and diop bombing of British cities.
irom hundreads of Roman can pay too high a toll for mass allowed our daylight bombers to vilineis like to go. Londor co wounded, many of them cold and ped, some of them having disorganise and wreck the hairs.
prings of slave industry. ower oured citizens mostly live around exhausted. Allson left them and killed as they were intended There have been too the un plants, factories, goods Camden Town, and there are se struck out in a different directo, some of them plunging ste named, yards, uncounted days and and storage installations in Fran veral hostels for them in Blooms Lion until he came to a larger rile into the sea. Some of them nights when the Coastal Patrol ce and the Low Countries.
bury. But it is in and near Soho raft which was empty. He ma richocheted and whistled up kept Britain lifelines open and that coloured men ard women svaged to push it back and trans from the wve tops; othes seem when smali groups in antiquated Command a chance to blood our not dily work as waiters, cooks. Terred the rescued men to it. Heed to float away and brun planes fought heartbreakingly in newest pilots, to teach them the musicians, sirgers, dancers and spent the rest of that night swim themselves out. At least one of France, Norway, Crete, Africa, tricks and entertainers but congregate to ming continuously for long dis the enemy went up unga estar Malaya, Burma. And there are fighting in the face of the ene sky enjoy themselves in an atmost be cances round the raft, two others were unquestiolooking of triumph my. This experience will be vi.
re or their own creation. The for more of his shipmates.
nably stricken. They blazed the present times like bonfires on the sea. We when the Bomber Command has tal when the time comes for our best knowr coloured clubs used The Distinguished Service Me were hurt, too. One of our boats become super Big Bertha, invasion of Germany itself.
to be The Nest, Sinoky Joe s, Thedal has been granted to Albert was wounded. sudden furio pounding German production and Shim Sham and Tigc club, but Allson for his courage, but he us buret of tracers had crashed communications to pieces in pre most of them are casualties of will not be able to wear it until into the bridge. It had hit like paration for Invasion. OPERATIONS the war. Now a new kind of club after the war; while he was maka cloudburst and then evapo.
Not alone to the flyers must has become firmiy established, ing his way to land he was pick rated. On the bridge plataform gratitude go, but to the men of and grows ore and more popued up and captured by an Axis the captain lay dead. dozen vision and courage who saw the June 11 DuesseldorfDate. Targets.
Tonnage lar as Lordon coloured popula ship.
fracers had found him. His first lieủtenant lay wounded on the role of air power and preserved Muenster 2, 000 ion is swolled by the influx of This boy bravery and devo deck, had beside him lay one a core of organization, who de June 12 Bochum 000 coloured soldiers, Red Cross wo the June 14 Oberhausen tion are typical of thousands in of the crew. Only one officer signed, built and 1, 000 er s, and merchant seamen the Royal Navy and the Mer was left to take his ship home Spitfires and the Lancasters. It June 16 Cologne 1, 000 Such clubs used to cater to a few chant Navy who are keeping the He was the navigator, a young is said that the man who pre. June 19 Le Creusot, France coloured visitors, mostly dan sea lanes open and making Alster, maybe just in his twen vented a peacetime wrecking of cers, dirigers and musicians with hed operations overseas possible. ties, who had come clamberin the RAF was the Secretary of June 20 Friedrichshafen 400 up on to the bridge from the State for Air in 1919, one Wins: June 22 Mulheim June 21 Krefeld 2, 000 jobs in London. Now they have charthouse as the rain of tra ton Churchill.
1, 500 widered their appeal, cer struck. We made for home June 23 Spezia, Italy 400 More than its services to band which varies nightly. You Our course was set, and our the June 24 Wuppertal (Elbeof freedom everywhere Frisco is one of the mair can bear Jue Deniz, sce trumpet skipper left the bridge for nis feld) 500 turns worldwide attention to the June 25 Bochum Gelsen clicks of this kind. The other is player, Leslie Hutchinson, Lau bunk after his night on the job.
kirchen 1, 500 called the Bouillabaisse and is eric Caton corposer of the Se. Another sweep by the Ligth RAF. For it is in its own person.
of June 26 Northwest Gerin New Compton Street. Foun. Dia Symphcny. Clarrie Wears Costal Forces was over. Wlien nel representate of most many and enemy is sighted their enthe free peoples. Combined with 400 dled by the ballet shoe maker Cyril Blake. At one table you see gines open up and they sweer American, Dominion, Russian, June 28 Cologne 1, 500 DI Salvo, it takes its name from zome officials from a Govern. in under his guns for the kill and Chinese air forces, it is ala French soup. in which allment Department RAF Total 15. 800 kinds of strange fish may be with Bah, the club secretary for the target, let go their tor ready on the job of restoring order.
USAAF OPERATIONS Jourd. The title is apt for the a scheme for a new seamen pedoes and then sweep away to large basement club which ca. welfare certre At another, a disengage. The gunboats prow June 11 Wilhelmshaven 450 teis for the peoples of the who French raval olicer with dark, around the German convoy THEIR CHILDREN Cuxhaven le world.
Around a brilliantly feutures and a gold braided uni lines and shoot it out with any.
June 13 Bremen 450 lighted bar you sue represents form, talks to a negro seaman, boats now are scared and worn thing they find. Most of the LEBENSRAUM Kiel 175 tives of every Allied nationality perhaps from his native Sene but all have many a fight left June 22 Huels.
500 mostly un uniform. The swirggal. ney ly arrived West In in them. As the crews have to Antwerp, Belgium 200 band from its stand at Berlin evacuated school chi June 25 Northwest Gerthe dian contrasts with the Nige. live on board they get exta pay.
foi many 300 end of the ong, low, bright rian skin Offhand, they seem to earn it. dren are being sent away student coal black ly colcured room creates a tidal and woolly hair. The Cockrey The skipper has his own cabin safety to the Wartheland, which June 26 French airfields 275 Wive of deafening sound which of the Shoreditch regro clashes. a cubbyhole with a bunk and is the new German name for an June 28 St. Nazaire, Fran.
ce, Beamount le enough space for a man to sin area of plundered Poland, now os the senses. Sometimes with the harsh twang of the Roger, France 145 around in if keeps. the dancers move as sedately Red Cross worker from Chica his sides. The other two ofti. annexed to the Reich. In the June 29 Le Mans, Franmounting of hide.
185 as English dancers, but when the go, and occasionally the drawl cers live in the wardroom ironies is there anything trumpet hits a high rote and of an American soldier is heard which is a pint sized dinringthat USAAF Total 3, 255 the drummer beast out a solid above the deep Welsh tones of room combined. There are vess more biting than the fact rhythm, these guests, black, and the negro docker who was born decks for the crew. Discipline four years after Hitler Poland the brown, seem to be in a rhythrine in Cardiff. The band has had in the motor boats is something derous assault on the you read bout more often than children of Nazi capital humai: Lebensraum for a doomed frenzy. The whole place is alive its drink, the fans cluster round you see. It is strict, yet it is should be seeking sheher from Jewish people to which he dedi: with movement, and bubbling the stand to listen to the improvi happy. The officers adres their enemy bombardment. in Pocated part of Poland. But that is with vitality. The dancers, crin sation, couples throng the floor men by their first names, and land?
the way Nemesis operates. You kers, (talkers, merchant jigging and jitterbugging. At commonly preface their orders Numbers of Berlin parents set apart Poland for a concentra.
seamer, American soldiers and the tables, negro faces break irto with a sincere Please. Tor must be asking themselves if tion camp to which you transport Red Cross workers, African wide grins; at the bar, heade pedo boats are too small to students and lawyers, West Ir begin to turn towards the dan stand much formality. Yet eve: this is the Lebensraum, the liv Jewish women with their chil.
in cattle cars, and you dian tactory workers and engi ce rloor, toes are tapping, show ry boat visited was a wellor ing space, which Hitler promised aren dered and happy ship. Some them. It is obviously not the end up with transporting your neers, actors, and swing fans ders are swaying, the atmosphe display swastikas on the side Lebensraum for the German own racially pure German school fascinated by their bizarre sur re is getting stifling, and the of the bridge, one for each ene sword was to carve out of Po children to Poland to save them roundings. Musictans from other noise deafens. This is Lordon my kill.
land and Russia, as he prom from avenger bombs over clubs drink and listen to the Harlem.
ised his people. It is not the sub. Berlin.
cause 175 ce ous mur are Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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