
THE TOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Wisdom and virtue are by no means sufficient with out the supplemental laws of good breeding to Que freedom from degenerating to rudeness, or self esteem from swelling into insolence. The true effect of genuine politeness is clase rather than pleasure. The power of delighting must be conferred by nature; it cannot be delivered by precept or obtained by imitation.
ditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 EAR IX LIMON, September 25th 1943 NO 392 YUGOESLAVIAN WARRIORS PENETRATE ITALY Information received in Lon daid to have secured confrol political prisoners. The localion dislocose that the Yugoes of the ports of Susak, Fagusa ties of Gorica and Districa in avian guerilla warriors have and Spalata along the coast Italy and Zablak in Monteneenetrated Italian territory, of Dalmatia, as also the Is gro have also been occupied nd attacked the important land of Rab Kecula where by them.
ort of Fiume. They are also they liberated five thousand. SPORTS PARTICIPANTS SHOULD EXERCISE TOLERANCE Tut. 31 filo ter insiallations and commuIN THE FAR EASTERN WAR ZONE nicating highways.
Troughout the ages man bas yearned after General McArthur is report tely dominate the Gulf of radio announcement from praise and distinction in almost every phase to have initiated the final Huon Tokyo declares that the goohase for the expulsion of the Royal Air Units inflicted vernment of Japan had decidof his endeavours; it is no surprise, therefore, enemy troops from the Is during the week in course, a ed to remove the official ofthat, in this era of great advancement, we see and of New Guinea. The base series of heavy blows on ene fices, the industrial centers him striving with redoubled efforts. His activi of Einschhafen, located 96 ki, my interests in Burma. The and the civil population from ties should, however, be always tempered with ómetros off Lae, was attack objectives damaged included Tokyo and other importanci tolerance and fairplay and the will to give and ed last Wednesday by land, two trains loaded with Japa tes with a view of bettering take a whipping.
sea and air. The occupation nese troops; motor vehicles their system of defence. Other of this position will, it is said, and other rolling stock at an decisions of far reaching cha!
This is particularly necessary on the field enable the Allieds to comple. important railway station; wa racters are said to have also of sport, where none should enter with a suremi been reached, such as the to win disposition, a determination to secure mobilization of the civilians the victory by fair or foul means rather thanais NOTICE and the abandoning of milita by self reliance. The display of such disposiry age limi tions will naturally always be distasteful and Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos be certain to provoke tumult and other unpleiga ineering Requirements ro de Ingeniería dirijose a asantness. We are by no means unmindful of ROIG NAPLES DESTROYED the fact that in all competitive events those concerned are always possessed of a feeling BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 BY GERMANS SAN JOSE of victory, but this should never be motivedi Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicns by self aggrandisement or egotism. ad Making ready so flee the im There is an age old proverb which still holds portant city of Naples before true that every dog has his day. hence the AN EXAMPLE NOT TO BE IGNORED the effective advance of the victorious Allied troops.
the greatest, the most competent are liable to fall Our attention has been cal elsewhere, regardless of who Germans are reported to desor failure; and when this happens it should be to the fact that on becom the traders may be. In fact, troyed everything which accepted in the spirit of true sportmanship. suspicious of the health the Public Health regulations could have been of value to Our highest esteem and best regards, as also onditions of the Chinese re in force, obligate, we think, the Allieds. They are however our friendship are with each and every one of il trader, who operated in each caterar of our food supposed to be constructing veir midst, the residents of stuffs to be possessed of a defence systems in the viciniour Sport Clubs. We, at all times, wish them andoval, a village along the duly authenticated health cer ty to the south and east of the best of luck and prosperity; but even as a jent Branch railway line, tificate. This requirement the city.
father chastieth his children whe they swerad the matter brought to should be sigidly to the main Refugees reaching the Al ve from the right line of conduct, so we, by e notice of the Health As a further to the main lied lines declare that thou reason of our public responsability, must bring uthorities. The investigatenance of our community sands of the civilian popula under review all short comings in order to seon which followed, disclos good health might it not be tion were killed and she elec cure the needed remedy.
we gather, that the man, possible for our Municipal trical and water services des.
If we play the game of life in its splendour 10 had been bandling the Fathera to inaugurate a re troyed. They also state that eople food stuffs, was in gulation requiring the pre the atrocities committed by the same hight spirit will accompany us in all ected with same of the most sentation of a clean. Bill of the Germans have been much our exercises. May we hope that during the angerous and germ apread Health by each person who worse than those of. Varsovia. remaining games of the Football Leogue Fixig physical disorders. applies for a trade license or About thirty ships laying at tures we will not experience a repetition of the This should serve as an the renewal of an existing anchor in the barbour have unsavory demonstration of last week, which, urge for a general campaign one.
been sunk to impede the Alregrettingly has been assigned to our cham throughout this province and lied activities.
pion team.
PICNIC BAILE FLASH. FLASH ORGANIZADO POR All high grade material for Construction of buildings etc. just received DON MIGU EL MUNO Que tendrá lugar el Domingo de Octubre de 1943, saliendo el primer viaje a las a. de la calle 49 costado oeste del Mercado Large quantities of groove and tongue Laurel Flooring and Sidings Cedar Boards of all dimentions PRICES AMAZINGLY REDUCED 20 op El segundo viaje será a las 11. 15 a. Pasaje completo. 00. Por bailar 50 Refrescos de toda clase se encontrarán a la venta GAMEZ LUMBER YARD La Orquesta Gazuke Sincepat ors amenizará el baile.
Ath. Street toward Northen Machine Shops DON MIGUEL DRUKEN, Propietario LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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