
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, October, 2nd. 1943 BANCO DE COSTA RICA of the TEATRO MODERNG al wit ANNIVERSARY SPLENDIDLY OBSERVED It has been stated tha of the dictum. The latest imen who avoid the societyllustration was on the occa LOS CENTIMOS DE SOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL MAÑANA SI UD of women possess a dull persion of the celebration of SABE AHORRAR ception and are indirectly the sixteenth anniversary revolting against that which of the Methodist Women is pure. Consequent on our League in the Church 01 frequent attendances at the Denomination on the COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS EN EL the entertain ments presen evening of Monday the 27th ted by the feminine sex, we, ultimo. Precious cargoes we have discovered the truth re delivered in a highly appreciative harbour. The winsome manners contributors to the entertai (Sucursal en Limón)
Lunes de Octubre ning features, added to the EL MATON SU DAMA floral decorations of the REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA con Humprey Bogart platform, were a seeming trespass into Fairyland.
LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO MARTES DE OCTUBRE The fragrance from a rea EL JOROBADO sonable number of the items con Negrete was undoubtedly inhaled by the capacity audience, aMiércoles de Octubre tist mong whom were numbeWomen Federation, tend, a condition which also entertainment could not KOCKOUT red many persons from ot poured out by Mrs. Leonie impeded other members of void taking Joy home wit con Olimpe Brad na her organizations and Jackson. The Siquirres Woher League.
them at the close.
men League was splen. All who attended most every other Denomina the Jueves de Octubre ſtion.
didly represented by Mrs.
LA NOVIA CAYO the The Rev.
Imogene Grant. For Holmes DEL CIELO BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART presided in a manner fully Sisters Union, Mrs. Fran con James Cagney cis was marvellous. The On the occasion of representative of his Minis the any false interpretation of it Mrs.
terial office.
Viernes de Octubre Jessie Girls League sent its hear fourth anniversary of the rap readiness and will for pacii Wright officiated at the or ty cheers through the ve ging World War, His Holiness cation and against other po LA NOVIA CAYO gan in her well known ef ry effective contributions of the Pope, by means of the Va sible repercussions.
DEL CIEJO fective and impressive sty the Misses Wallace, tican Microphome, admonish Do not disturb or imped con James Cagney le. Mrs. Brown was in Smith and Blake. The ed the crowding Allied Na the desire of peoples for pe. deed a double Gin Gin Young Adventurers were tions, to give ear toward thoice by actions which, instea Sábado de Octubre in the delivery of her reci spoken for by Miss Ogli se less favoured by the trend of encouraging confidence, MI MARIDO ME ES tation. There were several vie. Up the hill of eloquen ofthe war.
His Holiness ther inflame anew and stren INFIEL guest speakers, Couched in ce, treating on Women, the fourteen minutes broadcast then determination to resist con Ray Milland clear and sparkling langual War and the Gospel, Mrs. was as follows Give all nations a justi Domingo 10 de Octubre ge, Mrs. Heron delive Inez Holmes ascended with we turn to all those whose fied hope of worthy peac her hearers. Due to illness, the red the greetings from CAPITANES en las NUBES which does not clash task it is to promote agreeMothers Union Mrs. Marjorie Baily, of St.
the con James Cagney their right to live and the ment and harmony for Mark The good will President of the Estrada peace, of and say to them that real sense of honour Let it of Sal Leagueto atsity. It has always the means loyal accord between you can still be had at by Miss Delrita Hunter. As regrettingly unable to of guaranteeing itself against principles and your decisio)
Reasonable Prices at if emptied from an intellec between statements about JACK ORANE Sucs. tual crystal urn were the The vote of the people is the law of the land. and just peace and facts, THE PEOPLE congratulations of the Bap the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service. Only thus will it be pos limon West of the city Market.
sible to create a propitious. mosphere, wherein people who are less favoured the cthers by the trend of th war at any given time, ma be ieve in the dawningar SMASHES PRICES STILL LOWER development of a new sens of justice and co operatio among nations. Blessed are those who NIDO, powdered Milk, tin. 00 ARGO OIL, gallon 15. 50 help prepare the ground is CARNATION Evaporated international justice, who e PALMOLIVE SOAP 75 operate to overcome the de: Milk, tin 50 KEROSENE, bottle 50 dlock between war and per NESTLES condensed Milk, tin 45 WIRE SPONGES 25 ce, who keep themselves fre BANQUET SARDINES, tin 65 of preconceived opinions an SWEET OIL, bottle 25 COFFEE, delicious, lb. Ві uncontrolled passions 00 OATS, 1b 60 woe to those who, in th FLEISHCHMANN Baking PowBRILLO, for 15 terrible moment, do not read der, lb. 40 CASHMERE SOAP, Ige.
full awareness of their res 25 ROBINSON BARLEY, tin 50 uonsibility for the fate of th TUNA FISH, tin 50 SHRIMP, tin 50 peoples, who feed hatred ar TOILET PAPER, roll NUGGET POLISH, tin 80 045 conflicts aomng them, wł FLOOR POLISH, Ib.
GOLD MEDAL FLOUR, 16. 50 45 build their power upon inju tice, who oppress and tormer PALACE SARDINES, tin 00 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM, the unarmed and innocent SODA BISCUITS, 1b. 00 tube 00 ANTORCHA SAFETY MATCHES We offer you not only lower prices, but also corre weight, courtesy and fresh to sell at cents a Box guaranteed merchandise Sole Wholesale Distributor LA PROVEEDORA Limón ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ SAN JOSE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
English Tweeds Sergs vation Armya was telected speak for her group, was strength need not fear genero clearly seenthat there is LA PROVEEDORA

    World War

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