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PAGE 12 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, October, 2nd. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN goon bạch canno sut treSHARING COMMON HOME GUARD THE FOUNDATIONS GERMANY DARK SECRET 102 TASKS READY SINK CRUMBLES German propagandists star the about secret weapons. TE We really went to war. to The Home Guard, now irits That peculiar and fatel blight As the fortress Europe crum were all the rage during the tal war in May, 1940, when fourth year of life, is on the which the Germans have carried bles under fierce Allied air zes against the Low countries ar Mr. Churchill formed a coali threshold of the most momentous with them wherever they have attacks, it becomes clearer every France but, as the tide of tion government that was im phase of its existence. The Uni gone is agair dramatically man. day that our bomber squadrons changed, the spectre was tran mediately voted enormous pow. ted Nations are on the offensive. Test, in almost the same mo have succeeded in finding and ferred to the other side t!
ers by Parliament.
More and more men from the ment, at the two opposite ends on hitting one of Germany most vul Germans started talking With the greatest military ma. Field abt Force go overseas.
chine known to history The Hitler dark, tottering and tor rerable spats. Up until recently our secret weapons. They just Ome Guard, now ained and mented empire. On the Black Sea the chief bell eyes have been more and more scared abo twenty one miles away and some efficiert, grows in importance the people whom he tried to war plants; but now, in addition, them. German officers in Rom times above our heads we had to create a war effort ade counter attack, whether by air an as Britain body guard against manipulate through the coils of our bomb bays are opening up me Afrika Corps ther began alliance with Nazism are more and more against the Ger receive complaints about the us quate to turn the country at borne troops.
once into a fortress and an ar. boteurs, or parachutist sa seething angrily. Or the Bal man transportation system. 10 by our side of a secret weapon seaborne invasion. the the last remaining pretense comotives, locomotive senal. a vast production plant Able bcdied men rallied from ev of Danish indeper dence and so railways plants, an automatic gun; a piece of a and larder. Something new centers ard inland tillery constructed like a gigan has been succesfully accomplished.
ery town and village, ready to vereignty is crushed with the sa waterways. In the face of a se bren gun. The oflicers went die if the threatened All Government moves were hea invasion me peremptory ruthlessness which cond front, which is already a frort to investigate only, accord vily backed by public opinion.
came to pass, Day after day went the Nazis have used upon so me reality in the Mediterranean, ing to one report, to beat a rati Tremendous powers of by. Every compul hour was used to ny other states and peoples. The and a third front in the west er hasty retreat for there in which is imminent even as write indeed one gun sion have been used sparingly, train and to arm. But the task situations in Denmark and firing contin simply because the people rent or Sitting out an army that had Bulgaria no doubt very different Hitler and his generals are up ously and at great speed with that the Government was expres scrong into life in a night was in detail reveal Nazisin pro against one of the biggest pro precisior and a rhythm that ce sing their own will.
whole war.
Mobilizaherculean. That which remained found inability to claim any alle blems of the For tainly spoke of some amazia tion of manpower, the entire has now, to a great extent, been giance save that of the pistol Germany overburdened trans new mechanical control. Aft reorganization of industry and done. The stepping up of Home Foirt, to create any order save port lines are the very nerve cor sultation the Germans se business by limitation of Guard training during the past that of murder and robbery, to certers of the Fortress Europe. Jout scouts with instructions sup piſes and labor, various rationing year shows how in three years offer anything to European men if we succeed in destroying a investigate the gun at close ran, schemes, price fixing, taxation a part time force has been and womer save misery and con considerable part of them, or but not to disclose themselve OP profits and income, cor:trol of brought into a high state of mi fusion, the certainty of enslave even in disrupting them for cer These scouts were agriculture. all these have been litary effectiveness. There are ment to Germany insatiate tain periods of time, then the again, breathless and somewh thorough and ruthless, but, they now three Home For greed and desperation as the pres conquest of Europe may be tre discomforted. The reason the have been accepted, and even ces Schools, to which are sure rises, the specter of irre. mendously accelerated and the had to report that the demanded by the British people attached 26 Travelling Wings and trievable defeat at the end. The lives of hurdreds of thousands of was not automatie; it was nothij because they realized that their ore Street Fighting Wing, all of result was one lorg series of Anericans saved. British more than an ordinary Government had one huge task which are manned, buy regular robberies, encroachments and broadcast addressed to Frer. ch fired by a Negro unit with in common and this was the sen officers and other ranks. So enslavements. Even in Dermark workers said that the Royal precision that it appeared to sible way to get it dore. If you advanced is the training in tactics Germany could create nothing Air Force aims at smashing automatic!
are in an open boat with only a ara the use of weapors at these save bitter hatred and popular railway traffic in France as well few days supply you do not schools, that trainees are taught resistance. These have been flamas in Germary. You must reali SPEECHES complain of because food and wa the same battle drill as the ing op So fiercely in recent ze. the London broadcast told ter are being carefully measured Field Force. fair number of week as a sign of the new hope the French kers, the Mr. Attlee, Deputy Prin and rationed. Although we have s. have gone through battle that has been stiwing everywhere mendous importance of the Minister: given the Government these eror inoculation courses. Intersive in the dark empire with the ad railroads for German troop am not going to tell yo mous powers, we have also training has beer: given in the vance of the Allied arms, just transports, The British air attack that the war is over, but it is created a series of checks and use of the Sten, Rifle, North as the rising pressures in Bulgo will be directed chiefly against. very different scene from thre balances. for example, the ap over, Spigot, Lewis and other ria are a sign of the rew fears German railways, against 10 years ago. Everywhere we peal committees in connection guns, besides shooting with a with the mobilization of man. fle on the range.
ri that are assailing the rulers and comotives and freight cars, and or, the attack, and in war it politicians who trusted themsel will be continuously intesified. always the unexpected that hap power. that safeguard the in ves to the new order. Ano pens. While do rot think th terests of the individual. There NEGROES VERSUS both together are a sign of how SOLDIERS AT war is going to end immedis are no secret police listenirg in and noting our names. Britain is deeply the whole edifice of Ger tely cannot help rememberin NAZIS man tyranny is being shaken SCHOOL more democratic than she what happened in the last wa has ever been before. The sheer ne.
The gangsters who raised it will We are fighting for the full util Negroes don just sit in bom light with the last ferocity to summer school at the sation of abundance and a fu cessities of the war effort have bers showing levels of cutlure, retain their grip; they will use University of London for mem life dor all.
ironed out the grosser inequali. they are out there alone in their ary brutality on their own peo bers of the Forces of the United Mr. Arthur Greenwood, ties. The rich are worse off and tighters, tearing the poor are far better off. The waffe itself, and they have only themselves, ard the fight irto the Luft ple or on others in order to save Nations now in Britain has just Unless we are to be robbed difference between classes may ended. The course extended over the fruits of a righteous victor now just begun. At Tuskegee means far less. Social philosoph hundreds in trairing and are still be long. But the foundation Pour weeks and during the last we must rot only plan row fo every are already nking beneath them.
week the number attending was the future hut must take ers point out, that in a classless society is impossible to achieve, tough postgraduate courses and day they are passing out of the early double those of the first mediate action in many nation: week. In addition to lectures on and international directions.
because it may be necessary for into active fighting squadrons.
the common good that new clas. We can therefore confidently ex TRANSPORT rh subjects as international Colonel Harold Mitchell, relations and international law, Would it be wise to revert ses should emerge. pect to hear further whimpera GUIDERS WILL Great Britain, the Dominions and the old style political warfai from the Nazi high Priests in ATTACK Turcpe, the program for each the moment Germany and Ital coming morths.
week included visits to Brit sh have KINDLY HIMMLER been defeated ever aational institutions. The courses perhaps, while the fighting wit have been attended Heinrich Himmler, Su persofica FEARFUL QUISLINGS Prospects of an Ali ed invasion by Ameri Japan is still in progress?
tion of the cruelties and persecuof Europe focus attention on the ans, Belgians, Canadians, Czechs, rely the preparation of the peas tions of the National Socialist re The Quislings of Europe are tactical and technical uses Dutch, French, Poles and Yugos settlement is a task for the san avs as well as by members of national co operation as gime in Germany because of his beginning to feel afraid. In 1940 e glider an integral part of ruthless use of the Gestapo, was they were so confident that they the equipment of any army. The the British Forces, including the active prosecution on the war.
women services.
eulogized as a kindly gentleman were on the winning side. Now air trailer. is both a striking of quick sympathy for the humble they glance fearfully over their weapon and a air supply truck. the answer to wh. ch method of AIRMEN COUNTER and deep understanding of his gel shoulders, and cling closely toge The glider may lead off an operation is preferable, grest lowmer. in a Berlin broadcast ther for comfort, and would, if attack by landing troops, we point about a glider is its abili TROPICAL PESTS political commentator for the possible renounce their party. The pons and equipment at a vital ty to alight in a contined space.
Nazi propaganda agency, Trans rats are beginning to find their strategic point. It can follow Spoilers are fitted to the Br tish entomologists ard age ocean News, discussing Himmler paws getting wet. The bitterness up this work by carryirg sup wings which break dowr the lift cultural experts are fighting ple appointmen as Minister of the and scorn of the peoples of Eu plies up to the frort from the when required so that the anglegues from Egypt and the Suda Interior to succeed Dr. Wilhelm rope is starting to find an outlet back areas and delivering them of glide and nking speed can to the frontiers of India. Recor Frick, was entrusted with the safely into fields impossible for be governed with extraordinary naissance aircraft search for le task of explaining the elevation added that his appointment com operation by any orber form of precision once the glider has been custs and wher, they are locate of the man under whose direc pletes a political development aircrait. The glider towed by an cast loose. With his spoilers and Russian and A, planes il tion thousands of enemies of the which had been foreshadowed air transport can lift a big load wing flaps the glider pilot can over the territory spraying th Nazi state were iquidated or for some time. Such is the Hun for a short range at slow speed control his rate of descent. Ar swarms with arsenical sent to cor. cer tration camps. The idea, but we British are justified with a very short anding. The approach is usually made atpourds, Reconnaissance has to commentator described Himmler in thirkirg that this merely means transport aircraft must operate about 70 ard the touch carried out at a height of 20 as one krowr. for treating the a greater oppresion by the Ge from prepared airfields. So, whe down at about 50 The 30 feet and spraying has to simplest man with just as much stapo and a few more thousands re transport aircraft and gliders glider pulls up quickly and outdone at dawn from aircraft Ilyin.
Sympathy and understand of socalled decent Germans put are both available to an air for leap troops or the unloading of not more than feet from th ing as the highest official. and into the concentration camps: ce the tactical situation provides cargo begins at once.
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