
Saturday, October 2nd. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 WAZI TOS a SO AT THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD tend its congratulations to our MINISTER OF EDUCAIN MEMORIAM On a lap of earth, in the local Cemetery, TION TO RETIRE lies that which perisheth and decayeth of BROWNE ABRAHAMS It is currently rumoured MRS. ISABELLA THORPE that Attorney don Luis DeVENTA DE MERCADERIAS metrio Tinoco, the Minister WHO LEFT US, TODAY, ONE YEAR AGO of Education, will shortly be DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR She was nobly loving; more a foster mother than relinguishing his important fraternal associate. Black Tea. as she was position, in order it is believApartado 362 dearly called, was always willing to do the best she ed to actively pa ticipate in could for humanity. Hers was a heart which throbbed the present electoral camLIMON for the affliction of others. In her breast was, obviously, every human sympathy The fondest memory paign.
will ever be cherished for her.
the contracting parties and HER FAMILIAR GREEN TEA From an estemed colla ched to the San Jose Church wishes them all the joys borator we have the infor The Atlantic Voice a and prospery of a long a mation that a high society dopts this medium to ex marriage life.
THE RECENT ANGLICAN SYNOD wedding will be in evidenанонімник: Елицалиндік ce, this evening, at the It is with pleasure we find It has been stated that the Church of the Good Shep PREPARE OUR YOUTHS FOR FUTURE TASKS ourselves in a position to gi election of the Bishop was not herd of the Anglican Deno ve our esteemed readers the undertaken by the Synod, the mination in San Jose. Over the present turmoil, on bombed shocked and warfollowing information regard motter being delegated to the The outstanding contrac of materialism and the pitchy crippled Europe, Africa and ing the Anglican Syonid held new Arch Bishop of the West ting parties are Miss Mary days of terrible warfare, we Asia.
recently at Belize, Honduras Indies, the Rt. Rev. Dunn Jamison, Dietician of believe a new day will dawn a We of this section of the The opening service took Anstey, Bishop of Tri the Pan. American Highday which will bring a civi universe must be ready to place on the 29th August. Inidad since 1918, with the way Hospital, and Captain lization to demand more of supply the architects, the buil The a. service was, we assistance of the Bishops of Jack Raymond Gustafson, us. fresh realization of hu ders and, perchance too, the learn, conducted by the Rev. the Domain.
Physician of the United Sta man needs will be made mani spiritual leaders. It behoves, Evans of this city. The The Rev. J. Evans was tes Medical Corps. The ma fest and the law of action us, then, to effectively prepare Ven. Arch Deacon Cooper, for the Celebrant at Holy Com rriage ceremony will be per and reaction will be much in our boys of today for the merly of the Canal Zone munion given at a. in formed by the Rev. Ja evidence. Despite the clamour great task to be undertaken Central America Diocese, now the Belize Cathedral on the mes Evans, Rural Dean of for universal freedom and huThere are hundreds in retired and residing in Guate 5th. September. He also con Costa Rica Panama, assis man liberties, there must be midst, seemingly physically mala, was the preacher a: ducted the p. service, ted by the Rev. Cooper, civil, industrial, religious, so fit though intellectually weak the evening service, that day, at St. Mary On who is temporarily atta cial and other disabilities. As a means of helping in The Synod deliberations September the 12th, he prea throughout all the war trod the preparation of at least were commenced the follow ad at St. Mary an dat ihe FRESCARIA MAYO den countries, during the ear some of these lads, we suggest ing day, August 30th. the Cathedral. Due to defective 25 Miles. The Abaca Centerlier post war period. The resto the establishment of the Celebrant being, His Lordship. electrical arrangements, the Fresh and pure Frescos of all ration of some of the pre war Apprentice system at the loBishop Douglas Wilson, the War Service had to be con kinds prepared to meet cold acting Administrator. The aducted by the Dean in the or warm Season. Meals. Sand order of things and the esta caj Railway Shops. Many of genda was. will the men who are now holding Prayer; Appoint Cathedral, on the 15th wiches and other Eats cook blishme. of new ones ment of Scrutinizers by the 30 under candle light. housewives can buy fruits Gled with rich flavour. Here the not be effected by leaps and their own in the mechanical Administrator; Presentation of We are assured that among all sort elso a large variety of be justifiable for us, in this here and abroad, have graof bounds, and it wil) hardly and other professions, both Credentials by Representati the very pleasing contacts ef vegetables from Cartago ves; Report of Scrutinizers, fected by our Rural Dean we WATSON HAPPY GOwestern hemisphere, to leave duated from these same Shops Roll Call; Standing Pules of re those with the retired Arch. LUCKY WILL ALWAYS the gigantic programme of reduring the lengthened period Order; Reading of the Man Bishop Dunn and and many of SATISFY YOUR TASTE construction and reformation of a former Management.
date from the Primate, decla This old students from the Caring the See vacant. The Ad thedral School at Army Camps, ministrator address to Synod, He also visited Curazo wliere UNDE The Synod to proceed to the the recent hurricons did ruchi election of a Bishop according damage and took nine lives. the prescribed methods.
NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY FERROCARRIL DE COSTA RICA WASHERS DROPPING FROM THE AXIS AVISO As, the outcome of Ponemos en conocimiento del estimable público que por motimeeting not so very long ago, ing a separate peace with between vo del elevado costa de tracción y del costo extraordinario de Benito the Allied Nations, through Musso. ini. and Adolf Hit er at the fa themedium of Turkey, with la operación general del Ferro carril, desde el de Octubre mous Brenner Pass, the Axis the promise of co operating próximo en adelante la tarifa de pasaje en los trenes será de suffered the loss of its prin with the Al ied programme; 107 por milla en primera clase y 0757 por milla en cipal washer; for, on the Nazi and from Madrid comes the segunda clase.
Dictator declining to grant the news that efforts are stirrSan José, Setiembre 20, 1943. GREEN, Gerente Fascist leader additional pro ing in Bulgaria to use the tection in men and material good offices of the Turks to against the threatened inva enable that country making sion of the Italian Peninsu its peace with the United ar with her former partnering and were the Al ied forces, the Nazis backwards toward Jar by the Allied Nations, Mu Powers. Italy is of course at and her territory the scene are not only registering new the northern, regions where of some of the fiercest fight gains but are rapidly driving the final battle will be lought.
ssolini quitted his high and dignified office.
Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la ne: ol dorso We beg to call your ottention to our remark at the back Two more washers, and pos de su recibo que dice: of receip! witch reads: sibly a third, have slackenThis will must be paid at our office before ed and likely to fall away at Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the Orn. of the month any moment, de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Finland in reported to be Be so gou as to comply with this request and do not Le rogainos recordas esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena lige us to suspend our service, a step which fully convinced of the imposde tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
sibility of militarily defeating the Soviet Union; while Rumanian diplomatic repre sentatives are said to be pre paring the way for conclud LOWASSA the COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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