
737312 TA PAGES LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, September 25th. 1943 OUTSTANDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF on but as LIVERPOOL LADIES UNION CELEBRATE SOME RECENT IN FOND AND LASTING MEMORY ANNIVERSARY DEATHS The vacant space below is a true representation of that The members of the Ladies, dress of welcome was deliv Among those who died re.
Vent which is in the hearts of the Hayling and Shaw Union of Liverpool celebrat ered de by Mrs Williams. cently in the San Juan Families ed their first anniversary on The are exercises respectively Dios Hospital, Sar: José, Sunday the 19th. instant in designated Birds and the following who were assoour local Liberty Hall. Mr. nion were well presented by ciated with this Zane.
William Morgan presided the children of Miss Brown Mauricio Chacón Vega. 35 over Since one year ago death claimed our beloved Husband.
the entertaining pro school. Our budding soloist, years of age, forinerly of si Father, Son, Brother and Uncle, gramme which had been well Miss Cohen, effectively ren quirres. He died on the isth.
prepared by Miss dered Happy Day. Addiinstant.
Brown, the Union en ergetic tional solos were appreciatiFlora Chavarría Navarro, 18 ROBERT VICTOR HAYLING President.
vely contributed by Mrs. years old, who once resided in September 21, 1942.
The choir pleasingly rend. Shaw, the Misses William chis city, and was the daughered several songs. The adson, Murray, Bernard ter of Tobías Chavarria Guzand Master Lester. Recita man and Engracia Navarro The war has developed for us many, mechanisms for political tions were given by Masters Guzmán. She entered the instant the 12th instant and economico operation, many Cadenhend, Lester, Allan and died later the same YOUNG CITIZEN controls, and much machinery of and Winsten. The occasion day. Teófilo Castillo Díaz, 24 planning. These we have created was becomingly graced with because the call There is a time worn pre y mas occupying years old, late of Matina and for efficier cy prominent has been held to bver ride every the presence of the Misses a son of Teófilo Castillo Bal cept which exhorts us not positions. We naturally em special interest. Much that we McFarlane and Francis as re Itodano and Josefa Díaz. Tle en to interfere with the perso braced the opportunity to have built up for purposes of war presentatives of the Hometered the hospital on the 7th.
nal affairs of other people; acquaint ourselves with the we can adapt quickly and easily Lengue of the Salvation Arwe have in our facts, and these disclosed to the needs of peace. Sir Star. my. Mrs. Bennett of the the following day.
ofthe present month anii diez heart that which urges us that they were the tangible ford Cripps.
district was heard in a brito let know of the Samuel Giumble Witoly. 83 good proofs of the outstanding ac llant addreas. The anthem years old a former resident in deeds effected in this life, complishments of Mr. VicWe beg forbearance.
JOSE ACHION Ng Make a Joyful Noise tor Emanuel Gourzong.
ter this city. He entered the insminated the celebration. titution on the 26th. July last The youngman may be the one stated he had com Comerciante detallista and died on the 9th of the pre told of this by some one, or pleted his studies with the Looker On sent month.
perchance read it for him National Radio Institute of Licores. Abarrotes, Cristaleria, self and discover the, to Washington, District of Co Artículos de Ferretería y Eléc him, unnecessary interferenlombia, the Capital of the tricos; todo se encuentra en MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS ce; and though physically al United States of America, este establecimiento.
WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER giant before whose attack and had been extended the ECONOMY. Everything in maSHOP we would shiver with fear, Diploma as an autorized Ra chinery made or repaired, from Located in front former a in to a Crane. See us.
Motive Power Club in 3rd.
we are consoled with the diotrician and METHODUST NOTES Teletrician.
carry an assortment of Beds, Avenue is the new parlour of knowledge that being cha The other was extended Springs and other useful things the only Oriental Barber Shop racteristically a Christian him by the It has been announced that North Fifth Avenue.
at all times International Building No. 89 in this city. All sanitary he will readily forgive.
arrangements. Barber with Correspondence School of at the 11 a. service tomo THOMPSON, Proprietor.
Our manifold activities years of practice in all classes Scranton, Pensylvania, Jrrow, the Methodist Chich is NEW HARLEM BAR AND of the Hair Cutting Art. trial connected with the publica Is. for having satisfac this city will be graced with RESTAURANT. The Best drinks will convince the most tion of our Weekly nece; torily passed twenty comple the presence of Adjutant. prepared by Crawford and fastidious.
ssitate our visiting a diversi ted subjects prescribed in sher of the Cristóbal Colón Sal Grant, Genuine native and for LIONEL LIONDOLL ty of places, and when, at Accountancy. Our youngvation Proprietor.
Army Headquarters eign liquors stocked Our Cusi.
times, the eye is attracted friend earned both ne service the most up to date.
rew. He will be the guest speaker.
CRAWFORD AND GRANT, by some outstanding object, ards nthe month of June On the following evening Proprietors CABINET AND UNDERTAK we dare not sit on the fen of the present year. Monday. the anniversary ING SHOP. Specializes in mak.
ce. So it happened that on We heartily congratulate of the Women Leagyvill TRE RESETTER WITH IM. ing and repairing furniture and woodpaying a duty visit to the Victor for having inscribed be celebrated.
PROVEMENTS. clean up to pvery other branch of residence of our deeply re his name on the perpetual Mate Barber Parlour Centrally work. Coffins always stocked. cordial welcorce is said located on Commerce Avenue Yee us before going elsewhere.
garded citizen, Mrs. Ruth seroll in these two impor to await the general public at almost opposite Teatro Arras. Pricus moderate. 4th. Street, Gourzong, we observed two tant branches of to Gamez Lumber modern oth the service and celebraty. Pleasant, reliab. e courteons antrance SYDNEY BECKFORD, beautifully framed Diplo science.
tinn, Lair Specialist.
CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao 95 RAICILLA IPECAGUANA LOTERIA DEL ASILO CHAPUI Plan para el Sorteo del de Octubre de 1943 Emisión de 26, 000 billetes numerados del 1001 a 27, 000 a razón de 15. 00 cada uno divididos en décimos, a 50 el décimu.
Valor en premios: 245. 740. 00 colones premio mayor de 75. 000. 00.
75. 000. 000 15. 000. 00 15. 000. 00 10 000. 00 10. 000. 00 10 500. 00 000. 00 50 200. 00 10. 000. 00 104 10, 490. 00 10 aproximaciones al primer premio (5 anteriores y posteriores) de 200. 00 cada una 000. 00 10 aproximaciones al 29 premio (5 anteriores y posteriores) de 100, 00 cada una. 000. 00 99 aproximaciones a las tres primeras cifras del primer premio de 30. 00 cada una. 970. 00 999 Aproximaciones a las dos primeras cifras del segundo premio de 30. 00 cada una. 29. 970. 00 25 terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del premio mayor de 100 cada una. 500. 00 234 terminaciones a las dos últimas del premio mayor de 50. 00 cada una. 11. 700. 00 2340 terminaciones a la última cifra del premio mayor de 30. 00 cada una 70. 200. 00 RUBBER PA We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT.
OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE cifras 3893 premios.
Valor. 245. 740. 00 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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