
Saturday, October 2nd. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE PREPARING TO HELP In Fond And Never Fading Memory IN MEMORIAM With a view of preparing Iu fond and never fading memory of our dear Like the spring of an ever green plant, is the freshness husband and father of my memory for my beloved son to help the Neediest at Christ mas time, we are informed JOHN HENRY NELSON ERWING CHAUNCY SWABY that the members of the local Baptist Women Federation who departed this lite October 2nd. 1942 are slated to present a Rally who was summoned to the Great Unknown on September What though tempestuous billows roll, based on fourteen or fifteen Twixt me and thee dear heart; 29th, 1940. Four years have passed since my dear boy has been absent in body, though it seems as if of the most outstanding chaOur thought of thee is ever true ractrs it were but yesterday. masculine) mentioThough we are sofar apart.
ned in the Bible. It has been Let sickness blast and death devour If Heaven shall recompense our pain; did not know the pain he suffered, further stated that the reI did not see him die; Perish the grass and fade the flowers presentatives have been cho If firm the word of God remains. only know he left my care sen from a wide field which And never said good bye.
Keep, oh keep him, King of Kings includes one of our former well Adella Nelson Ernesto Bardwell Beneath Thine own Almighty wings.
esteemed Limonenses now re: sident in the Capital, Sorrowing Widow and Son who THOMAS SWABY, will, we opine leave nothing Father undone to secure whole hea: ted support from the philan other points. The date of the APPROACHING tropists and other charitable Rally is said to be set for the MEDICAL CONGRESS TO BE HELD IN personages of San Jose and 16th. proximo.
HARVEST FESTIVAL THIS CITY RALLY OF CHURCHES The yearly Harvest Festival We have seen the Mark voting vate school in that building. Services of the St Choosing the 423rd. an We gather that the ConTags, done in attractive co As the entertainment is his Church in this city, will ninversary of the discovery gress will be attended by lour forthe proposed Rally basted for presentation on the be observed on Sunday the of this Republic by the the majority of medical and of 17th instant. The Children world renowned Christop surgical practitioners of Cosed onthe Churches in this city threshold of the Season Good will, we feel optimis Entertaining Programme will her Columbus, the Commita Rica; if this be realized, and slated for the night of Tuesday, December 1st. in tic that the characteristic ge be presented on the follow ttee on Medical and Surgi it will certainly be a Red Kingdom Hall, under the ausnerosity will be extended ing evening in the Hall of the cal Science will convene, in Letter Day for Limon.
Sarah this city, on Tuesday Cum the effort of one of our pio Parish Al are cordially invit the The Atlantic Voice bids pices of Miss ed to attend.
12th. instant better the professionals a hearty mings, who operates her prill neer educators.
known as Columbus Day. welcome.
RACIAL DISFRANCHISEMENT SHOULD NOT CIRCUMSCRIBE EFFICI The appreciation of the racial shrinkage. On the justification for the assump MEMBERS OF ENGLISH SECTION NATIONAL se to whom we we owe so British Isles, in Africa, ontion that because of their much is not based on any the Islands of the Far Eas. race they are incapable of EDUCATORS ASSN. TO MEET.
particular race included in tern fighting Zones and el accomplishing certain funcour democracies. On the sewhere the peoples of co tions.
firing lines of the United lour are not exempt from If the allegation be true We have been advised that ther that the hour of p. Nations, in their factories, the enemy destruction of hu that prejudices exist against the members of the English has been fixed in order that in their navies and on their man lives and property. the negro in our local laSection of the National Edu the teachers of the Line merchant ships and aircraft In the numerous catego bour and industrial fields, cators Association will hold Towns, who desire to attend, as also in their Red Cross ries of human activities, regardless of adaptability a meeting on Tuesday even can arrive either by the re Institutions are to be found members of the black race or capability, then such is ing the 12th. instant, Colum gular passenger train or the every shade or colour of hu are known, as a rule, to be incompatible with our claim bus Day, in the St. Mark Paloca on that afternoon, re manity. In fact, wherever up to normal standards; to true democracy. Let us rish, beginning at seven fresh themselves and be in the forces of the United Na cords testify to their he ever adhere to the princio clock.
tiene for the evening de tions are pounding toward roism, their extraordinary ple of common juscice, and Matters of vital importan liberations; their return trip the overthrow of tyranny, bravery and outstanding ex recognize efficiency, irres ce are listed, we understand can then be effected by the peoples of colour are contri cellence in given franchises. pective of the colour of the on the agenda and the pre next morning six o clock buting efficiently, without we can, therefore, find no persons concerned.
sence of all who are connect frieght and passenger ed with this section of the bination Association is urged. We gacomLimón Trading Company a PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS NEW HARLEM BAR AND WORKSHOP OF QUALITY RESTAURANT. The Best AND ECONOMY. Everythdrinks prepared by Craw ing in machinery made or ford and Grant, Genuine repaired, from a Pin to native and foreign liquors Crane, See us. We carry an stocked Our Cusine service assortment of Beds, Springs the most up to date. and other useful things at Crawford and Grant, Pro all times. Building Nº 89 prietors.
North Fifth Avenue.
Thompson, Proprietor.
THE ORIENTAL BARBER SHOP Located in front former Motive Power Club in 3rd. CABINET AND UNDER Avenue is the new parlour, TAKING SHOP. Speciali of the only Oriental Bar zes in making and repairing ber Shop in this city. All sa furniture and every other nitary arrangements. Bar branch of wood work. Cof ber with years of practice fins always stocked. See in all classes of the Hair us before going elsewhere.
Cutting Art. trial will Prices moderate. 4th. Street, convince the most fastidious. entrance to Gamez Lumber LIONEL MONDOLL Yard. SYDNEY BECKProprietor FORD.
Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuis and Cópra REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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