
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE the course were reached command orA deep, true love will lift a soul out of the shollows of selfisheness and the mead of fleshliness, when all 16 powers combined have failed to extricate it from litor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 slough EAR IX LIMON, October 2nd. 1943 NO 393 HEBER NEWTON ALLIED VICTORIES IN ITALY THE GALLANT Continuing their effective incearrived at the Gulf of EIGHTH ARMY GROANS FROM FREEHOLD AND LIVERPOOL rances the Eighth and Manfredonia.
th Armies have made Naples was occupied last er important gains in the Thursday night by the Fifth When the history of the An appreciable number of agriculturists, tle in Italy.
Army, after a violent, en present world war shall ha who for years enjoyed the convenience of shipCounter in which Allied Na ve been compiled, the na ping their produce at the stopping place at During the earlier part of val units participated4 The ci mes of General Bernard Freehold are said to be experiencing serious week in the ty is said to have been badly Law Montgomery and his difficulties on account of the refusal of the ghth Army captured the ve destroyed by the waunton gallant British Eighth Arimportant base of Foggia acts of the Nazis.
my ought to be emplazoned employees of the Limon San José freight and nich controls a group twel Both armies are now ad on the pages.
passenger Combination train to accept the other aerodromes. From vancing direct to Rome whr From the gates of Egypt shipments.
du e Allied aviation will be re it is expected the Ger to Tunisia, they kept MarsThe refusal to receive the produce is said able it is reported, to easily mans will be unable to offer hal Rommel, the pride of to have been effected without previous notice serate against Albania, much resistance.
the Nazis, and his huns on reece, Yugoeslavia, Bulga Madrid advice states the run until to the parties directly concerned.
they 2, Rumania, Hungary and the newly formed Govern hunted, stunted, bombed The farmers are now forced, it is undersustria. Munich is also said ment of Marshal Badoglio and knocked out by the tood, to transport their goods, along the same be within the range of dan has declared wor on Germa combined Allied North reilway track, to Pacuarito to secure shiper. The victorious 8th. hasny and Japon.
fifican Fored. Moving on ment. a procedure fraught, they declare, with ward, the mighty army, as commanded, in supreme, by much danger, particularly during heavy rains KING PEDRO OF YUGOESLAVIA General Dwight Eiserſhowhich are not unfrequent.
CATCH ERNA TRES during the recently passed wer, was again seen to the difficult situation also exists. it is said, Travelling aboard a Bri weeks, but have made effec front in the battle of Sicily at Nine Miles, Liverpool, where the long exis sh battle ship and accomº tive assaults on where they quickly overca.
important ted privilege of the local stop has been cance anied by his full staff and enemy bases in the Adriatic me the Nazi ves stance and lled, so that the residents in need of rail transleft ther high functioning offi regions. It has also been men ers, His Majesty King Pedro tioned that the General in them off the Island, to face portation, whether in cases of illness or otherf Yugoeslavia has of the the onslaught of the Allied wise, are compelled to cover the distanca to fighting naval and aerial units. Liverpool, proper, on foot.
Cairo, Egypt, where it is said troops only fawaits the Before initiating the ixe will be residing for some der of the Allied High ComAs it is generally understood that the main time.
mand to initiate a general vasion of the Italian main objective of the Combination service is to land, General Montgome The departure of His Majes move against the Nazis. from London is regarded An advice dated last Thurs ry order to his troops is satisfy the requirements of the inhabitants of a military circles as an indi day states that Yugoeslayian said to have been couched the districts lying outside the limits of the rehave ation of the intention of the warriors in the following language. gular towns, it is hoped the very genial and penetrated The time has come to start Inited Nations to start a new the territory of Austria and considerate Manager of the Northern Railroad the battle on main ront in the Balkans.
registered successful attacks land of Italy. To the Fighth system will, on learning, by this medium of In this respect it is signifi against important railway Army has been given the the situation, institute the necessary investiga Huncant that aided by a force of communacitions with great honour of being the tions and effect an amelioration of the in on50, 000 Italians the Yugoesla gary.
first of the Allied armies venierces claimed by an appreciable number ian patriots have not only They have also invaded north to land on the mainland of of our hard working people.
een causing serious destruc Ita y to the extent of neariy the continent of Europe.
200 kilometros.
It has been mentioned that the residents of ion among the Nazi garrisons We have a good plan and Nine Miles are quite willing to pay, if necessa also air suje ort on a greatTHE WAR IN RUSSIA scale than ry, an extra fare between that point and Liverhad before. There can be pool.
The Nazi forces have had, in the hands of the Soviets at only one end to this next nother gruesome time of it any moment, while Kiev, the battle another success. Russia during the week in important. Capital of Ukra For ward to victory. Let us ourse. They have experiene nia, is being steadi y encir knock Italy out of the war!
ad disastrious defeats on all ed by the advancing Rus Good luck and God bless onts.
you all.
The Caucasian region is number ow Tank Divissions That sáme night the Ge und to be now entirely freel have since the occupation of neral British and All high grade material for Construction Canaof buildings etc. just received them Gomel, the last of Krichey started moving to dian troops moved across heir stronghold, west of the warld Mogelev and Rogachev. the docks and beaches to Large quantities of groove and tongues Ənieper is expected to fall their landing boats, which Laurel Flooring and Sidings group by group, started toCedar Boards of all dimentions ATTENTION!
ward the shore of Italy unATTENTION!
der the influence of a clear HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA PRICES AMAZINGLY REDUCED and starry night. They traversed the Strait of Messi FRONT OF THE SEA CITY OF LIMON GAMEZ LUMBER YARJ)
NEW NOVELTIES This perilous assault was 4th. Steel toward Northen Machine Shops initiated exactly four years Other than our Cool, Airy and comfortable Rooms LIMON after Britain had declared EXCELLENT BAR SERVICE.
War Germany: three there is now served in our Dining Room each Sunday years and two months after lied soldiers landed in Sic! ve inflicted a series of defrom to 12 the last British soldier had ly.
feats on the enemy and DINNER ACCOMPANIED WITH DANCE evacuated Dunkirk. two Marked success has tru brought all South Italy un FIRST CLASS ORCHESTRA years, four months and two ly followed the gallant der full control of the Uni days after the last British Eighth, for in union with ted Nations.
Ernest Cecil Lewis soldier taken from the Fifth North American The advance of the AlProprietor Greece, and fifty six days Army, under the command lied Forces continues, after the first batch of All of General Clark, they hathe er we ever FLASH. FLASH na.
on was Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    GermanyItalyNazismWorld War

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