
ry, September 25th, 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE GREAT SUCCESS Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUSSIANS PUSHING TOWARD KIEV on affiliat, Messrs. Messam and Gray s Church, in their quartette. The instruthe enter mental accompaniments were the Parish respectively executed by Mr night of the Mc Creath.
roved a mag.
The auxiously awaited mo.
PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR ig car. a ment came with the setting and the making of the stage for the intellecry.
tual Battle. The coloured COand spacious liallvering of the tables occupied city seated with an by the Debators, the Timekee highly representative per, the Judges, Mr. Daysley Cream of our social land the Chairman presented usiasts The scene was an oriental charm.
ced enhancing. short and The Affirmative side of voury prelude headed the the great subject was chambate Resolved that Mo pioned by Mesdames Clara ern Civilization has enhanc Lawrence (Rubana. Heed Human Happiness. Mr. ron and Ruth Evans, while Jos. Thomas guided the Mesdames Gray, Riley proceedings.
and Brown wonderfully atREMEMBER Prayer was effected by Mr. tacked and counter attacked Daysley, the Catechist of the eloquent Leadress and the St. Mark Church. Little her forceful supporters. Mrs.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Maizie Hendricks delivered, Heron, who kept the audience complimentarily, the only re speil bound with her argucitation on the agenda. Mrs ment, deserves special men Daysley oslo was render tion. There is no question reed charmingly in the fulnessgarding the effectivenss of the Their very keen judgment of her rich soprano. The Mis entire deliberations, which gave four votes to the affirma Don say you need a hair cut. say you need Dis ses Blake and Hanson earn were of exoraordinary emi tive and three to the negative. xon Hair cut, from Dixon Barber Shop West of the ed loud cheers for their duet. nence.
This decision was entertained city Market.
Mrs. Malachi Walker, our The Judges were Messrs. and obviously free of any dis most recent soloist, charned Harold Smith, Burrow, satisfaction. The voting paher hearers with her item, Angus, Chas. Gourzong, Mes pers were collected by Miss Richly chimed the voices of dames Bernard, Lydia Ro Stennette, and scrutinized day for the Nazi forces in of Kerch.
Conditions grow worse each, advancing toward the straia Mrs. Gayle, Miss Grey, Igers and Franklin of Zent. by Mr. Barrett and Mrs. Russia. After having liberatPoltava, in the heart of Daisy Blake. Mr. Harold ed more than nine hundred Ukrania, and the stronghold Smith, the Chief Judge, on localities during the past cou which protected the northern being requested by the ChairA WORD WITH YOU, man, delivered one of his very mies are reported on the point has been abandoned by the ple of days, the Soviet ar area of the River Dnieper, MY FRIEND.
capable five minute addresses, of obtaining some of their Nazis.
Mr Daysley expressed the thanks of the St. Mark pamost prized objectives since Demidov, one of the most restarting their sensational sum powerful centers in the Ger marks of the Chairman embomer campaign.
man defence has also fallen Yes, that what you have died the reason for the The important and strate in the handsof the Russians.
been using for a long time; we know that sence of the Rev. Evans gic positions of Kiev, Dnie This victory increases, it is and Mrs. Evans who is the propetrovsk, Gomel and Smo said, the danger which hangs EUT President of the Mothers lensk are now directly threate around Smolesk. The territoHave you given a chance Union.
ned and their fall are expec ry of White Russia is also Jo Ajonjoli (sesameseed) oil?
The singing of the Doxology ted shortly. Kiev is being sub reported penetrated in the di terminated an entertainment jected to a pressure of steel rection of Gomel. You would find it: that should linger long on the from the north, the east and The Germans are reportDELICIOUS the south. EASY ON YOUR STOM memory.
ed abandoning Smolensk and ACH AND VERY ECONO.
In the exreme south of the Vitebsk as also the CaucaMICAL are pa, one of the last occupied said to have reached the Ri AND THERE by the enemy in the Cauca ver Dnieper despite the stern sian region, has been captured enemy resistance, they were direct telephone service by the Soviets who are now forced to beat a retreat.
between New York and Mosis really a winner and when you try it once cow, via the American Telep WATTERIT hone Telegraph Company, HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA you ll be so satisfied, no other kind or brand has been established charLIMON CITY ge or 21. 00 is made for of oil will do for you. three minutes conversation.
Special Attention and Price for Families.
Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath Miss Fileon Garrett, DirecTHE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT. IT WILL THEN AND ALWAYS BE tress of the magazine. ToCANTINE WELL ASSORTED HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION morrow. has offered a pre mium of 250 dollars for the ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor best article on the sulajectAsk your grocer to day for this Latin America in the postMINISTER OF LABOUR AND war. The contest is said to be bave found enough NATIONAL SERVICE DEFENDER OF THE HEALTH open to all citizen of the satisfy myself that in the people Latin American Republic.
of Britain there is mo much We are fighting for the estaSole Agents more than mere respect and ad blishment of a new and better Berlin announces that Be miration for the amazing achieve system of international economie nito Mussolini has been ap ments of the Red Army; there is relations relatiors, and the Anpointed Prime Minister and a deepseated wish nay, more, glo American lease lend agree Minister of Forcign Relations determinatior. to work with the ent provides for repayment of the new Fascist Italian Russians in peace as in war. such a form as not to burden Britsih Ambassador to Russia.
commerce but to encourage it.
Avenida Central. Edificio Steinvorth government set up by the Mr. Cordell Hull, Secretary Germans.
of State.
Coconut Oil? rishioners. The closing abSHORTS FROM HERE fighting line the port of Anasian area. The Soviets Aceite Vencedor a Aceite VENCEDOR to Distribuidora sa in TELEFONO 6039 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA APARTADO 1545 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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